.\" $Header: standard.l,v 1.1 88/01/15 12:58:46 simpson Rel $ .\" $Log: standard.l,v $ .\" Revision 1.1 88/01/15 12:58:46 simpson .\" initial release .\" .\" Revision 0.1 87/12/11 17:57:01 simpson .\" beta test .\" .TH STANDARD 5 TRW .UC .SH NAME standard \- standard include file for portability .SH ORIGIN TRW .SH SYNOPSIS #include <local/standard.h> .SH DESCRIPTION .I Standard is a set of defines, macro definitions and typedefs that provide portable constructs and machine specific information for different machine architectures and C compilers. Basically, the include file is divided up into four sections: machine environment information, standard type definitions, useful constants and useful macros. .PP The environment of the computer a program is executing on is described by the following defines: .TP HAS_UNSIGNED_SHORT If defined, unsigned shorts are supported. .TP CHAR_IS_SIGNED If defined, chars are signed. .TP HAS_UNSIGNED_CHAR If defined, unsigned chars are supported. .TP HAS_UNSIGNED_LONG If defined, unsigned longs are supported. .TP HAS_VOID If defined, the void function type is supported. .TP BITS_PER_CHAR Defined as the number of bits in a char. .TP BITS_PER_SHORT Defined as the number of bits in a short. .TP BITS_PER_INT Defined as the number of bits in an int. .TP BITS_PER_LONG Defined as the number of bits in a long. .TP BITS_PER_POINTER Defined as the number of bits in a pointer. .PP There are a set of machine independent type definitions and macros. .TP Tiny A signed character type. .TP TINY(\fIx\fP) An extraction macro for a signed character. The value of the macro is an integer that will be sign extended if the most significant bit of the character is one. .TP UnsignedTiny An unsigned character type. .TP UNSIGNED_TINY(\fIx\fP) An extraction macro for an unsigned character. The value of the macro is an integer that will not be signed extended even if the most significant bit of the character is one. .TP Short Simply a short type. All compilers have a short type but this is included for lexical consistency. .TP UnsignedShort An unsigned short type. .TP UNSIGNED_SHORT(\fIx\fP) An extraction macro for an unsigned short. The value of the macro is an integer that will not be sign extended even if the most significant bit of the short is one. .TP Integer The int type. Included for lexical consistency. .TP UnsignedInteger The unsigned integer type. .TP Long The long type. .TP UnsignedLong An unsigned long type. .TP UNSIGNED_LONG(\fIx\fP) An extraction macro for an unsigned long integer. Not all compilers support unsigned longs so we may have to simulate them. .TP TinyBoolean A tiny boolean value. Boolean types take on only the values TRUE and FALSE. .TP Boolean A regular boolean value. .TP Character The char type. Included for lexical consistency. .TP TinyBits A type used only for bit set, clear and test operations. .TP Bits The regular size bit type. .TP LongBits The long size bit type. .TP Void The void type. If the void type is not supported then it is defined as an int. .TP Import The storage class used when importing variables from separate files. It is defined to be the keyword .I extern. .TP Export The storage class used when exporting variables from separate files. In C, you needn't declare that a variable is available to other files if it is declared outside a function so this is defined as a no-op. .TP Local The static storage class. .PP A number of useful constants are also defined. .TP TRUE and FALSE The values 1 and 0 respectively. .TP SUCCEED and FAIL The values 0 and 1 respectively. These are normally used as exit statuses. .TP ON A long with all the bits set. .TP OFF A long with no bits set. .TP STANDARD_IN Defined as 0. .TP STANDARD_OUT Defined as 1. .TP STANDARD_ERROR Defined as 2. .TP MAX_TINY The maximum value a Tiny type can hold. .TP MIN_TINY The minimum value a Tiny type can hold. .TP MAX_UNSIGNED_TINY The maximum value an UnsignedTiny type can hold. .TP MIN_UNSIGNED_TINY The minimum value an UnsignedTiny type can hold. .TP MAX_SHORT The maximum value a Short type can hold. .TP MIN_SHORT The minimum value a Short type can hold. .TP MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT The maximum value an UnsignedShort type can hold. .TP MIN_UNSIGNED_SHORT The minimum value an UnsignedShort type can hold. .TP MAX_INTEGER The maximum value an Integer type can hold. .TP MIN_INTEGER The minimum value an Integer type can hold. .TP MAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER The maximum value an UnsignedInteger type can hold. .TP MIN_UNSIGNED_INTEGER The minimum value an UnsignedInteger type can hold. .TP MAX_LONG The maximum value a Long type can hold. .TP MIN_LONG The minimum value a Long type can hold. .TP MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG The maximum value an UnsignedLong type can hold. .TP MIN_UNSIGNED_LONG The minimum value an UnsignedLong type can hold. .TP BITS_PER_BYTE The number of bits in a byte. .PP A number of useful macro are also defined. .TP MAX(\fIx\fP, \fIy\fP) Returns the maximum value of .I x and .I y. .TP MIN(\fIx\fP, \fIy\fP) Returns the minimum value of .I x and .I y. .TP ABS(\fIx\fP) Returns the absolute value of its parameter. This works for integers and reals. .TP ROUND(\fIx\fP) Returns its parameter rounded to the nearest integer value. .TP CEILING(\fIx\fP) Returns the ceiling of its parameter. .TP FLOOR(\fIx\fP) Returns the floor of its parameter. .TP EQ(\fIs\fP, \fIt\fP) Returns true if the two strings passed to it as parameters are equal. .TP EQN(\fIs\fP, \fIt\fP, \fIn\fP) Returns true if the two strings passed to it as parameters are equal in the first .I n characters (as in .IR strcmp ). .SH FILES .nf .ta \w'/usr/include/local/standenviron.h 'u /usr/include/local/standard.h /usr/include/local/standenviron.h /usr/include/local/standtype.h /usr/include/local/standconst.h /usr/include/local/standmacro.h .fi .SH AUTHOR Michael Gorlick