%%  A DANTE-Edition example
%%  Example 06-00-32 on page 196.
%%  Copyright (C) 2010 Herbert Voss
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.
%% ==== 
% Show page(s) 1,2
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% adapt maybe
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% adapt maybe
\usepackage{etex}           % to be able to use labels
\usepackage[savepos,user]{zref}  % to save the current position
\usepackage{fltpoint}       % floating point arithmetics
\usepackage{calc}           % for the \widthof command
\usepackage{numprint}       % formatted output of numbers
\usepackage{eurosym}        % Euro sign
% global settings for numprint
\npstyleenglish     % English number formatting
\nprounddigits{2}   % two decimal places
\npreplacenull{---} % hyphen instead of decimal zeros

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%commands to calculate the intermediate sums%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%PlainTeX hack for positioning of intermediate sums%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\makeatletter  % allow the at sign in variables
% provide variables

% calculate the current value of the intermediate sum and save it
  \printval{#1}%   immediate output of the value
  \addintsum{#1}%  add the passed value to the intermediate sum
  \expandafter\ltm@setmarks\expandafter{\intsum}% save intermediate sum

% save current position

% output intermediate sum
    \vbox to\z@{%
            \zsavepos{tabende\thepage}%   % save current position
            % subtract current position and add saved one
            \advance \drx by -\zposx{tabende\thepage}sp
            \advance \drx by \zposx{zwsumpos\thepage}sp
            \advance \dry by -\zposy{tabende\thepage}sp
            \advance \dry by \zposy{zwsumpos\thepage}sp
                   \hbox{\makebox[\widthof{ \euro}][r]{%
                   \printval{#1} \euro}}%

% output of the carry
% like output of the intermediate sum, but without saved position
    \vbox to\z@{%
            % subtract position of end of table
            \advance \drx by -\zposx{tabende\thepage}sp
            \advance \drx by \zposx{zwsumpos\thepage}sp
            \advance \dry by -\zposy{tabende\thepage}sp
            \advance \dry by \zposy{zwsumpos\thepage}sp
                   % The actual output. Right-aligned and translated by the
                   % width of the Euro sign.
                   \hbox{\makebox[\widthof{ \euro}][r]{%
                   \printval{#1} \euro}}%


% overwrite the output routines of longtable
  \ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@Mi
    \ifnum\outputpenalty > -\LT@end@pen
      \LT@err{floats and marginpars %
              not allowed in a longtable}\@ehc
      \ifdim \ht\LT@lastfoot>\ht\LT@foot
\makeatother    % disallow at sign in variables
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%end plaintex hack%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


  left & right
  carry & \\
  intermediate sum: & \MarkIntSumPos \\
  sum: &\MarkIntSumPos \\
  An arbitrary introductory text at the start of the column\ldots.
    & \Val{1,00} \\
  b & \Val{2,1}  \\
  c & \Val{3,4}  \\
  d & \Val{4,5}  \\
  e & \Val{5,6}  \\
  f & \Val{6,7}  \\
  g & \Val{7,8}  \\
  h & \Val{8,9}  \\
  i & \Val{9,42} \\
  j & \Val{10,88}\\
  k & \Val{15,76}