%%  A DANTE-Edition example
%%  Example 06-00-44 on page 210.
%%  Copyright (C) 2010 Herbert Voss
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.
%% ==== 
% Show page(s) 1


\begin{tabular}{@{} r @{\kern2pt} yyy x y x yyy @{}}\toprule
 &\mc{CSY} &\mc{Ezaki}  &\mc{Holz}&\mc{Maddison}&\mc{Wong}    &\mc{Chow}  &\mc{Wang}
   &\mc{Scheibe}&\mc{IMF} \\
 &\mc{}    &\mc{and Sun}&\mc{}    &\mc{}        &\mc{and Chan}&\mc{and Li}&\mc{and Yao}
   &\mc{}       & \mc{}\\
 &\mc{2006}&\mc{1999}   &\mc{2005}&\mc{2007}    &\mc{2003}    &\mc{2002}  &\mc{2003}
   &\mc{2003}   & \mc{}\\\midrule
1978 & 11.7 &\mc{} & 11.7 &  7.71 &\mc{} &  7.60 &  7.6 &  7.6 &\mc{} \\
1979 &  7.6 &\mc{} &  7.6 &  3.37 &\mc{} &  7.81 &  7.8 &  7.6 &\mc{} \\
1980 &  7.8 &\mc{} &  7.8 &  5.98 &\mc{} &  5.26 &  5.2 &  5.2 &  7.9 \\
1981 &  5.2 &  5.2 &  5.2 &  7.52 &  5.3 &  9.01 &  9.1 &  9.1 &  4.7 \\
1982 &  9.1 &  9.3 &  9.1 &  8.48 & 12.1 & 10.89 & 10.9 & 10.9 &  9.1 \\
1983 & 10.9 & 11.2 & 10.9 & 12.45 &  9.6 & 15.18 & 15.2 & 15.2 & 10.9 \\\bottomrule
% \mc{} in empty cells to prevent output of the % character