%-*- coding: utf-8 -*- % Damien Garrigues' ``nomogramme,'' reproduced from: % % @Article{garrigues:chronometrie1939, % author = "Damien Garrigues", % title = "{G��n��ralisation de la formule pascale de Gauss: % Nomogramme du Calendrier perp��tuel}", % journal = "Annales fran��aises de chronom��trie", % year = "1939", % date = "1er trimestre 1939", % volume = "", % number = "", % pages = "47-60", % month = "", % language = "french", % } % % % Denis Roegel % 10-11 June 2001: initial version (complete, but not meant to be % described in an article) % % 16 October 2008: improved version using latexmp % 19 October 2008: some changes to make it more logical % (in particular, col4 has been renumbered from the bottom) % 20-24 October 2008: more changes and restructuration of the code, % improvements in labels and braces % 3-7 November 2008: addition of the special case of epact 25 which % had previously been forgotten (footnote (a) in % the Easter table area) % % % % Only part of the ``nomogramme'' is reproduced, % and this version is not completely identical to the original. % Some of the idiosyncrasies of the original drawing are difficult % to reproduce algorithmically and the purpose is not to create an % exact copy. % % It should also be noted that the code is much more complex than % it needs to be for the pure reproduction of Garrigues' drawing, % because we wanted in addition to show how the drawing is constructed, % and provide a number of partial views. As a consequence, the code % has been broken into many different pieces, and some related pieces % had to be put in different macros. % % For detailed explanations, see the accompanying article. input latexmp % for flexible latex labels input rboxes % for round boxes in column 10 numeric u; u=1mm; labeloffset:=7bp; numeric th_ex; th_ex=.5pt; % thickness of example dashed lines % label shifts in column 8: numeric col_shift_eight_a,col_shift_eight_b; col_shift_eight_a=6u; col_shift_eight_b=10u; def whateverpair=(whatever,whatever) enddef; % this macro formats the epact so that it fits on two characters % (using a phantom 0 on the left) def ep_st(expr i)= if i=0: textext("\phantom{0}$\star$") elseif i<10: textext("\phantom{0}"&decimal(i)) else: textext(decimal(i)) fi enddef; % this macro formats a number on two digits, adding a phantom 0 when % necessary def gstring(expr i)= if i<10: textext("\vphantom{(}\phantom{0}"&decimal(i)) else: textext("\vphantom{(}"&decimal(i)) fi enddef; def gpstring(expr i)= if i<10: textext("(\phantom{0}"&decimal(i)&")") else: textext("("&decimal(i)&")") fi enddef; % this macro adds a label within the Easter area at position (x,y) def label_easter_slot(expr x,y,lab)= label(lab,.5[s[x]r[y],s[x+1]l[y+1]]); enddef; % transform 1->A, 2->B, 3->C, 4->D, 5->E, 6->F, 7->G % for the correct display of the dominical letter def DL(expr i)= char(64+i) enddef; % i is the point number in column 2 (1 at the bottom), % and this macro returns a pair: % a) the Golden number associated to this point % b) the Julian epact associated to this point vardef gn_epact(expr i)= save G,JE; G=1+((9-11i) mod 19); JE=(11G-3) mod 30; (G,JE) % value returned enddef; % i is the point number in column 2 (1 at the bottom), % and this macro returns a pair: % a) the Golden number associated to this point % b) the corresponding point in column 4 (1 at the bottom) % (col. 4 = Julian epact) vardef gn_epactl(expr i)= save G,JE,JEL; G=1+((9-11i) mod 19); JE=(11G-3) mod 30; JEL=30-((JE+12) mod 30); (G,JEL) % value returned enddef; vardef sval(text sec)(text f)= save s;string s; % we build a string with space-separated values: for $=sec: if unknown s: s=f $; else: s:=s & " " & f $; fi; endfor; s enddef; % draw the values of the Gregorian secular parts in column 8; % each call corresponds to one line % i=circle from the bottom (i=1 to 4) % j=line within the circle (j=1 at the top) vardef secular_year(expr i,j)(text sec)= save vd; vd=4u; % vertical shift of the first line label(textext(sval(sec)(decimal)) scaled .5, col8[2i-1]+(10u,vd-(j-1)*.5vd)); enddef; def tddec expr i= if i<10: "0" & decimal(i) else: decimal(i) fi enddef; % i=box number, from 1 (at the bottom) to 7 (at the top) % j=1 or 3 (1 for the line at the top of a box, 3 for the line at the bottom) vardef yn(expr i,j)(text y)= save vd; vd=2u; % vertical shift of the first line label(textext(sval(y)(tddec)) scaled .5, col10[i]+(0,vd-(j-1)*vd)); enddef; % these numbers always appear at a fixed position: def yn_left(expr i)(text y)= label.rt(textext(sval(y)(tddec)) scaled .5,col10[i]+(-10u,0)); enddef; % these numbers always appear at a fixed position: def yn_right(expr i)(text y)= label.lft(textext(sval(y)(tddec)) scaled .5,col10[i]+(10u,0)); enddef; % list is a string with comma-separated values % l is the line number (1 at the bottom) vardef col_six_f(expr list,l)= save n,i;n=0; for $=scantokens(list): n:=n+1; endfor; % n is now the number of values in the list i=0; for $=scantokens(list): i:=i+1; if n>1: % if there is more than 1 value, the extreme values % are put at 2u below and above the center, % and the other values (if any) are spread evenly % in-between label(textext(decimal $) scaled .7, col6a[l]+(0,-2u+(i-1)*(4u/(n-1)))); else: % if there is only one value, it is centered; % there is only one such case label(textext(decimal $) scaled .7,col6a[l]); fi; endfor; enddef; vardef col_one_three_f(expr list,l,c)= save n,i;n=0; for $=scantokens(list): n:=n+1; endfor; i=0; for $=scantokens(list): i:=i+1; label(textext(if c=3: (tddec $) else: decimal $ fi) scaled .6, col[c][l]+((if c=3: 2.5u else: 2u fi,0) rotated (180-(i-1)*360/n))); endfor; enddef; % variables for the regular columns and circle radiuses pair col[][],col[]a[]; numeric height;height=150u; % vertical dimension of the drawing numeric diam[]; % variables for labels string col[][]st; % variables for the Easter table: pair B,C; pair s[]r[],s[]l[]; % define the points in columns 1-7 vardef define_first_cols= save E; diam1=(height-18*.5)/18; for i:=1 upto 19: col1[i]=(0,(i-1)*height/18); endfor; for i:=1 upto 19: col3[i]=(40u,(i-1)*height/18); endfor; for i:=1 upto 37: col2[i]=((xpart(col1[1])+xpart(col3[1]))/2, .5*(i-1)*height/18); endfor; for i:=1 upto 37: E:=ypart(gn_epactl(i)); col4[E]=(60u,(E-1)*height/29); endfor; for i:=1 upto 30: col6[i]=(110u,(i-1)*height/29); endfor; for i:=1 upto 58: col5[i]=((xpart(col4[1])+xpart(col6[1]))/2,.5*(i-1)*height/29); endfor; for i:=1 upto 30: % the circles for column 6 appear alternately % on the right and on the left of the center corresponding to col6 if i mod 2=0: col6a[i]=col6[i]-(8u,0); else: col6a[i]=col6[i]+(8u,0); fi; endfor; for i:=1 upto 30: % the values in column 7 are shifted vertically by 20u: col7[i]=(130u,20u+(i-1)*(height-20u)/29); endfor; enddef; % define strings containing the numbers in the circles of column 1 vardef define_col_one_labels= save p; for i=0 upto 84: % only S=0 to 84 are considered p:=1+(9+3i) mod 19; if unknown col1[p]st: col1[p]st=decimal(i); else: col1[p]st :=col1[p]st & "," & decimal(i); fi; endfor; enddef; % define strings containing the numbers in the circles of column 3 vardef define_col_three_labels= save p; for i=0 upto 99: p:=1+(15+12i) mod 19; if unknown col3[p]st: col3[p]st=decimal(i); else: col3[p]st :=col3[p]st & "," & decimal(i); fi; endfor; enddef; % define strings containing the numbers in the circles of column 6 vardef define_col_six_labels= save p,M; for i=15 upto 84: % all secular parts of column 6 % find the line number where it goes M:=(15+i-floor(i/4)-floor((8i+13)/25)) mod 30; p:=1+(M+21) mod 30; if unknown col6[p]st: col6[p]st=decimal(i); else: col6[p]st:=col6[p]st & "," & decimal(i); fi; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_one_points= for i:=1 upto 19: drawdot col1[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_two_points= for i:=1 upto 37: drawdot col2[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_three_points= for i:=1 upto 19: drawdot col3[i]; endfor; enddef; vardef draw_col_four_points= save GNE;pair GNE; for i:=1 upto 37: GNE:=whateverpair;GNE=gn_epactl(i); drawdot col4[ypart(GNE)]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_five_points= for i:=1 upto 58: drawdot col5[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_six_points= for i:=1 upto 30: drawdot col6[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_seven_points= for i:=1 upto 30: drawdot col7[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_eight_points= for i=1 upto 7: drawdot col8[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_nine_points= for i=1 upto 13: drawdot col9[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_ten_points= for i=1 upto 7: drawdot col10[i]; endfor; enddef; def draw_col_eleven_points= for i=1 upto 7: drawdot col11[i]; endfor; enddef; vardef draw_block_one_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw_col_one_points; draw_col_two_points; draw_col_three_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_two_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw_col_two_points; %draw_col_three_points; draw_col_four_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_three_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw_col_four_points; draw_col_five_points; draw_col_six_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_four_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw_col_five_points; %draw_col_six_points; draw_col_seven_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_five_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw_col_eight_points; draw_col_nine_points; draw_col_ten_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_six_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; %draw_col_eight_points; draw_col_nine_points; draw_col_eleven_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_seven_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw_col_seven_points; draw_col_eleven_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; % draw the various points in the columns: vardef draw_all_points= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw_block_one_points; draw_block_three_points; draw_block_five_points; draw_block_seven_points; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_two_connections= for i:=1 upto 37: draw col2[i]--col4[ypart(gn_epactl(i))]; endfor; enddef; def draw_block_four_connections= for i:=1 upto 58: draw col5[i]--col7[1+((i-1) mod 30)]; endfor; enddef; def draw_block_six_connections= for i=1 upto 13: draw col9[i]--col11[1+(13-i) mod 7]; endfor; enddef; % draw the lines connecting the points def draw_all_connections= draw_block_two_connections; draw_block_four_connections; draw_block_six_connections; enddef; % connecting the secular part to the last two digits of the year: vardef draw_block_one_example= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; draw col1[10]--col3[9] withcolor white; % erasing the old connection pickup pencircle scaled th_ex; draw col1[10]--col3[9] dashed evenly; pickup oldpen; enddef; % connecting the Golden number to the Julian epact: vardef draw_block_two_example= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; draw col2[18]--col4[29] withcolor white; % erasing the old connection pickup pencircle scaled th_ex; draw col2[18]--col4[29] dashed evenly; pickup oldpen; enddef; % connecting the Julian epact to M: vardef draw_block_three_example= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; draw col4[29]--col6[16] withcolor white; % erasing the old connection pickup pencircle scaled th_ex; draw col4[29]--col6[16] dashed evenly; pickup oldpen; enddef; % connecting the Gregorian epacts: vardef draw_block_four_example= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; draw col5[44]--col7[14] withcolor white; % erasing the old connection pickup pencircle scaled th_ex; draw col5[44]--col7[14] dashed evenly; pickup oldpen; enddef; % connecting the secular part of the year to the % last two digits, in order to obtain the dominical letter: vardef draw_block_five_example= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; draw