Installation for XFree86 (X.Org) -------------------------------- Unpack the archive file containing fonts in some temporal directory, for example /tmp : cd /tmp tar xzvf cm_unicode-VERSION-pfb.tar.gz cd cm-unicode-VERSION where VERSION is version number of this font pack. Then create cm-unicode/ directory at the place, where your X stores fonts, for example /usr/share/fonts : mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode You should become root to do it. Then copy font files there: cp *.afm /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/ cp *.pfb /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/ If you are using XFree86 prior to 4.3 you shoul also copy fonts.scale there. Then change directory to /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/ : cd /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/ and do mkfontscale # if you are using XFree86-4.3 or later or recent X.Org mkfontdir Currently mkfontscale and mkfontdir may produce errors, so copy fonts.dir and fonts.scale files supplied into /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/ Then add FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/" to "Files" Section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf (/etc/X11/XF86Config). On the next run X.Org (XFree86) will load these fonts. If you are using fontconfig (X.Org, XFree86-4.3, may be installed on XFree86-4.2) you should add a line <dir>/usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode</dir> to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf or better to /etc/fonts/local.conf then run fc-cache Installation for ghostscript ---------------------------- (Optional, modern versions of ghostscript retreive information from fontconfig) Assuming that you have rather new ghostscript version like 7.x go to default ghostscript font directory, typically /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts, then add links to fonts installed for X or copy them: cd /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts ln -s /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/*.afm . ln -s /usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/*.pfb . Then go to the ghostscript library directory, for example cd /usr/share/ghostscript/?.??/lib where ?.?? is ghostscript version. Copy Fontmap.CMU from tarball: cp /tmp/cm_unicode-VERSION/Fontmap.CMU . Then add following line to Fontmap file: (Fontmap.CMU) .runlibfile Note that pdfwriter from ghostscript versions prior to 8.x does not understand characters not existing in the encoding. These fonts were tested with ps2pdf script from AFPL ghostscript-8.14. That's all.