%% The LaTeX Companion, 2ed (second printing August 2004)
%% Example 9-4-3 on page 576.
%% Copyright (C) 2004 Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens,
%%    Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.

    \multicolumn1{c}{\itshape Input} &  \multicolumn1{c}{\itshape  Result}  &
    \multicolumn1{c}{\itshape Input} &  \multicolumn1{c}{\itshape  Result}  \\[3pt]
    \verb='"i `"i '"u `"u= & \GR{'"i `"i '"u `"u} & & \\
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      \verb=>`A >`E >`H >`I >`O >`U >`W= & \GR{>`A\,>`E\,>`H\,>`I\,>`O\,>`U\,>`W}\\
    \verb=>'a >'e >'h >'i >'o >'u >'w= & \GR{>'a\,>'e\,>'h\,>'i\,>'o\,>'u\,>'w} &
      \verb=>'A >'E >'H >'I >'O >'U >'W= & \GR{>'A\,>'E\,>'H\,>'I\,>'O\,>'U\,>'W}\\
    \verb=<`a <`e <`h <`i <`o <`u <`w= & \GR{<`a\,<`e\,<`h\,<`i\,<`o\,<`u\,<`w} &
      \verb=<`A <`E <`H <`I <`O <`U <`W= & \GR{<`A\,<`E\,<`H\,<`I\,<`O\,<`U\,<`W}\\
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      \verb=<'A <'E <'H <'I <'O <'U <'W= & \GR{<'A\,<'E\,<'H\,<'I\,<'O\,<'U\,<'W}\\
    \verb=>~a >~h >~i >~u >~w= & \GR{>~a\,>~h\,>~i\,>~u\,>~w} &
      \verb=>~A >~H >~I >~U >~W= & \GR{>~A\,>~H\,>~I\,>~U\,>~W}\\
    \verb=<~a <~h <~i <~u <~w= & \GR{<~a\,<~h\,<~i\,<~u\,<~w} &
      \verb=<~A <~H <~I <~U <~W= & \GR{<~A\,<~H\,<~I\,<~U\,<~W}\\