col8[7]--col10[5] withcolor white; % erasing the old connection pickup pencircle scaled th_ex; draw col8[7]--col10[5] dashed evenly; pickup oldpen; enddef; % connecting the dominical letters together: vardef draw_block_six_example= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; draw col9[11]--col11[3] withcolor white; % erasing the old connection pickup pencircle scaled th_ex; draw col9[11]--col11[3] dashed evenly; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_block_seven_example= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled th_ex; % connecting all Easter dates with the same dominical letter A: draw col11[3]--C dashed evenly; % connecting all Easter dates with the same Gregorian epact value: draw col7[14]--B dashed evenly; % showing the Easter date: pickup pencircle scaled 3pt; draw (col11[3]--C) intersectionpoint (col7[14]--B); pickup oldpen; enddef; % example for 1939: def draw_all_example= draw_block_one_example; draw_block_two_example; draw_block_three_example; draw_block_four_example; draw_block_five_example; draw_block_six_example; draw_block_seven_example; enddef; def draw_dbl_circle(expr da,db,c) text options= unfill fullcircle scaled db shifted c; draw fullcircle scaled db shifted c; draw fullcircle scaled da shifted c options; enddef; % circles in column 1: def draw_col_one_circles= for i:=1 upto 19: draw_dbl_circle(.9diam1,diam1,col1[i]); endfor; enddef; % extra labels for block one: def draw_col_one_circle_labels= for i:=1 upto 19: label.lft(textext(decimal((4+8*(i-1)) mod 19)),col1[i]+7u*left); endfor; enddef; % circles in column 3: def draw_col_three_circles= for i:=1 upto 19: % this produces a simple circle: draw_dbl_circle(diam1,diam1,col3[i]); endfor; enddef; % extra labels for block one: def draw_col_three_circle_labels= for i:=1 upto 19: label.lft(textext(decimal((13+8*(i-1)) mod 19)),col3[i]+13u*right); endfor; enddef; def draw_col_six_circles= % circles around column 6: for i:=1 upto 30: draw_dbl_circle(.9diam1,diam1,col6a[i]); endfor; % special case of the Julian calendar: draw_dbl_circle(.9diam1,diam1,col6[7]-(17u,0)) dashed evenly; drawarrow (col6[7]-(17u,0))--col6[7] cutbefore (fullcircle scaled diam1 shifted (col6[7]-(17u,0))); label(textext("\vbox{\halign{\hfil#\hfil\cr Jul.\cr Cal.\cr}}") scaled .7, col6[7]-(17u,0)); enddef; % circles around column 8: def draw_col_eight_circles= for i=1 upto 7: draw_dbl_circle(.9diam2,diam2,col8[i]-(col_shift_eight_a,0)); if i mod 2=1: draw_dbl_circle(.9diam3,diam3,col8[i]+(col_shift_eight_b,0)); fi; endfor; enddef; def draw_block_one_circles= draw_col_one_circles; draw_col_one_circle_labels; draw_col_three_circles; draw_col_three_circle_labels; enddef; def draw_block_two_circles= draw_col_three_circles; enddef; def draw_block_three_circles= draw_col_six_circles; enddef; def draw_block_four_circles= draw_col_six_circles; enddef; def draw_block_five_circles= draw_col_eight_circles; enddef; def draw_block_six_circles= draw_col_eight_circles; enddef; def draw_all_circles= draw_col_one_circles; draw_col_three_circles; draw_col_six_circles; draw_col_eight_circles; enddef; % display values in circles of column 1: def draw_labels_col_one= for i=1 upto 19: col_one_three_f(col1[i]st,i,1); endfor; label(textext("I"),col1[1]-(0,10u)); label(textext("$S$") scaled 1.5,col1[19]+(col1[19]-col1[18])); enddef; def draw_labels_col_two_a= label(textext("II"),col2[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; % this is an extended display vardef draw_labels_col_two_b= save GNE;pair GNE; for i:=1 upto 37: GNE:=whateverpair;GNE=gn_epact(i); % some of the values here are written twice, but this causes no harm: label.rt(gstring(xpart(GNE)),col2[i]); label.lft(gstring(ypart(GNE)),col2[i]); endfor; label.lft(textext("$E_J$"),col2[37]+(col2[37]-col2[36])); label.rt(textext("$G$"),col2[37]+(col2[37]-col2[36])); enddef; % this is an extended display vardef draw_labels_col_two_c= save GNE;pair GNE; for i:=1 upto 37: GNE:=whateverpair;GNE=gn_epact(i); % some of the values here are written