# mff startup file for Ditko

# font names are dk##s##
#  where first ## is face in the style of Univers
#        second ## is size in points
# OR
#      fdkWVV##
#	where W  is one of t, i, l, k, m, d, b, x, c
#             VV is one of <empty>, rn, re, o, on, oe

-W 1=weight=0.30	# ultra light
-W 2=weight=0.55        # extra light
-W 3=weight=0.75        # light
-W 4=weight=0.90        # semi light/book :-)
-W 5=weight=1.00        # medium
-W 6=weight=1.10        # demi  +10
-W 7=weight=1.25        # bold  +15
-W 8=weight=1.45        # extra +20
-W 9=weight=1.60        # ultra +25

-W t=weight=0.30	# ultra light
-W i=weight=0.55        # extra light
-W l=weight=0.75        # light
-W k=weight=0.90        # semi light/book :-)
-W m=weight=1.00        # medium
-W d=weight=1.10        # demi  +10
-W b=weight=1.25        # bold  +15
-W x=weight=1.45        # extra +20
-W u=weight=1.60        # ultra +25


-I "3=hratio=1.20"              # expanded
-I "4=hratio=1.20; slant=1/5"   # expanded oblique
-I "5=hratio=1.00"              # regular
-I "6=hratio=1.00; slant=1/5"   # oblique
-I "7=hratio=0.75"              # condensed
-I "8=hratio=0.75; slant=1/5"   # condensed oblique

-I "re=hratio=1.20"              # expanded
-I "oe=hratio=1.20; slant=1/5"   # expanded oblique
-I  "o=hratio=1.00; slant=1/5"   # oblique
-I "rn=hratio=0.75"              # condensed
-I "on=hratio=0.75; slant=1/5"   # condensed oblique

-J s=
-J a=   # "standard" Ditko encoding

-g dk	# this allows xdk as family name for KB's system