% Based on the Computer Modern source file slantms.mf by D E Knuth.

% Edited by Ariel Barton to produce better sans serif symbols

% Date: 2013/03/22

% This file contains miscellaneous symbols of math slant fonts.
% The character codes are \0100, \0140, and \0173--\0177.

cmchar "Partial differential sign";
italcorr .7asc_height#*slant+.5curve#-1.5u#;
numeric top_thickness,bot_thickness,side_thickness,pull;
side_thickness=max(fine.breadth,hround 1/3[curve,cap_curve]);
pickup fine.nib; pos2(top_thickness,90);
pos3(side_thickness,0); pos4(bot_thickness,-90);
pos5(side_thickness,-180); pos6(vair,-270);
lft x5r=w-rt x3r=hround max(.75u,1.5u-.5side_thickness);
x2+if serifs: u else: 0.9u fi=.5w;
top y2r=h+o; y3=.5[y2,y4]; bot y4r=-o;
y5=.5[y4,y6]; top y6=vround 5/8h+o;
path p; {{interim superness:=more_super; p=pulled_super_arc.l(3,4)(pull)}};
numeric t; t=xpart(p intersectiontimes((x3r,y5)--(x4,y5)));
pos7(thin_join,0); z7l=point t of p;
(x,y6r)=whatever[z7l,z6l]; x6r:=max(x,.5[x5r,x6]);
filldraw stroke pulled_super_arc.e(2,3)(pull)
 & {{interim superness:=more_super; pulled_super_arc.e(3,4)(pull)}}
 & {{less_tense; pulled_super_arc.e(4,5)(pull) & pulled_super_arc.e(5,6)(pull)}}
 & z6e{right}...{direction t of p}z7e;  % arc and bowl
pos1(hair,180); pos0(flare,180);
lft x0r=min(lft x2-eps,hround 1.2u);
y0=vround min(.85h-.5flare,.8h+.5flare)+o;
if serifs: {{less_tense; bulb(2,1,0)}};  % arc and bulb
	else: filldraw stroke z0e{z0-z5}..z2e{right}; fi
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar;

cmchar "Lowercase italic script l";
italcorr .8asc_height#*slant-u#;
adjust_fit(if monospace:u#,u# else: 0,0 fi); pickup fine.nib;
if hefty: pos2(0.5[vair,hair],0); else: pos2(hair,0); fi 
pos4(stem,180); pos5(vair,270); pos6(hair,315);
lft x1l=hround(lft x1l-x1); rt x2r=hround(w-1.5u); x3=.5w;
lft x4r=hround .5u; x5=x3+.75u; x6=x1+w+1;
y1=y6=.125h; y2=.8h; top y3r=h+oo; y4=.5[y3,y5]; bot y5=-oo;
filldraw stroke z1e{10u,asc_height}...z2e{up}...pulled_arc.e(3,4)
 & pulled_arc.e(4,5)...z6e{10u,asc_height};  % bowl and hook
math_fit(0,ic#); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar;

% Dotless i and j are copied from romspl.mf
% except that the math_fit has been added
% and of course they are at different positions

cmchar "Dotless letter i";
italcorr x_height#*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u#;
adjust_fit(serif_fit#+stem_shift# if monospace:+.25u#fi,serif_fit#-stem_shift#);
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem',0);
if odd(w-stem'): change_width; fi
lft x1l=hround(.5w-.5stem'); x1=x2;
top y1=x_height if serifs: +min(oo,serif_drop) fi; bot y2=0;
filldraw stroke z1e--z2e;  % stem
if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1,2,a,1/3,.95jut,serif_drop);  % upper serif
 dish_serif(2,1,b,1/3,jut,c,1/3,.9jut); fi  % lower serif
math_fit(0,ic#); % What does this mean?
penlabels(1,2); endchar;