twice, but this causes no harm: label.lft(gstring(xpart(GNE)),col2[i]+15u*left); label.lft(gpstring(ypart(GNE)),col2[i]+5u*left); endfor; label.lft(textext("$G$"),col2[37]+(col2[37]-col2[36])+15u*left); label.lft(textext("$E_J$"),col2[37]+(col2[37]-col2[36])+5u*left); enddef; % display values in circles of column 3: def draw_labels_col_three= for i=1 upto 19: col_one_three_f(col3[i]st,i,3); endfor; label(textext("III"),col3[1]-(0,10u)); label(textext("$A$") scaled 1.5,col3[19]+(col3[19]-col3[18])); enddef; vardef draw_labels_col_four_base= save GNE;pair GNE; for i:=1 upto 37: GNE:=whateverpair;GNE=gn_epactl(i); % some of the values here are written twice, but this causes no harm: label.rt(gstring(xpart(GNE)),col4[ypart(GNE)]); endfor; enddef; % display labels in column 4 (values of the Golden number) def draw_labels_col_four_a= draw_labels_col_four_base; label.lft(textext("IV"),col4[1]-(0,10u)); label.rt(textext("Gold. N.") rotated 90,col4[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; def draw_labels_col_four_b= draw_labels_col_four_base; label(textext("IV"),col4[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; vardef draw_labels_col_four_c= save GNE,GNEL;pair GNE,GNEL; for i:=1 upto 37: GNEL:=whateverpair;GNEL=gn_epactl(i); GNE:=whateverpair;GNE=gn_epact(i); label.rt(gpstring(ypart(GNE)),col4[ypart(GNEL)]+5u*right); endfor; label.rt(textext("$G$"),col4[29]+(col4[29]-col4[28])); label.rt(textext("$E_J$"),col4[29]+(col4[29]-col4[28])+5u*right); enddef; vardef draw_labels_col_four_d= save GNE,GNEL;pair GNE,GNEL; for i:=1 upto 37: GNEL:=whateverpair;GNEL=gn_epactl(i); GNE:=whateverpair;GNE=gn_epact(i); label.lft(gstring(xpart(GNEL)),col4[ypart(GNEL)]+8u*left); label.lft(gpstring(ypart(GNE)),col4[ypart(GNEL)]); endfor; label.lft(textext("$G$"),col4[29]+(col4[29]-col4[28])+8u*left); label.lft(textext("$E_J$"),col4[29]+(col4[29]-col4[28])); label.lft(textext("IV"),col4[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; def draw_labels_col_five= for i=1 upto 58: label.lft(ep_st((24-i) mod 30) scaled .7,col5[i]); endfor; label.lft(textext("$E_G$"),col5[58]+2(col5[58]-col5[57])); label(textext("V"),col5[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; def draw_labels_col_five_a= label(textext("V"),col5[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; % display values in circles of column 6: def draw_labels_col_six_a= for i=1 upto 30: col_six_f(col6[i]st,i); endfor; label(textext("VI"),col6[1]-(0,10u)); label(textext("$S$") scaled 1.5,col6[30]+2(col6[30]-col6[29])); enddef; vardef draw_labels_col_six_b= save lo; lo=labeloffset; labeloffset:=3bp; for i=1 upto 30: label.rt(gstring((7-i) mod 30) scaled .5,col6[i]); endfor; labeloffset:=lo; label(textext("$15-M$") scaled .7,col6[30]+.5(col6[30]-col6[29])+2u*right); enddef; % display values of the Gregorian epact def draw_labels_col_seven_a= for i:=1 upto 30: label.rt(ep_st((24-i) mod 30),col7[i]); endfor; label(textext("VII"),col7[1]-(0,20u)); label.rt(textext("Epact:") rotated 90,col7[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; def draw_labels_col_seven_b= draw_labels_col_seven_a; label.rt(textext("$E_G$"),col7[30]+(col7[30]-col7[29])); enddef; def draw_labels_col_seven_c= for i:=1 upto 30: label.lft(ep_st((24-i) mod 30),col7[i]); endfor; label.lft(textext("$E_G$"),col7[30]+2(col7[30]-col7[29])); label(textext("VII"),col7[1]-(0,20u)); label.lft(textext("Epact:") rotated 90,col7[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; def draw_block_one_labels= draw_labels_col_one; draw_labels_col_two_a; draw_labels_col_three; enddef; def draw_block_two_labels= draw_labels_col_two_a; draw_labels_col_four_b; enddef; def draw_block_three_labels= draw_labels_col_four_d; draw_labels_col_five; draw_labels_col_six_a; draw_labels_col_six_b; enddef; def draw_block_four_labels= draw_labels_col_five; draw_labels_col_seven_b; enddef; % draw the labels in columns 1-7 def draw_first_labels= draw_labels_col_one; draw_labels_col_three; draw_labels_col_four_a; draw_labels_col_five_a; draw_labels_col_six_a; draw_labels_col_seven_a; enddef; def