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\title{A Sample Foils Document}
\author{Jim Hafner\\IBM Research Division\\Almaden Research Center\\
\date{\today} \leftheader{Jim Hafner} \rightheader{\foiltexdate}
\Restriction{Is this for a restricted audience?}

This is where an abstract might go if you want one.  There is usually
not a lot of room for much here.

\FoilTeX\ is fully integrated with \LaTeXe\ so that the supported \texttt{color}
package (part of the \texttt{graphics} package) is the preferred way to use colors.

For examples, see the \texttt{graphics} package documentation.

You can still use the old \texttt{colordvi} package that comes with Rokicki's
\texttt{dvips}, but some things won't work exactly as expected (except in
compatibility mode).