% tipaman.sty
% Copyright 2002 FUKUI Rei
% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
% version 1999/12/01 or later.
% This program consists of all files listed in Manifest.txt.

% tipaman.sty for TIPA Manual



% What follows is a format I used recently.
% Book size is approximately b5, with crop marks indicated
% on a a4 size of paper.
%\setlength\topmargin {22mm}
%\setlength\headsep   {9mm}
%\if@compatibility \setlength\maxdepth{5\p@} \else
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% to use float materials more easily

\newif\iftimes \timesfalse

 \ifx\rmdefault\@@ptm@@@ \global\timestrue\fi}

\tipamanhskipamount 1em plus .2em minus .6em

  \hbox to \textwidth{%
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    \dimen\@ne\dimen\z@ \advance\dimen\@ne-\ht\@ne
    \dimen\tw@\dimen\z@ \advance\dimen\tw@-\ht\tw@


\def\nonipausage{Usage: }
\def\ipausage{{\itshape IPA usage:} }
\def\ipaall{IPA '49--'96}
\def\ipaold{IPA '49, '79}
\def\ipanew{IPA '89--'96}
\def\psg#1{\PSG\ p.\#1}

\def\TT#1{\tbi #1\tbii}
\def\TD#1#2{\tbs #1\tbi #2\tbii}
\def\Tt#1{\texttt{\tbs #1}}


\def\yitem{\if i\@inout
 \item[{\itshape Input\/}:]\def\@inout{o}\else
 \par\nobreak\item[{\itshape Output\/}:]\def\@inout{i}\fi}


\def\xitem{\if i\@inout
 \item[{\itshape Input \the\excnt\/}:]\def\@inout{o}\else
 \par\nobreak\item[{\itshape Output \the\excnt\/}:]\def\@inout{i}%
 \global\advance\excnt by1\fi}



\newcommand\sloppyspace{\setbox0\hbox{ }%
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% Below are modifications of LaTeX default styles.
% Chapter head

  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
%  \vspace*{50\p@}%
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    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
%        \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \thechapter
        \huge\bfseries \huge\@chapapp\space \thechapter%
        \vskip 10\p@
        \vskip 10\p@
    \huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
    \vskip 40\p@
%  \vspace*{50\p@}%
  {\parindent \z@ \raggedright
    \huge \bfseries  #1\par\nobreak
    \vskip 40\p@

% heading.


    \markboth {%\MakeUppercase{%
      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
          \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ %
    \markright {%\MakeUppercase{%
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        \thesection. \ %


% Commands for specimen.

  \hrule width \textwidth \par\medskip
  \codecnt=0 \loop \char\the\codecnt\sloppyspace
    \ifnum\codecnt<255 \advance\codecnt by 1 \repeat
  \par\medskip\hrule width \textwidth}}

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  \codecnt=80 \loop \char\the\codecnt\sloppyspace
    \ifnum\codecnt<86 \advance\codecnt by 1 \repeat
  \codecnt=112 \loop \char\the\codecnt\sloppyspace
    \ifnum\codecnt<123 \advance\codecnt by 1 \repeat
  \par\medskip\hrule width \textwidth}}

  D@ "nO;T "wInd @nd D@ "s2n w@ dIs"pju;tIN wItS w@z D@ "str6Ng5,
  wEn @ "tr\ae vl5 keIm @"l6N "r\ae pt In @ "wO:m "kloUk. DeI
  @"gri:d D@t D@ "w2n hu; f3;st s@k"si;dId In "meIkiN D@ "tr\ae vl5
  teIk hIz "kloUk 6f SUd bI k@n"sId@d "str6Ng@ D@n DI "2D@.

  la bi:z e l sOlE:j s@ dispytE, Sak\~{\oe} asyr\~A k il etE l ply
  fO:r, k\~At iz \~O vy \~{\oe} vwajaZ\oe:r ki s av\~AsE, \~AvlOpe
  d\~A s\~O m\~Ato. i s\~O t\~Obe dakO:r, k@ s@lyi ki arivE
  l pr@mje a fEr ote s\~O m\~Ato o vwajaZ\oe:r, s@rE rgarde kOm
  l ply fO:r.

