% starfont.sty
% LaTeX macros for typesetting with Anthony Owen's StarFont
% This file is released to the public domain by its author, Matthew Skala
  [2010/09/29 v1.2 Anthony Owen's StarFont]





\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{stf}{m}{n}{<-> s * [0.95] fstr8x}{}
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{sts}{m}{n}{<-> fsts8x}{}

\def\textstf#1{{\stf #1}}

% Luminaries

% Major planets - note that the planet Earth is called \Terra to distinguish
% it from the element Earth

% Variant luminary and planet symbols

% Uranian hypothetical planets

% Derived points from the Moon's orbit - this Lilith is the one that looks
% like the "diameter" symbol.  I've read a claim that that glyph properly
% refers to the Lilith that is a supposed second natural satellite of the
% Earth, not the lunar apogee/second focus Lilith, but it's the only glyph
% in the font that I'm sure refers to Lilith at all.

% Popular asteroids

% Less popular asteroids.

% Arabic parts

% Signs

% Alternate glyphs for signs

% marvosym-style \Zodiac macro

% Aspects

% Angles

% Direction abbreviations

% Elements - note that \Earth refers to the element; planet Earth is \Terra

% Other symbols
