INSTALL 2.9.0 92/07/06

		    = INSTALLATION (UNIX systems) =

0.  mff is now distributed as a collection of files instead of placing
    some files in subdirectories (to make it work with the Aston TeX
    archive).  You may want to re-organize them yourself.

    If you received your copy via an archiver with strange ideas about
    filenames, files without suffixes (e.g., README, MANIFEST) will have
    been renamed to end in .txt (readme.txt, manifest.txt).

1.  Read the files with names in all-capitals (or ending .txt) first.

2.  Make a link/copy of one of the .mk files with the name Makefile.
    Edit so that IBIN etc. are set to a reasonable values (such as
    /usr/local/bin, if you have write access to that).

    You will also want to alter RCDIR to specify a suitable
    config_rc_dir, the name of a directory that mff.rc can go in (say
    /usr/local/lib or /users/you/lib), and put mff.rc there.

    If you are using, you will need to "mkdir `arch`" so that
    there is a subdir to put binaries in.

3.  Edit the manual page mff.1 so that the strings RC and MJ are defined to
    be the directories mff.rc and the source are in respectively.

4.  "make all" ought to compile mff and searchpath.  "make install"
    attempts to cp the binary to the directory $(IBIN) and also does
    install-lib.  "make install-lib" places a copy of the libary in the
    $(ILIB) directory.  "make install-lib-g" does the same, but with the
    -g flag (producing a library suitable to be linked with a program
    being debugged).

5.  A copy of mff.1 belongs in /usr/local/man/man1 or the equivalent on
    your system.  Depending on what you do with the libargloop.a
    library, argloop.3 and findfile.3 are perhaps best left with the
    source code.

    The man pages have been proofed both using man(1) and [gt]roff(1).

6.  If you must modify mff, change the version number message by appending a
    *lower case letter* to the version number and adding your (user)name and
    date last modified.  Please report bugs or suggestions for improvements
    to me at the address in the COPYING file.  If you successfully compile
    and your system/machine is not in the MACHINES file, let be know so I
    can celebrate :-).  Thanks.