ams-alph.bst  BibTeX style file, see below
ams-pln.bst   BibTeX style file, see below
amsart.tpl    AMS article template for one author, Section 8.4
article.tpl   article template for one author, Section 1.8
article2.tpl  article template for two authors, Section 1.8
fonttbl.tex   font table generator, Section 2.4.4
gallery.tex   formulas of the Formula Gallery, Section 1.5
german.tex    Babel with the german option, Appendix E
ggamsart.tpl  personalized template for amsart document class, Section 8.4
ggart.tpl     article.tpl personalized, Section 1.8
ggart2.tpl    article2.tpl personalized, Section 1.8
gratzer       locator document
inbibl.tpl    templates for bibliographic entries, Section 6.5.1
intrart.tex   introductory sample article, Section 1.7
intrarti.tex  introductory sample article, Section 11.1
lattice.sty   personalized file for user defined commands, Section 9.3
letter.tex    sample letter, Section 7.2
master.tex    master document for svsing6 book class, Appendix F
math.tex      first note with math, Section 1.2.1
mathb.tex     first note with math with mistakes, Section 1.2.2
multiline.tpl formulas in Chapter 5
note1.tex     first note, Section 1.1.2
note1b.tex    note1.tex with lines too long, Section 1.1.3
note2.tex     second note, Section 1.1.4
noteslug.tex  note1b.tex with slug, Section 1.1.3
sampart.tex   AMS sample article, Section 8.3
sampartb.bib  bibliographic database file for sampartb.tex, Section 10.2.1
sampartb.tex  AMS sample article to be used BibTeX, Section 10.2.1
sampartu.tex  AMS sample article with user defined commands, Section 9.4
sample.html   sample HTML code, Section 14.1
svsing6.cls   a book class of Springer-Verlag, New York, used in Appendix F   
template.bib  sample entry types in a bibliographic database file, Section 10.1.1
textenv.tpl   text environments in Chapter 3 and custom lists in Section 9.6
topmat.tpl    AMS top-matter samples, Section 8.2.5

In Chapter 10, the examples were made with the AMS bibliographic style file,
amsplain.bst. Oren Patashnik pointed out a very minor error in both 
AMS bibliographic style files: The "in" used in cross-referencing is capitalized.
ams-alph.bst and ams-pln.bst are identical with version 1.2c of the AMS BibTeX style files, 
except that this error was corrected.

On CTAN, there is one more file: gratzer, so that users searching for gratzer on CTAN find 
the directory in which these files are placed.