%%  Ein DANTE-Edition Beispiel
%%  Beispiel 01-01-6 auf Seite 7.
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  \scalebox{1}[1.2]{\Huge\color{section1}Graphics with}
  \scalebox{1}[1.2]{\huge\color{section1} \textsf{PSTricks}}\\[9pt]\fi
\scalebox{1}[1.15]{\Large\bfseries Online \LaTeX{} Tutorial}\\[6pt]
\scalebox{1}[1.15]{\huge\bfseries Part II -- Graphics}\\
  \copyright2002, The Indian \TeX{} Users Group\\
  This document is generated by \textsc{pdf}\TeX{} with hyperref,
  pstricks, pdftricks and pdfscreen packages in an intel \textsc{pc}
  running \textsc{gnu/linux} and is released under \textsc{lppl}
     {\bfseries The Indian \TeX{} Users Group}\\
      \footnotesize Floor \textsc{iii, sjp} Buildings, Cotton Hills\\
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\chapter{Graphics with PSTricks}
\LaTeX\ has only limited drawing capabilities, while Post\-Script is a
page description language which has a rich set of drawing commands;
and there are programs (such as \textsf{dvips}) which translate the
\texttt{dvi} output to Post\-Script. So, the natural question is whether
one can include pure PostScript code in a \TeX\ source file itself for
programs such as \textsf{dvips} to process after the \TeX\
compilation? This is the idea behind the \textsf{PSTricks} package of
Timothy Van Zandt. The beauty of it is one need not know PostScript to
use it---the necessary PostScript code can be generated by \TeX\
macros defined in the package.
\section{Getting the points}
Any picture is drawn by stringing together appropriate points. How do
we specify the points we need? We've a method of specifying each point
in a plane using a pair of numbers, thanks to the
17\textsuperscript{th} century French mathematicians Pierre de Fermat
and Ren\'e Descartes. The method is to fix a pair of perpendicular
lines (called \emph{axes}) and label each point with the numbers
representing its distance from these two points (called
\emph{coordinates}) as shown in the figure below: