%% filename: cyrmax.mf
%% version: 2.2
%% date: 1995/01/04
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def slantswitch =
currenttransform:= identity slanted slant yscaled aspect_ratio scaled granularity;
enddef; %reverse slant so that mirror() will work

def lowerfit = 0 enddef;

transform MIRROR;
MIRROR=identity reflectedabout(origin,up);

% produce a mirror image of current picture reflected about a vertical axis
def mirror (expr axis) =
currentpicture:=currentpicture transformed MIRROR shifted (2axis,0);
slantswitch; % restore normal slant

vardef armup(suffix $,$$,@)(expr darkness,jut) =  % arm from |z$| to |z$$|
 x@0=good.x(x$$r-jut); y@0=y$l;
 if serifs: y@1=y$r; z@1=z$$r-whatever*(z@0-z$$r);
  filldraw z$$l{z@1-z$$l}...darkness[z@1,.5[z@2,z$$l] ]...z@2
   ---z$r--z$l--z@0--z$$r--cycle; % arm and beak
 else: filldraw z$l--z$r--z@0--z$$r--cycle; fi  % sans-serif arm
 penlabels(@0,@1,@2); enddef;

def varwid =
  if serifs: if hefty: vair else: 1.5cap_hair fi else: vair fi

vardef cyrsanserif(suffix $) =
 x$.css.r=x$r; x$.css.l=x$l; x$.css=x$;
  y$.css.r=y$r-2slab; y$.css.l=y$l-2slab; y$.css=y$-2slab; 
 filldraw stroke z$e--z$.css.e;

vardef lcyrsanserif(suffix $) =
 numeric cssdif; cssdif=.5(x$r-x$l); if cssdif<0: cssdif:=-cssdif; fi
 x$'.css.r=x$r+cssdif; x$'.css.l=x$l+cssdif; x$'.css=x$+cssdif;
  y$'.css.r=y$'.css.l=y$'.css=bot y$ + slab; 
 x$.css.r=x$r+cssdif; x$.css.l=x$l+cssdif; x$.css=x$+cssdif;
  y$.css.r=y$r-2slab; y$.css.l=y$l-2slab; y$.css=y$-2slab; 
 filldraw stroke z$'.css.e--z$.css.e;

vardef rcyrsanserif(suffix $) =
 numeric cssdif; cssdif=.5(x$r-x$l); if cssdif<0: cssdif:=-cssdif; fi
 x$'.css.r=x$r-cssdif; x$'.css.l=x$l-cssdif; x$'.css=x$-cssdif;
  y$'.css.r=y$'.css.l=y$'.css=bot y$ + slab; 
 x$.css.r=x$r-cssdif; x$.css.l=x$l-cssdif; x$.css=x$-cssdif;
  y$.css.r=y$r-2slab; y$.css.l=y$l-2slab; y$.css=y$-2slab; 
 filldraw stroke z$'.css.e--z$.css.e;

numeric flouradjust; flouradjust=.09designsize;
vardef cyr_serif(suffix $,$$,@)  % serif at |z$| for stroke from |z$$|
  (expr darkness,jut) suffix modifier =
 pickup crisp.nib; numeric bracket_height; pair downward; 
 bracket_height=if dark.modifier: 1.5 fi\\ bracket;
 if y$<y$$: y@2=min(y$+bracket_height,y$$);
  top y@1-slab=bot y@0+eps=tiny.bot y$; downward=z$-z$$;
  if y@1>y@2: y@2:=y@1; fi
 else: y@2=max(y$-bracket_height,y$$);
  bot y@1+slab=top y@0-eps=tiny.top y$; downward=z$$-z$;
  if y@1<y@2: y@2:=y@1; fi fi
 y@3=y@2; z@3=whatever[z$,z$$];
 if jut<0: z@2+penoffset downward of currentpen =
   z$l+penoffset downward of pen_[tiny.nib]+whatever*downward;
  lft x@0=lft x@1=tiny.lft x$l+jut;
  if x@3<x@2+eps: x@3:=x@2+eps; fi
 else: z@2-penoffset downward of currentpen =
   z$r-penoffset downward of pen_[tiny.nib]+whatever*downward;
   rt x@0=rt x@1=tiny.rt x$r+jut;
   if x@3>x@2-eps: x@3:=x@2-eps; fi fi
 pair corner; ypart corner=y@1; corner=z@2+whatever*downward;
 pair flourish; xpart flourish= x@0 if jut > 0: + cyrflwd else: - cyrflwd fi;
 ypart flourish= y@0 - cyrflht;
if (designsize < 15pt): 
   pair flourishcorner; xpart flourishcorner=flouradjust[x@2,(xpart flourish)];
    ypart flourishcorner=ypart flourish; %if jut > 0: -1.5 else: +1.5 fi;
   filldraw z@2{z$-z$$}
  ...darkness[corner,.5[z@1,z@2] ]{z@1-z@2}
   ...{-jut,0}(x$,y@0)--z@3--cycle; % the serif
else: filldraw z@2{z$-z$$}
  ...darkness[corner,.5[z@1,z@2] ]{z@1-z@2}
   ...{-jut,0}(x$,y@0)--z@3--cycle; % the serif
 labels (@0,@1,@2,@3); enddef;

