#!/bin/tcsh -f
# need csh because of foreach used for running gftopk

echo ""
echo "This script runs metafont and gftopk to produce the "
echo "following fonts / family / shapes:"
echo "  musixtex 0.631"
echo ""
echo "Volker Kuhlmann 21 Mar 95"
echo "volker@elec.canterbury.ac.nz"
echo ""

# Fonts for MusixTeX 0.631
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input musix11
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input musix13
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input musix16
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input musix20
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input musixsps
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xhsld16
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xhsld20
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xhslu16
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xhslu20
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xsld16
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xsld20
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xslu16
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xslu20
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xslz20
mf '\mode=localfont; \mag=magstep(0);'	input xtie20

echo ""
echo "Metafont finished."
echo ""

echo "Now running GFtoPK."

# note this requires csh or tcsh
foreach file (*gf)
  gftopk $file

echo "GFtoPK finished."
echo ""

echo ""
echo "To complete the font installation, do the following:"
echo "  copy all .tfm-files into the tfm directory"
echo "  copy all .pk-files into the pk-directory"
echo "  delete all .gf files."
echo ""
echo "Have a nice day."
echo ""