  "PaInst St\;RIt@n zI\c{c} "nOKtvInt PUnt "zOn@, "ve:\;R fOn Pi;n@n
  "baId@n vo:l d5K "StEKk5\;R@ vE:\;R@, PAls PaIn "vAnd5\;R5K, de:K
  PIn PaIn@n vAKm@n "mAnt@l g@"hYlt va:K, d@s ve:g@s da:"he:K ka:m.
  zi; vUKd@n "PaIni\c{c}, dAs "de:Kje:nIg@ fy:K d@n "StEKk5\;R@n
  gElt@n zOlt@, de:K d@n "vAnd5\;R5K "tsvIN@n vyKd@, zaIn@n "mAnt@l

\newcommand\sampletextiv[1]{\begin{flushleft}#1 \let\H\textcrh
  marra S Samsi wi r ri:\H\ ka:nu bi jitxanPum Pinhu l PaPwa fi:hum.
  u baQde:n Sa:fu ra:gil sa:ji\H\ gaj mim baQi:d mitlaffaQ bi
  Qaba:ja tPi:la. fa ttafaPum Qala Pin illi jixalli:h jiPlaQ il
  Qaba:ja fi l Pawwal jiku:n huwwa PaPwa mit ta:ni.

  upepo ulikuwa uki\!biSana na \*fua kuwa nani mweNe Nguvu kupita
  mwenziwe, mara akapita masafiri alijekuwa amevaa \*fu\!ba. walipatana
  kuwa atakajemvua \*fu\!ba kwanza msafiri ndije mweNe Nguvu.


\newcount\rotatetextcnt \rotatetextcnt=0

 \edef\@rotatetextcnt{\the\rotatetextcnt }%
 \global\advance\rotatetextcnt by 1
 \ifnum\the\rotatetextcnt=5 \global\rotatetextcnt=0 \fi


  For instance,\\
  the Greek letters included in the International Alphabet\\
  are cut in roman adaptations. Thus, since the ordinary shape of \\
  the Greek letter $\beta$ does not harmonise with roman type,\\
  in the International Phonetic Alphabet it is given the form \textipa{B}.\\
  (\emph{Principles}, 1949, p.~1)}}

  ... And of the two form of Greek theta, $\theta$ and $\vartheta$,\\ 
  it has been necessary to choose the first (in vertical form),\\
  since the second cannot be made to harmonise with\\
  roman letters. (\emph{Principles}, 1949, p.~2)}}

  \textsc{Phonetics} is the \textbf{science} of speech-sounds.\\
  From a practical point of view it is the \textbf{art} of producing\\
  speech-sounds and recognizing them by ear.\par\medskip
  (Henry Sweet, \emph{A Primer of Phonetics}, 1906; Boldface by

  The non-roman letters of the International Phonetic Alphabet\\
  have been designed as far as possible to harmonise well with \\
  the roman letters. The Association does not recognise\\
  makeshift letters; It recognises only letters which have been\\
  carefully cut so as to be in harmony with the other letters.\par\medskip
  (\emph{The Principles of the International Phonetic Association}, 1949)}}

    Some phoneticians refer to Upsilon by the name \emph{Bucket},\\
    but it looks more like an urn to us.\par\medskip
    (\emph{PSG}, 1996, p.~185)\par\bigskip

    O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede\\
    Of marble men and maidens overwrought,\\
    With forest branches and the trodden weed;\\
    Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought\\
    As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral!\\
    When old age shall this generation waste,\\
    Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe\\
    Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st,\\
    ``Beauty is truth, truth beauty, ---that is all\\
    Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.''\par\medskip
    (John Keats, \emph{Ode on a Grecian Urn})}}


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