def dish_cyr_serif(suffix $,$$,@)(expr left_darkness,left_jut)
  (suffix @@)(expr right_darkness,right_jut) suffix modifier =
 cyr_serif($,$$,@,left_darkness,-left_jut) modifier;
 cyr_serif($,$$,@@,right_darkness,right_jut) modifier;

def l_cyr_serif(suffix $,$$,@)(expr left_darkness,left_jut)
  (suffix @@)(expr right_darkness,right_jut) suffix modifier =
 cyr_serif($,$$,@,left_darkness,-left_jut) modifier;
 serif($,$$,@@,right_darkness,right_jut) modifier;

def r_cyr_serif(suffix $,$$,@)(expr left_darkness,left_jut)
  (suffix @@)(expr right_darkness,right_jut) suffix modifier =
 serif($,$$,@,left_darkness,-left_jut) modifier;
 cyr_serif($,$$,@@,right_darkness,right_jut) modifier;

% cyrbrev is called with suffix, dummy_suffix e.g.
% cyrbrev(2,q) where the breve will be centered
% above x2 using dummy suffixes q_1, q_2 etc.
def cyrbrev (suffix $,@) =
pickup crisp.nib; pos@_1(vair,-180); pos@_3(vair,0);
top y@_1=top y@_3=h;
lft x@_1r=hround(x$-4u-.5vair); rt x@_3r=hround(x$+4u+.5vair);
numeric mid_thickness; mid_thickness=vround 1/3[vair,stem];
pos@_2(mid_thickness,-90); x@_2=x$;
bot y@_2r=y$+dot_size;
filldraw stroke z@_1e{down}...z@_2e{right}...{up}z@_3e;  % stroke
pos@_11(dot_size,0); pos@_12(dot_size,90);
pos@_13(dot_size,0); pos@_14(dot_size,90);
lft x@_11l=lft x@_1r; rt x@_13r=rt x@_3r; y@_11=y@_12=y@_13=y@_14=h;
x@_12=x@_11; x@_14=x@_13; dot(@_11,@_12); dot(@_13,@_14);
penlabels(@_1,@_2,@_3,@_11,@_13); enddef;

boolean altaccent; altaccent=false;   % altaccent inhibits right side dot
def nucyrbrev (suffix $,@) =
pickup crisp.nib; pos@_1(vair,-180); pos@_3(vair,0);
top y@_1=top y@_3=y@_2r+cyrspread;
lft x@_1r=hround(x$-4u-.5vair); rt x@_3r=hround(x$+4u+.5vair);
numeric mid_thickness; mid_thickness=vround 1/3[vair,stem];
pos@_2(mid_thickness,-90); x@_2=x$;
bot y@_2r=y$+.5dot_size;
filldraw stroke z@_1e{down}...z@_2e{right}...{up}z@_3e;  % stroke

if square_dots: % relax
  pos@_11(dot_size,0); pos@_12(dot_size,90); 
  pos@_13(dot_size,0); pos@_14(dot_size,90);
  lft x@_11l=lft x@_1r; rt x@_13r=rt x@_3r; 
  x@_12=x@_11; x@_14=x@_13; dot(@_11,@_12); 
  if altaccent: % relax
  else: dot(@_13,@_14); fi
penlabels(@_1,@_2,@_3,@_11,@_13); enddef;

% flip rotates 180 degrees about the centerpoint whose suffix is passed
def flip (suffix $) =
picture V; transform FLIP;
FLIP=identity rotatedaround(z$,180) shifted(2slant*y$,0);
V=currentpicture transformed FLIP; currentpicture:=V;

def dot_sharp_values =
numeric dot_diam#; dot_diam#=max(dot_size#,cap_curve#);
numeric dot_top#; dot_top#=min(asc_height#,10/7x_height#+.5dot_diam#);

% umlaut
% calling specification is (xx,q) where xx is a point over which to center
%                                 the umlaut, q is a dummy suffix which may be used
def umlaut (suffix $,@) =
pickup tiny.nib; pos@_1(dot_diam,0); pos@_2(dot_diam,90);
x@_1=x@_2=x$-dot_diam; top y@_2r=2dot_diam+y$;
dot(@_1,@_2);  % dot
pos@_3(dot_diam,0); pos@_4(dot_diam,90);
x@_3=x@_4=x$+1.75u; top y@_4r=2dot_diam+y$;
dot(@_3,@_4);  % dot