%% The LaTeX Companion, 2ed (second printing August 2004)
%% Example 8-8-4 on page 510.
%% Copyright (C) 2004 Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens,
%%    Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.

%% Examples normally use Times, but here we explicitly
%% want Computer Modern:
%% Also the math axis in the headings is slightly too low,
%% so here is a little command that allows you to change font dimens
%% using NFSS conventions. You are welcome to use it, but be sure you
%% understand the implications when messing with these things :-)
%% No support!
   \edef\font@name{\csname #2/#3/#4/#5/#6\endcsname}%


\newcommand\bfB{\mathbf{B}}   \newcommand\bfx{\mathbf{x}}
\bmdefine\bpi{\pi}            \bmdefine\binfty{\infty}
\section{The bold equivalence
  $\sum_{j < B} \prod_\lambda : \bm{\sum_{x_j} \prod_\lambda}$}
  B_\infty + \pi B_1 \sim  \bfB_{\binfty} \bm{+}\bpi \bfB_{\bm{1}}
    \bm {\sim B_\infty + \pi B_1}                                   \\
  B_\binfty + \bpi B_{\bm{1}} \bm{\in} \bm{\biggl\lbrace}
    (\bfB, \bfx) : \frac {\partial \bfB}{\partial \bfx}
    \bm{\lnapprox} \bm{1} \bm{\biggr\rbrace}