cmchar "Dotless letter j";
italcorr x_height#*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u#;
adjust_fit(serif_fit#+2stem_shift# if monospace:+.5u# fi,
 serif_fit#-2stem_shift# if monospace:-.5u# fi);
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem',0);
rt x1r=hround(.5w+.25u+.5stem'); x1=x2;
top y1=x_height if serifs: +min(oo,serif_drop) fi; bot y2=-1/3d;
filldraw stroke z1e--z2e;  % stem
if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1,2,a,1/3,1.1jut,serif_drop);  % upper serif
 pickup tiny.nib; pos5(vair,-90); pos6(hair,-180); pos7(flare,-180);
 x5=.5[x2,x6r]; bot y5r=-d-oo; y6-.5flare=-.88d;
 if monospace: lft x6r=0 else: z6r=z7r; rt x7l=floor .75u fi;
 (x,y5r)=whatever[z5l,z2l]; x5r:=max(x,.5[x6r,x5]);
 filldraw stroke z2e{down}...z5e{left};  bulb(5,6,7); % arc and bulb
else: pickup fine.nib; pos2'(stem',0); z2'=z2;
 pos6(.2[vair,stem'],-90); pos7(vair,-90);
 lft x7r=hround -.75u; bot y7r=vround 5/6(-d-oo);
 x3r=x1r; top y4r=min(2x_height,h+1);
 (x,y7l)=whatever[z7r,(x1,min(h,asc_height))]; x7l:=x;
 z5r=z2'r; (x2'l,y5l)=whatever[z7l,z5r]; x5l=x2'l; y5=y5r;
 x6r=.5[x7r,x5r]; x6l:=.5[x7l,x5l]; bot y6r=-d-oo;
 filldraw stroke z2'e..{down}z5e & super_arc.e(5,6)
  & term.e(6,7,left,1,4); fi  % arc and terminal
math_fit(desc_depth#*slant,ic#); penlabels(1,2,5,6,7); endchar;

cmchar "Weierstrass p";
beginchar(oct"175",if hefty: 11.5u# else: 11u# fi,x_height#,desc_depth#);
italcorr .7x_height#*slant+.5stem#-u# if math_fitting:-.5u# fi;
adjust_fit(0,0); pickup fine.nib;
numeric midpoint; midpoint = w-5.5u;
numeric theta; theta=90-angle(8u,h); slope:=-h/8u;  % angle at middle
if serifs: pos2(vair,-90); else: pos2(vair,0); fi
pos1(vstem,theta); pos7(vair,-90);
if serifs: top y2l=h+o; else: y2l = h; fi
bot y7r=-d-o; y1=.4[-d,h];
lft x3l=hround .5u; rt x6r=hround max(rt x7+.5,midpoint-.25u);
x3r-x3l=x6r-x6l=(hround .5[vair,vstem])-fine;
ellipse_set(2l,3l,4l,1l); ellipse_set(2r,3r,4r,1r); y3=y3r;
ellipse_set(7l,6l,5l,1l); ellipse_set(7r,6r,5r,1r); y6=y6r;
filldraw stroke 
	if serifs: super_arc.e(2,3) & z3e{down}
	else: z2e..z3e{down} fi
 ..z4e---z5e..z6e{down} & super_arc.e(6,7);  % flourish
pos8(hair,180); pos9(vair,90); pos10(stem,0);
pos11(vair,-90); pos12(hair,-180); 
if hefty: pos13(vair,-180);
else: pos13(.3[hair,flare],-180);
rt x10r=hround(w-1.5u+.5stem); lft x12r=hround(midpoint-.5u);
rt x8l=hround (midpoint-3.25u); 
y8=0; top y9r=vround(.9h+o); y10=.5[y9,y11]; bot y11r=-oo;
filldraw stroke z7e{left}...z8e{up}...pulled_arc.e(9,10)
 & pulled_arc.e(10,11);  % stem and bowl
if serifs: bulb(11,12,13);  % bulb
else: z13r = z12r; filldraw stroke z11e{left}..z13e{up}; fi
math_fit(0,ic#); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13); endchar;

cmchar "Arrow (vector) accent";
italcorr .7[x_height#,asc_height#]*slant;
adjust_fit(0,0); pickup rule.nib;
lft x1=hround .5u; x2=w-x1; y1=y2=good.y .7[x_height,asc_height];
draw z1--z2;  % bar
rt x3=rt x4=hround(x2-u);
y3=y2+.3(asc_height-x_height); y4=y2-.3(asc_height-x_height);
draw z3{x2-x3,2(y2-y3)}...{2(x2-x3),y2-y3}z2;  % upper point
draw z4{x2-x4,2(y2-y4)}...{2(x2-x4),y2-y4}z2;  % lower point
labels(1,2,3,4); endchar;

cmchar "Tie accent";
italcorr 4/9[x_height#,asc_height#]*slant+4.5u#+2letter_fit#+.5hair#;
adjust_fit(if monospace:2u#,2u# else:serif_fit#,serif_fit# fi);
pickup fine.nib; pos1(hair,180); pos2(vround 1/5[vair,stem],90); pos3(hair,0);
lft x1r=hround(.5w-.5hair); x2=.5[x1,x3];
rt x3r=hround(w+4u+2letter_fit+.5hair);
y1=y3=4/9[x_height,asc_height]; top y2r=vround 8/9[x_height,asc_height];
filldraw stroke super_arc.e(1,2) & super_arc.e(2,3);  % arc
penlabels(1,2,3); endchar;