% % Copyright (c) 2012, Michael Ummels <michael.ummels@rwth-aachen.de> % % This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, % Version 1.1. This license is in the accompanying file OFL.txt, and % is also available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL % for factor = 1, 7/10: for alpha = 0, 90, 180, 270: beginturnstile(alpha, factor); "turnstile (" & decimal alpha & ")"; draw_line(foot, foot + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(foot - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), foot + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); if negated: stroke_through_arrow(foot + 1/2len * dir alpha, alpha, spread)(75, 75, 110, 110, 75, 75, 110, 110); fi endchar; endfor; endfor; for factor = 1, 7/10: for alpha = 0, 90, 180, 270: beginturnstile(alpha, factor); "double turnstile (" & decimal alpha & ")"; z1 - z0 = equal_spread * dir (alpha + 90); 1/2[z0,z1] = foot; draw_line(z0, z0 + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(z1, z1 + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(foot - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), foot + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); if negated: stroke_through_arrow(foot + 1/2len * dir alpha, alpha, spread)(75, 75, 110, 110, 75, 75, 110, 110); fi endchar; endfor; endfor; for factor = 13/10, 1: for alpha = 0, 90, 180, 270: beginturnstile(alpha, factor); "bar with turnstile (" & decimal alpha & ")"; z0 = foot + 3/10turnstile_width * dir alpha; draw_line(z0, foot + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(foot - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), foot + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); draw_line(z0 - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), z0 + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); if negated: stroke_through_arrow(z0 + 1/2(len - 3/10turnstile_width) * dir alpha, alpha, spread)(75, 75, 110, 110, 75, 75, 110, 110); fi endchar; endfor; endfor; for alpha = 0, 90, 180, 270: beginturnstile(alpha, 13/10); "bar with double turnstile (" & decimal alpha & ")"; z0 = foot + 3/10turnstile_width * dir alpha; z2 - z1 = z4 - z3 = equal_spread * dir (alpha + 90); 1/2[z1,z2] = foot; 1/2[z3,z4] = z0; draw_line(z3, z1 + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(z4, z2 + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(foot - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), foot + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); draw_line(z0 - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), z0 + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); if negated: stroke_through_arrow(z0 + 1/2(len - 3/10turnstile_width) * dir alpha, alpha, spread)(75, 75, 110, 110, 75, 75, 110, 110); fi endchar; endfor; for alpha = 0, 180: beginturnstile(alpha, 13/10); "double bar with turnstile (" & decimal alpha & ")"; z0 = foot + 3/10turnstile_width * dir alpha; z1 = z0 + 3/10turnstile_width * dir alpha; draw_line(z1, foot + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(foot - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), foot + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); draw_line(z0 - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), z0 + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); draw_line(z1 - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), z1 + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); if negated: stroke_through_arrow(z1 + 1/2(len - 3/5turnstile_width) * dir alpha, alpha, spread)(75, 75, 110, 110, 75, 75, 110, 110); fi endchar; endfor; for alpha = 0, 180: beginturnstile(alpha, 1); "triple turnstile (" & decimal alpha & ")"; z0 - foot = foot - z1 = equal_spread * dir (alpha + 90); draw_line(z0, z0 + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(foot, foot + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(z1, z1 + (len - line_thickness/2) * dir alpha, false); draw_line(foot - spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), foot + spread/2 * dir (alpha + 90), true); if negated: stroke_through_arrow(foot + 1/2len * dir alpha, alpha, spread)(75, 75, 110, 110, 75, 75, 110, 110); fi endchar; endfor;