%This package provides support for the mlmodern fonts. See mlmodern.pdf
%for more information.
%This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
%license or (at your option) any later version.
%Copyright 2003--2009 by B. Jackowski and J.M. Nowacki.
%Copyright 2021 by Daniel Benjamin Miller.
%This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
%The Current Maintainer of this work is Daniel Benjamin Miller.

\ProvidesPackage{mlmodern}[2021/01/12 v1.1 Modified Latin Modern Fonts]


\SetSymbolFont{operators}   {normal}{OT1}{mlmr} {m}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{letters}     {normal}{OML}{mlmm} {m}{it}
\SetSymbolFont{symbols}     {normal}{OMS}{mlmsy}{m}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{operators}   {bold}  {OT1}{mlmr} {bx}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{letters}     {bold}  {OML}{mlmm} {b}{it}
\SetSymbolFont{symbols}     {bold}  {OMS}{mlmsy}{b}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{bold}  {OMX}{mlmex}{m}{n}

\SetMathAlphabet{\mathbf}{bold}  {OT1}{mlmr}{bx}{n}
\SetMathAlphabet{\mathsf}{bold}  {OT1}{mlmss}{bx}{n}
\SetMathAlphabet{\mathit}{bold}  {OT1}{mlmr}{bx}{it}
\SetMathAlphabet{\mathtt}{bold}  {OT1}{mlmtt}{m}{n}

