%%  A DANTE-Edition example
%%  Example 06-00-18 on page 187.
%%  Copyright (C) 2010 Herbert Voss
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.
%% ==== 
% Show page(s) 1

\usepackage{booktabs,dcolumn,ragged2e} \newcolumntype{N}{>{\footnotesize}l}
\newcolumntype{d}[1]{D{.}{,}{#1}}  \newcommand\mc[2]{\multicolumn{1}{#1}{#2}}

  & \multicolumn{8}{N}{Zum Umsetzen} & \\\cmidrule(lr){2-9}
  & \multicolumn{4}{N}{von Frequenzen im} & \multicolumn{4}{N}{auf Frequenzen im} \\
\mc{@{}N}{Type} & \mc{P{3em}}{Fernsehbereich} & \multicolumn{2}{N}{Kanal} & \mc{N}{MHz}
  & \mc{P{3em}}{Fernsehbereich} & \multicolumn{2}{N}{Kanal} & \mc{N}{MHz}
  & \mc{P{2em}@{}}{Bauform}\\
SAFE 381 WK & F I   &  2 &  4 & 174 & F III & 5 & 12 & 174 & DO \\
SAFE 382 WK & F II  &  5 & 12 &  68 & F I   & 2 &  4 &  47 & DO \\
SAFE 383 WK & F III & 21 & 38 & 174 & F III & 5 & 12 & 174 & ES \\
SAFE 384 WK & F IV  & 42 & 48 &  47 & F III & 5 & 12 & 174 & ET \\\bottomrule