X-ListName: TeX-Related Network Discussion List <INFO-TeX@SHSU.edu> Subject: List Of TeX Tutorials As Of 5.18.93 From: "Tundra" Tim Daneliuk <tundra@eskimo.chi.il.us> Organization: TundraWare Message-ID: <9305181813.AA18821@eskimo.chi.il.us> Date: 18 May 93 18:13:36 CST (Tue) List Of TeX-Related Tutorials As Of 05.18.93 ============================================ Herein is a list of tutorials on TeX-related subjects. If you are the author of such a document and that document is freely available (public domain, GNU Copyleft, etc.) please feel free to email me the information in the format defined below and I'll include it in the next revision of this list. Also, if any of the information is incorrect, misleading, or otherwise needs amending, please let me know. Thanks to all who have contributed. ---------------------------- Submission Format ------------------------------ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: <Title Of Document> Latest Version: <Version Number And/Or Date> Author Name: <Last Name, First Name> Author Email Address: <Optional, If You Don't Want To Be Pestered> Size (Bytes): <Or Pages> Brief Description: <One Line Please> Intended Audience: <Novice, Advanced, Specialist In Some Discipline, etc.> Distribution Site: <Primary ftp Site> Comments: <Whatever Makes Sense Here - Try To Keep It Under 50 Lines Or So> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------- Beginning Of Tutorial List ------------------------- Document Name: Application Of NFSS In The Context Of Latex Latest Version: January 1993 Author Name: {\.Z}bikowski, Rafa{\l} Author Email Address: Not Available Size (Bytes): ~40K Brief Description: A FAQ containing two embedded LaTeX documents Intended Audience: Newcomers to the New Font Selection Scheme and amsfontsS no (La)TeX expertise assumed. Distribution Site niord.shsu.edu: [FILESERV.FAQ]FAQ.NFSS-LATEX Comments: The purpose of this document is to describe briefly AmSFonts and the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) in the context of LaTeX. The issues addressed are as follows. AmSFonts: What are AmSFonts? Where to get AmSFonts from? How to install AmSFonts for LaTeX? New Font Selection Scheme: What is the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS)? Why to use NFSS? Where to get NFSS from? How to install NFSS? How to use NFSS to install AmSFonts for LaTeX? Also: How can NFSS and AmSFonts be used in practice? (Examples.) The questions are attempted to be answered from user's point of view as opposed to (La)TeXpert's/designer's. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: A Catalogue of TeX Macros Latest Version: Author Name: Jones, David Author Email Address: dmjones@theory.lcs.mit.edu Size (Bytes): 367136 Brief Description: A Catalogue of TeX Macros. Intended Audience: Anyone who uses TeX. Distribution Site: theory.lcs.mit.edu: pub/tex/TeX-index Comments: The goal of this document is to provide a catalogue of all publicly-available TeX macros and macro packages, such as AMS-TeX, plain TeX, eplain, FoilTeX, LaTeX, AMS-LaTex, LAMS-TeX, Lollipop, etc. Although it is far from complete, it already contains nearly 1000 entries. (It also includes a section on BibTeX style files.) The author actively solicits contributions and greatly appreciates it when authors of macro packages send him updates or new entries. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: The Components of TeX Author Name: Joachim Schrod Author Email Address: schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de Size (Bytes): ca 30 KB Brief Description: It describes the components and files users of TeX get in contact with. Intended Audience: Not a document for beginners. For those who have used TeX for a while and wonder what all those files are good for. Distribution Site (ftp or uucp): ftp.th-darmstadt.de: pub/tex/documentation/components-of-TeX.tar.Z Comments: Also available from all larger TeX archives. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: elm.tex (Essential LaTeX Mathematics) Latest Version: (no version number - only one version) Author Name: Carlisle, David Author Email Address: carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk Size (Bytes): 18362 Brief Description: An addition to Essential LaTeX, describing mathematics. Intended Audience: Those with an interest in typesetting mathematics. Distribution Site: ftp.tex.ac.uk Comments: Does not describe mathematics under the NFSS. Uses the obsolete ms[xy]m fonts. Requires amssymbols.sty. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: A Gentle Introduction to TeX Latest Version: Author Name: Doob, Michael Author Email Address: mdoob@ccu.umanitoba.ca Size (Bytes): 198589 Brief Description: Introduction to plain tex. Intended Audience: Rank beginners. Distribution Site: Many (try gentle.tex on Archie) Comments: Hard copy also available from the TeX Users Group at a nominal cost. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: Getting Up And Running With AMS-LaTeX Latest Version: December 16,1992 Author Name: Hirschhorn, Phil Author Email Address: psh@math.mit.edu Size (Pages): 25 Brief Description: Overview of the American Mathematical Society version of LaTeX. Intended Audience: Intended for someone with at least some experience with either plain TeX, AMS-TeX, or LaTeX. Distribution Site: Contact author via email or use one of the following: pip.shsu.edu: tex-archive/documentation/amslatex-primer ftp.tex.ac.uk: pub/archive/documentation/amslatex-primer ftp.uni-stuttgart.de: soft/tex/documentation/amslatex-primer (File Names: amshelp.tex, template.tex) Comments: Attempts to give enough information for someone to get started with AMS-LaTeX without having to read the manual. Contains a template file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: An Introduction To TeX And Friends Latest Version: Author Name: Maltby, Gavin Author Email Address: gmaltby@unpcs1.cs.unp.ac.za maltby@unpsun1.cc.unp.ac.za Size (Bytes): 150405 Brief Description: An introduction to the TeX world through LaTeX. Covers text processing and mathematical typesetting. Far from a reference work, for there are many commands not even mentioned. Around 80 pages. Intended Audience: LaTeX beginners, especially those who want to typeset mathematics and proceed to AmSLaTeX Distribution Site: To Be Determined Comments: Prepared for short course given at University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. Prepared in great haste, so not ultimately polished. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: Metafont For Beginners Latest Version: draft 2, Fri 23 Oct 1992. Author Name: Tobin, Geoffrey Author Email Address: ecsgrt@luxor.latrobe.edu.au Size (Bytes): 15252 Brief Description: A brief overview of what Metafont is and does. Intended Audience: Moderately experienced TeX users Distribution Site: niord.shsu.edu Comments: Short and sweet, a great way to get started with Metafont. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: Simple drawings with METAFONT (drawing.tex) Latest Version: April 1993 Author Name: Wagner, Zdenek Author Email Address: wagner@csearn.bitnet (preferred) wagner@earn.cvut.cs Size (Bytes): 29392 Brief Description: Simple drawings with MF, inclusion into LaTeX documents Intended Audience: Slightly advance, knowledge of METAFONTbook not needed Distribution Site: cs.felk.cvut.cs, [pub.tex.doc]drawing.tex (user anonymous, password anonymous) Comments: The documents describes how to make simple drawings with METAFONT and how to include them in the LaTeX document. The document is available in the source form which must be run through METAFONT and LaTeX and printed. The descrobtion is brief so that it is necessary to look into the source code to see how it was done. To process the document, ``verbatim.sty'' is required. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: symbols.tex Latest Version: 2.00 Author Name: Carlisle, David Author Email Address: carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk Size (Bytes): 17594 Brief Description: A listing of all the standard LaTeX math symbols and the AMS symbols. Intended Audience: Those with an interest in typesetting mathematics. Distribution Site: ftp.tex.ac.uk, SHSU, stuttgart Comments: If used with the NFSS, requires AMSFONTS2.1, and amssymb.sty. If used without the NFSS, does not show the AMS Fonts. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Name: TeXsis -- TeX Macros for Physicists Latest Version: Author Name: Myers, Eric and Paige, Frank Author Email Address: texsis@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu Size (Bytes): 835584 (tar file) Brief Description: TeX macros extending Plain TeX Intended Audience: Physicists and others who write technical documents. Distribution Site: anonymous@lifshitz.ph.utexas.edu Comments: See the files README and INSTALL in the ftp directory. The manual is written in TeXsis, so you need the macros to print it. Partially a tutorial along with the macros necessary to help physicists make use of TeX effectively. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regards, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Tundra" Tim Daneliuk PREFERRED: tundra@eskimo.chi.il.us OR (Yuk!): eskimo!tundra@clout.chi.il.us ALSO: ...uunet!gargoyle.uchicago.edu!clout!eskimo!tundra US SNAIL: 4927 N. Rockwell, Chicago, IL 60625 MA BELL: (312) 989-1052 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------