% Please see the file LICENCE-wsuipa.txt for licensing information.

% This is IROMANP.MF in text format, as of Jan. 13, 1988.
% This file contains `\$' and `\&' and `?' in the so-called roman style.
% Codes \0044, \0046, and \0077 are generated, as well as code |spanish_query|
% (for a Spanish question mark) if that code value is known.
cmchar "superscript Glottal Stop";
italcorr .8asc_height#*slant;
pos7(dot_size,0); pos8(dot_size,90);
lft x7l=hround(.45w-.25u-.5dot_size); bot y8l=0; z7=z8;  % dot
numeric bot_width;
bot_width=if hefty:max(hround .8dot_size,fine.breadth) else: stem fi;
pickup fine.nib; pos2(vair,90); pos3(stem,0);
pos4(.75curve,-90); pos5(bot_width,0); pos6(bot_width,0);
pos14(bot_width,0); z4l=z14;
x2=x7; rt x3r=hround(w-u); bot y6=1+oo;
top y2r=h+oo; y3=.75[y6,y2]; y4=.45[y6,y2]; y5=.1[y6,y2];
{{interim superness:=more_super;
filldraw stroke pulled_super_arc.e(2,3)(superpull)
filldraw stroke z14e--- z5e---z6e;  % arc and stem
if serifs: pos1(hair,180); pos0(flare,180);
 lft x1r=hround u; y1=.85[y6,y2];
 bulb(2,1,0);  % bulb
else: pos1(Vround 5/7[vair,flare],110);
 lft x1r=hround u; top y1r=vround .9[y6,top y2r];
 filldraw stroke term.e(2,1,left,1,4); fi  % terminal
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar;
cmchar "Glottal Stop";
italcorr .8asc_height#*slant;
pos7(dot_size,0); pos8(dot_size,90);
lft x7l=hround(.45w-.25u-.5dot_size); bot y8l=0; z7=z8;  % dot
numeric bot_width;
bot_width=if hefty:max(hround .8dot_size,fine.breadth) else: stem fi;
pickup fine.nib; pos2(vair,90); pos3(stem,0);
pos4(.75curve,-90); pos5(bot_width,0); pos6(bot_width,0);
pos14(bot_width,0); z4l=z14;
x2=x7; rt x3r=hround(w-u); bot y6=oo;
top y2r=h+oo; y3=.75[y6,y2]; y4=.5[y6,y2]; y5=.1[y6,y2];
{{interim superness:=more_super;
filldraw stroke pulled_super_arc.e(2,3)(superpull)
filldraw stroke z14e--- z5e---z6e;  % arc and stem
if serifs: pos1(hair,180); pos0(flare,180);
 lft x1r=hround .5u; y1=.85[y6,y2];
 bulb(2,1,0);  % bulb
 dish_serif(6,5,c,1/3,.8cap_jut,b,1/3,.8cap_jut);   %lower serif
else: pos1(Vround 5/7[vair,flare],110);
 lft x1r=hround u; top y1r=vround .9[y6,top y2r];
 filldraw stroke term.e(2,1,left,1,4); fi  % terminal
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar;
cmchar "Reversed Glottal Stop";
italcorr .8asc_height#*slant;
pos7(dot_size,0); pos8(dot_size,90);
lft x7l=hround(.55w+.25u+.5dot_size); bot y8l=0; z7=z8;  % dot
numeric bot_width;
bot_width=if hefty:max(hround .8dot_size,fine.breadth) else: stem fi;
pickup fine.nib; pos2(vair,90); pos3(stem,180);
pos4(.75curve,-90); pos5(bot_width,0); pos6(bot_width,0);
pos14(bot_width,0); z4l=z14;
x2=x7; rt x3r=hround(1.5u); bot y6=oo;
top y2r=h+oo; y3=.75[y6,y2]; y4=.5[y6,y2]; y5=.1[y6,y2];
{{interim superness:=more_super;
filldraw stroke pulled_super_arc.e(2,3)(superpull)
filldraw stroke z14e--- z5e---z6e;  % arc and stem
if serifs: pos1(hair,0); pos0(flare,0);
 lft x1r=hround w-.5u; y1=.85[y6,y2];
 bulb(2,1,0);  % bulb
 dish_serif(6,5,c,1/3,.8cap_jut,b,1/3,.8cap_jut);   %lower serif
else: pos1(Vround 5/7[vair,flare],110);
 lft x1r=hround u; top y1r=vround .9[y6,top y2r];
 filldraw stroke term.e(2,1,left,1,4); fi  % terminal
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar;
cmchar "Inverted Glottal Stop";
italcorr .8asc_height#*slant;
pos7(dot_size,0); pos8(dot_size,90);
lft x7l=hround(.55w+.25u+.5dot_size); bot y8l=0; z7=z8;  % dot
numeric bot_width;
bot_width=if hefty:max(hround .8dot_size,fine.breadth) else: stem fi;
pickup fine.nib; pos2(vair,90); pos3(stem,180);
pos4(.75curve,-90); pos5(bot_width,0); pos6(bot_width,0);
pos14(bot_width,0); z4l=z14;
x2=x7; rt x3r=hround(1.5u); bot y6=.1h;
top y2r=h+oo; y3=.75[y6,y2]; y4=.5[y6,y2]; y5=.1[y6,y2];
{{interim superness:=more_super;
filldraw stroke pulled_super_arc.e(2,3)(superpull)
filldraw stroke z14e--- z5e---z6e;  % arc and stem
if serifs: pos1(hair,0); pos0(flare,0);
 lft x1r=hround w-.5u; y1=.85[y6,y2];
 bulb(2,1,0);  % bulb
else: pos1(Vround 5/7[vair,flare],110);
 lft x1r=hround u; top y1r=vround .9[y6,top y2r];
 filldraw stroke term.e(2,1,left,1,4); fi  % terminal
picture rvchar;
if slant=0: rvchar=currentpicture rotatedabout((.5w,.5h),180);%
  else: rvchar=currentpicture rotatedabout((.58w,.5h),180);fi
currentpicture:= rvchar;
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar;
cmchar "superscript reversed Glottal Stop";
italcorr .8asc_height#*slant;
pos7(dot_size,180); pos8(dot_size,90);
rt x7r=hround(.5w+.25u+.5dot_size); bot y8l=0; z7=z8;  % dot
numeric bot_width;
bot_width=if hefty:max(hround .8dot_size,fine.breadth) else: stem fi;
pickup fine.nib; pos2(vair,90); pos3(stem,180);
pos4(.75curve,-90); pos5(bot_width,0); pos6(bot_width,0);
pos14(bot_width,0); z4l=z14;
x2=x7; rt x3r=hround(1.5u); bot y6=1+oo;
top y2r=h+oo; y3=.75[y6,y2]; y4=.45[y6,y2]; y5=.1[y6,y2];
{{interim superness:=more_super;
filldraw stroke pulled_super_arc.e(2,3)(superpull)
filldraw stroke z14e--- z5e---z6e;  % arc and stem
if serifs: pos1(hair,0); pos0(flare,0);
 lft x1r=hround w-u; y1=.85[y6,y2];
 bulb(2,1,0);  % bulb
else: pos1(Vround 5/7[vair,flare],110);
 lft x1r=hround u; top y1r=vround .9[y6,top y2r];
 filldraw stroke term.e(2,1,left,1,4); fi  % terminal
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar;
cmchar "Click  ";
beginchar(oct"073",18u#,asc_height#,desc_depth#); autorounded;
adjust_fit(if monospace:-3u#,-3u# else: 0,0 fi); pickup light_rule.nib;
lft x6=hround u; x2=w-x6; top y8=h+o; bot y4=-d-o;
circle_points; draw_circle;  % circle
fill fullcircle scaled(dot_size+eps) shifted(.5[z4,z8]);  % dot
labels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;