.\" $Header: profile.l,v 1.1 88/01/15 12:58:31 simpson Rel $ .\" $Log: profile.l,v $ .\" Revision 1.1 88/01/15 12:58:31 simpson .\" initial release .\" .\" Revision 0.1 87/12/11 17:56:56 simpson .\" beta test .\" .TH PROFILE 3 TRW .UC 4 .SH NAME profile \- read/write configuration files .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include <stdio.h> .B #include <local/profile.h> .B PROFILE_STANZA *profile_read_stanza(f) .B FILE *f; .B PROFILE_STANZA *profile_read_profile(f) .B FILE *f; .B profile_write_stanza(f, s) .B FILE *f; .B PROFILE_STANZA *s; .B profile_write_profile(f, s) .B FILE *f; .B PROFILE_STANZA *s; .B profile_free_stanza(s) .B PROFILE_STANZA *s; .B PROFILE_MARKER *profile_has_marker(s, m) .B PROFILE_STANZA *s; .B char *m; .B PROFILE_STANZA *profile_has_stanza(s, marker) .B PROFILE_STANZA *s; .B char *marker[]; .B PROFILE_BINDING *profile_has_binding(s, b) .B PROFILE_STANZA *s; .B char *b; .B PROFILE_STANZA *profile_stanza_space() .B PROFILE_MARKER *profile_marker_space(n) .B int n; .B PROFILE_BINDING *profile_binding_space(n) .B int n; .B PROFILE_VALUE *profile_value_space(n) .B int n; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .I Profile_read_stanza reads a single stanza from a configuration file returning a pointer to the stanza if successful and NULL on error or end of file. A stanza is defined as: .nf .ta 1i +\w'typedef 'u typedef struct PROFILE_STANZA { PROFILE_MARKER *marker; PROFILE_BINDING *binding; struct PROFILE_STANZA *previous; struct PROFILE_STANZA *next; } PROFILE_STANZA; .fi .PP .I Marker and .I binding point to linked lists of markers and bindings respectively. If .I marker is .B NULL the stanza has no markers. If .I binding is .B NULL the stanza has no bindings. .I Previous and .I next are ignored and may be used to doubly link successive stanzas together. .DT .PP A marker is defined as: .nf .ta 1i +\w'typedef 'u typedef struct PROFILE_MARKER { char *text; struct PROFILE_MARKER *previous; struct PROFILE_MARKER *next; } PROFILE_MARKER; .fi .DT .PP .I Text is a string containing the literal text of the marker and is always nonempty. .IR Previous " (" next ) is a pointer to the previous (next) marker in the sequence. In the first (last) marker .IR previous " (" next ) is .BR NULL . .PP A binding is defined as: .nf .ta 1i +\w'typedef 'u typedef struct PROFILE_BINDING { char *name; PROFILE_VALUE *value; struct PROFILE_BINDING *previous; struct PROFILE_BINDING *next; } PROFILE_BINDING; .fi .DT .PP .I Name is the literal text of the name of the binding and is always nonempty. .I Value is a pointer to the list of values associated with the name. If .I value is .B NULL then the binding consists solely of a name with no associated value. .IR Previous " (" next ) points to the previous (next) binding in the sequence. In the first (last) binding .IR previous " (" next ) is .BR NULL . .PP A value is defined as: .nf .ta 1i +\w'typedef 'u +\w'union { 'u typedef struct PROFILE_VALUE { char class; union { long int i; double f; char c; char *s; } value; struct PROFILE_VALUE *previous; struct PROFILE_VALUE *next; } PROFILE_VALUE; .fi .DT .PP .I Class is always one of: .TP PROFILE_CHARACTER the value is a character constant contained in .IR c . .TP PROFILE_HEX the value is a hex constant contained in .IR i . .TP PROFILE_INTEGER the value is an integer constant contained in .IR i . .TP PROFILE_FLOAT the value is a real constant contained in .IR f . .TP PROFILE_OCTAL the value is an octal constant contained in .IR i . .TP PROFILE_STRING the value is a string constant contained in .IR s . .TP PROFILE_OTHER the value is not recognizably character, hex, integer, float, octal or string. The literal text is contained in .IR s . .PP .IR Previous " (" next ) points to the previous (next) value in the sequence. In the first (last) value .IR previous " (" next ) is .BR NULL . .PP .I Profile_read_profile reads an entire configuration file and builds a bi-directional, circularly linked list of stanzas using the .I previous and .I next pointers. The value returned is a pointer to the first stanza in the list. .PP .I Profile_write_stanza writes a stanza in a canonical form suitable for input by .IR profile_read_stanza . Markers are output one to a line. Each binding is indented by a single tab. Names and values are separated, one from the other, by a single blank. .PP .I Profile_write_profile writes all the stanzas in a linked list by applying .I profile_write_stanza to each stanza in the list. The list need not be doubly linked. .PP .I Profile_free_stanza frees all storage associated with a stanza. .PP .I Profile_has_marker searches the marker list of a stanza for a match to the given marker, .IR m . A pointer to the marker is returned on success and .B NULL on failure. .PP .I Profile_has_stanza searches a linked list of stanzas for a stanza that has all the markers in .I marker. .I Marker must be terminated by a null entry. .PP .I Profile_has_binding searches the binding list of a stanza for a binding with a match to the given name. A pointer to the binding is returned on success and .B NULL on failure. .PP The following routines are useful for constructing stanzas on the fly. .I Profile_stanza_space allocates storage for a stanza. .I Profile_marker_space allocates storage for a marker including sufficient space for .I n characters of text plus a terminating null byte. .I Profile_binding_space allocates storage for a binding including sufficient space for .I n characters of name text plus a terminating null byte. .I Profile_value_space allocates storage for a value. If .I n is positive and non-zero the component .IR value . s is initialized as a .IR n +1 character array. All of the above routines return a pointer on success and .B NULL on failure. All storage is zero filled. The routine .IR free (3) may be safely used to release storage allocated by these routines. .SH AUTHOR Michael Gorlick, TRW .SH SEE ALSO malloc(3), profile(5)