%% The LaTeX Companion, 2ed (second printing August 2004)
%% Example 3-3-22 on page 143.
%% Copyright (C) 2004 Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens,
%%    Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.


% FAKE: definition for \cite to fit book bibliography !!!
% FAKE: in real life this example should have a bibliography!!!

\newtheoremstyle{citing}%  Name
  {3pt}{3pt}%              Space above and below
  {\itshape}%              Body font
  {\parindent}{\bfseries}% Heading indent and font
  {.}%                     Punctuation after heading
  { }%   Space after head (" " = normal interword space)
  {\thmnote{#3}}%          Typeset note only, if present
\theoremstyle{citing}   \newtheorem*{varthm}{}
\begin{varthm}[Theorem 3.16 in \cite{Knuth90}]
By focusing on small details, it is possible to
understand the deeper significance of a passage.