Renamed the Cirth fonts to "cirthsxx" rather than "runesxx" to make this package less likely to conflict with potential packages for real-world runes.

Replaced the contents of "example.tex" with a longer example.

Edited the documentation to be clearer, and to correct some misapprehensions about the tengwar, Quenya, and Sindarin. I've also added better explanations of installation in MiKTeX, the different modes, and how to include Sindarin names in Quenya modes or vice versa.

Added the font "sunrune" (.pfb font file, TeX font metric, tfm/vf/fd files, edited tolkienfonts.sty and to include this font). This meant that I had to add some special code to the cirth modes to make them work well with kerned glyphs. (Lack of kerning is extremely noticeable in runic fonts.)

Corrected the full-document tengwar package options to renew abbreviations such as \of with \AtBeginDocument, so that they would not be overwritten by other packages. Added the \p command in the Hobbit mode and the \sy command to the Quenya general mode. Edited the fonts so that, if the T1 encoding is used, \" and \^ produce mostly-appropriate symbols even if they are not redefined by tolkienfonts.sty. This means that tolkienfonts no longer redefines \" since the T1 default works.

Added an \ignorespaces to the tengwar/cirth/valmaric/sarati environments. Added a \noindent to the sidewaysflip environment in boustr.sty.

I've implemented a new system for placing the glyphs which are to be accessed by special commands or ligatures. This new system is much easier to deal with from a design perspective, but it does mean that letters migrate in strange ways whenever I edit the fonts. This means that most of the special commands (\The, \twelve, \r, \sa, \se, \si, \so, \su, \es) now refer to different characters than before.

The English phonemic mode has been revised drastically to make it both more general and easier to use. The Quenya general mode has been revised in light of some specimata to which I did not have access when I made the first version. All of the modes designed for Quenya or Sindarin have been altered to make it easier to write words from the other language.

A number of bugs have been fixed:
-In some modes, qu was producing appropriate symbols for quu.

The documentation has been revised for clarity and to reflect changes in the fonts.

MAY 2009

Original version