True Type 2 Meta Font Converter,
ver. 0.02 (c) copyright 1998 by Oleg V. Motygin


Purpose of the program is to convert True Type Windows fonts to 
Meta Font format. The program also allows to define ligatures for
dashes and quotes and to change code page of the font. 


TTF2MF was tested under Window 3.11, Windows'95 and Windows NT.


Free usage and distribution for non-commercial users.

Sources are freely available on quest.

In the case the program helps you in your commercial projects
(publishing etc.) so that you would like to support my work
registering for $9, please contact me via email:


Version info:

Changes since 0.01
The program becomes more acurate in generating ligtables in the case
of conflict between user-defined ligatures and designer's kerns.



Start ttf2mf.exe. Click on 'Font' in the main menu and 'Choose' the font
you would like to convert. Then, font table in working area will show the
font in its original encoding. You can zoom the table of font using '-','+',
'View->Zoom in', 'View->Zoom Out' or just resizing the window. If you are
going to change encoding of the font, click on 'Encoding'. There you can
'Change the encoding' or to look at the help in 'About enc. file'.
The True Type fonts do not contain ligatures. So, if you would like the 
resulting MF file to define ligatures for dashes and/or for quotes, choose
'Ligatures' in the main menu. In the dialog you can read 'Help', 'Default'
button will fill the field with TeX usual values for dashes and quotes 
positions. After you define the ligatures, corresponding symbols will be
marked with green in the font table.
Finally, 'Font->Convert' performs the conversion.


What in the resulting MF file may need correcting?
1. font_x_height
2. font_normal_space
3. font_normal_stretch
4. font_normal_shrink


Encoding of the font:

An example of encoding file is given as 1251_866.enc. 
A line of encoding file has the following format:
m [.. n]    t 
This means that symbols with numbers from m to n in the destination
MF file will be taken from position t in the TTF file. If t is equal
to -1 the corresponding symbols should be omitted.
E.g. an enc file can look as follows
'120        32
'130..'137  112
'132        -1
Note that the order of two last lines is important and that both octal
and decimal notations for symbol position are allowable.
After you choose new encoding, the font table on the screen should change.


Using the fonts in TeX:

When you have already converted a font in a set of sizes:, ..., to incorporate this set to a TeX text you need .tfm
and .pk files. They can be produced, e.g. by invoking to mfjob myfont.mfj,
where myfont.mfj is

input [modes];
def s=[s0];      % Unless changed on command line
mags=s; m;


How does it work:

   TTF2MF obtains information on True Type fonts by using Windows GDI
functions (GetGlyphOutLine etc.). That is why the program works with
installed fonts instead of .ttf files.

What doesn't work:

   The conversion by TTF2MF does not take into account the so-called
hinting which is an important property of True Type fonts. For more
information on True Type format and True Type tools look at



Many of free TTF fonts I see are ugly enough. Please, don't put this trash
to CTAN. I trust your taste.

I would be very grateful for suggestions, comments and information on bugs.
Please contact me via email



My sincere thanks to Drahoslav Lim and To Tanh Binh for information on
features of the program and suggestions for further development. 

Oleg Motygin