The mff program and associated files are copyright (c) 1991/2 Damian Cugley.

1. You can compile, use, copy and distribute this software without fee
provided (a) this copyright notice and permissions are preserved and (b)
neither my name nor the the name of Oxford University are used in any
related promotion or publicity without prior, written permission.

2. You can modify this software provided (a) you make no deletions; (b)
you mark all changes clearly (including in the version number message);
and (c) if you distribute it, you change the name.

3. This software is provided for free, on an "as-is" basis, without
express or implied warranty.

The intention of (2) is to prevent a proliferation of incompatable
versions with the same name.  Commenting out code does not count as a
deletion.  If you have improvements or bug fixes, please forward them to
me rather than distributing a new version.

  /-------------------------\ 		"Share and enjoy."
  |  Damian Cugley          |                                               
  |  Computing Laboratory   |  /-----------------------------------------\  
  |  11 Keble Road          |  | JANet   : pdc@uk.ac.oxford.prg          |  
  |  Oxford  OX1 3QD        |  | Internet: pdc@prg.oxford.ac.uk          |  
  |  United Kingdom         |  | BITNET  : PDC%UK.AC.OXFORD.PRG@UKACRL   |  
  |  +44 865 273838 x73199  |  | UUCP    : pdc%uk.ac.oxford.prg@ukc.uucp |
  \-------------------------/  \-----------------------------------------/