========================================================================= CM-LGC font package version 0.5 (May 07, 2005) Copyright (c) 2003--2005 Alexej Kryukov <basileia@yandex.ru>. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. As a special exception, permission is granted to include these font programs in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that contains text to be displayed or printed using these fonts, regardless of the conditions or license applying to the document itself. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Abstract ~~~~~~~~ The CM-LGC package contains Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT sources of the Computer Modern font families. The following encodings are supported: T1, T2A (Cyrillic), LGR (Greek) and TS1. This package includes also Unicode virtual fonts for use with Omega/Lambda. See the file INSTALL for installation instructions for teTeX, TeX Live, MikTeX or VTeX/Free systems. PLEASE read the files README and INSTALL carefully before reporting problems. The goal of the package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Peter Szabo's excellent TeXtrace program it is easy to convert METAFONT sources to the Type 1 format. There are some Type 1 font packages based on the Computer Modern font families already available on the Web. I have to mention here excellent CM-SUPER font package by Vladimir Volovich, which covers all European and Cyrillic writings. So you can ask me, why not to use already existing font packages instead of making new one. Here the reasons which made me to undertake this work one more time: 1. All font packages designed as a replacement for METAFONT sources try to include a maximal possible number of fonts. Usually for each size of each family and shape different *.pfb files are provided. This increases the size of whole package enormously. For example, the CM-SUPER font package requires (with afm files) more than 100 Mb free disk space. The CM-LGC package does *not* replace standard METAFONT files. Although it is based on the Computer Modern font families, I renamed the font files in order to avoid name clashes. Since CM-LGC is designed as a separate package, it includes only minimal set of fonts, which, however, should be sufficient for regular work. 2. Until recently there were no publicly available font packages including Type 1 versions of Claudio Beccari's Greek fonts. Now these versions (converted by Apostolos Syropoulos) are available on CTAN, but CM-LGC is the first Type 1 font package for LaTeX which supports *all* European scripts (LGC means `Latin, Greek and Cyrillic'). 3. Since CM-LGC is not so huge as other CM-based font packages, it was easy to accomplish it with Unicode virtual fonts (*.ovf files) for Omega. CM-LGC is the first free alternative font package which may be used with Omega/Lambda. 4. Type 1 fonts converted from the METAFONT sources are usually not suitable for use outside of TeX, since they preserve their TeX-specific encodings. The only exception is CM-SUPER fonts by Vladimir Volovich, which use Unicode encoding. However, Unicode Type 1 fonts are hardly usable with some versions of ATM (which is designed mainly for 8-bit fonts), and using them may cause some problems even under XWindow system. CM-LGC is the first font package, which provides CM-like fonts with standard (not TeX-specific) 8-bit codepages. For each font family the following codepages are supported: -- Adobe Standard (which, of course, is never used by itself, but always reencoded to MICROSOFT-ANSI by ATM and to ISO8859-1 under XWindow system); -- WINDOWS-1250 (Central European); -- WINDOWS-1251 (Cyrillic); -- PARATYPE-CP154 (Cyrilic Asian); -- UNITYPE WINLANGUAGE, also known as PARATYPE-CP122 (Polytonic Greek). Glyphs from physical pfb files are combined to TeX-specific codepages with virtual fonts, which are prepared by the same way, as, for example, virtual fonts from the psnfss collection. Of course, this means that CM-LGC lacks some rarely used glyphs, present in the original CM fonts. However, the following TeX codepages are fully covered: OT1, T1, T2A, OT2 and LGR. Font Naming System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since the CM-LGC fonts are designed to be suitable for use in WYSIWYG applications under MS Windows (with ATM) or X-Window system, it was necessary to provide meaningful names for them. Here the elements used to build the PostScript font names for each font family and shape: -- the font family itself (CM Roman/CM Sans/CM Typewriter); -- the script name for non-Latin fonts (Cyrillic, Asian (for Asian Cyrillic) or Greek); -- the font weight and shape (Regular/Italic/Bold/BoldItalic). The CMSans font family includes "Slanted" shape instead of "Italic" and "BoldSlanted" instead of "BoldItalic"; -- the last name element is the "SC" letters for small caps fonts or the "OsF" letters for italic fonts with old style numerals. Font File Names ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The font files are named according to Karl Berry's font naming scheme, usually used in TeX for Type 1 fonts. The first letter, which should represent a font foundry, is always `f' (i. e. `free/public'). Next two letters are font family codes. I used `cm' for "Computer Modern", `cs' for "Computer Modern Sans" and `ct' for "Computer Modern Typewriter". The fourth and fifth letters in the font name correspond to font weight and shape. Here the list of font weights and shapes available in the CM-LGC fonts: r Regular; ri Regular Italic; ro Regular Slanted; rc Regular Small Caps; b Bold; bi Bold Italic; bo Bold Slanted; bc Bold Small Caps. Next letter may represent a font variant. I used `j' for Italic fonts with Old Style digits. The last two letters in the font name represent font encodings. This part is the most problematic, since there are no standard conventions determining which letters should be used for Cyrillic or Greek encodings. Here the list of font encodings used in CM-LGC fonts: 8a Adobe Standard; 8r Latin raw font encoding (which, however, is slightly different from standard 8r); ce Central European font encoding (based on windows-1250); 8t Latin TeX font encoding, i. e. T1; 6z Cyrillic raw font encoding (based on windows-1251); 6y Asian Cyrillic raw font encoding (based on paratype-cp1254); 6a Cyrillic TeX font encoding, i. e. T2A; pg Greek raw font encoding (paratype-cp122); gr Greek TeX font encoding (LGR); ut Unicode-based encoding for Omega's ovf files (UT1). For example, the font name `fctrijpg.pfb' means "Computer Modern Typewriter font with regular weight and italic shape, containing old style numerals and using the Greek paratype-cp122 codepage". Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ See the INSTALL file for installation instrustions. Using CM-LGC with LaTeX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just put in your LaTeX preamble the following line: \usepackage{cmlgc} This will set your default Roman font to fcm, your Sans Serif font to fcs, and your Typewriter font to fct. Using CM-LGC with Omega/Lambda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unfortunately, last Omega releases doesn't provide any high-level commands for working with multilingual document. That's why I provided an alternative language support package for Omega, called ANTOMEGA. Note that the Unicode virtual fonts, included in the CM-LGC package, are not fully compatible with Yannis Haralambous' omlgc font (which really uses a font-specific encoding). ANTOMEGA provides special features for handling strict Unicode fonts, and using it instead of the standard omega.sty file is strongly recommended. The CM-LGC package includes antcmlgc.sty file, designed specially for ANTOMEGA. If you use both ANTOMEGA and CM-LGC, load it in your preamble instead of cmlgc.sty. Thanks ~~~~~~ I'd like to thank Peter Szabo for TeXtrace, Martin Weber for AutoTrace, and George Williams for his excellent fontforge program, which I used for optimizing Type 1 font files. Happy TeXing! =========================================================================