define_corners= corner1=whatever[col7[0],B] =C+whatever*up; corner3=.3[B,col7[31]]; % can be positioned freely corner2=(C--corner3) intersectionpoint (B--corner1); corner4=whatever[B,col7[31]] =C+whatever*up; enddef; vardef define_easter_table= save corner,p; pair corner[]; % B and C can be positioned freely: C=(xpart(col7[1])+10u,-10u); B=(xpart(C)+150u,ypart(col7[5])); % we define two additional points in column 7, % one above the 30th, and one below the first: col7[1]-col7[0]=col7[31]-col7[30]=col7[2]-col7[1]; % these four corners define the shape of area XI: define_corners; % area XI is divided into 8 slices (9 boundaries, % only 8 of which are drawn) for i=1 upto 9: s[i]l0=s[i]r0=(((i-1)/8))[corner4,corner3]; s[i]l5=s[i]r5 =whatever[corner1,corner2]=whatever[s[i]l0,C]; endfor; % each of the eight slices is itself divided four times: for i=1 upto 8: % i varies on the ``vertical lines,'' % from left to right; 8 vertical lines enclose the % 35 easter slots; for j=1 upto 4: % j varies on the horizontal inner divisions p:=30-i-(j-1)*7; % from top to bottom if i<8: % division leaving to the right of vertical line i s[i]r[j]=(s[i]l0--s[i]l5) intersectionpoint (B--.5[col7[p],col7[p-1]]); fi; if i>1: % division leaving to the left of vertical line i s[i]l[j]=(s[i]l0--s[i]l5) intersectionpoint (B--.5[col7[p+1],col7[p]]); fi; endfor; endfor; enddef; % draw points B and C vardef draw_B_and_C= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; draw_dbl_circle(.8*3u,3u,B); draw_dbl_circle(.8*3u,3u,C); pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; drawdot B;drawdot C; pickup oldpen; label.ulft(textext("$B$"),B); label.ulft(textext("$C$"),C); enddef; % draw the slices in the Easter table: vardef draw_easter_table_slices= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; for i=1 upto 8: draw s[i]l0--s[i]l5; endfor; draw s8l5--s8l0--s1l0--s1l5--cycle; for i=1 upto 7: for j=1 upto 4: draw s[i]r[j]--s[i+1]l[j]; endfor; endfor; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; % March/April divisions: draw s8l3--s7r3--s7l3--s6r3--s6l3--s5r3-- s5l4--s4r4--s4l4--s3r4--s3l4-- s2r4--s2l4--s1r4; pickup oldpen; enddef; vardef draw_arrow_label@#(expr lab,c,s)= save oldpen; oldpen=savepen; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; draw (c); pickup oldpen; drawarrow (c+s)--(c+u*unitvector(s)); label@#(lab,c+s); enddef; vardef draw_easter_table_details= save corner; pair corner[]; define_corners; draw_arrow_label.top(textext("\tt corner4"),corner4,(0,10u)); draw_arrow_label.urt(textext("\tt corner3"),corner3,10u*dir(20)); draw_arrow_label.lrt(textext("\tt corner2"),corner2,10u*dir(-20)); draw_arrow_label.llft(textext("\tt corner1"),corner1,25u*dir(-132)); draw_arrow_label.top(textext("\tt s2l0"),s[2]l[0],30u*dir(80)); draw_arrow_label.rt(textext("\tt s2r0"),s[2]r[0],40u*dir(10)); draw_arrow_label.top(textext("\tt s4l0"),s[4]l[0],12u*dir(90)); draw_arrow_label.rt(textext("\tt s4r0"),s[4]r[0],20u*dir(5)); draw_arrow_label.lrt(textext("\tt s7l3"),s[7]l[3],40u*dir(-10)); draw_arrow_label.lrt(textext("\tt s7r3"),s[7]r[3],40u*dir(-40)); draw_arrow_label.rt(textext("\tt s7r2"),s[7]r[2],60u*dir(5)); draw corner1--corner2 dashed evenly; draw corner4--corner3 dashed evenly; draw corner2--corner3 dashed evenly; enddef; % draw the labels in the Easter table: vardef draw_easter_table_labels= save laban,march,april,sl,j; string march,april; for i=1 upto 35: % 35 dates from March 22 till April 25 sl:=1+(7-(i mod 7)) mod 7; j:=4-floor((i-1)/7); label_easter_slot(sl,j,textext(if i=35:"25 (a)" else: decimal(if i>10:i-10 else: i+21 fi) fi) if i<8: scaled .7 fi); endfor; laban=angle(s8l0-s8l5); march="$\underbrace{\kern" & decimal(arclength(s8l3--s8l5)-5) & "bp}_{\hbox{MARCH}}$"; april="$\underbrace{\kern" & decimal(arclength(s8l0--s8l3)-5) & "bp}_{\hbox{APRIL}}$"; label(textext(march) rotated laban, .5[s8l3,s8l5]+3u*unitvector((s8l0-s8l5) rotated -90)); label(textext(april) rotated laban, .5[s8l0,s8l3]+3u*unitvector((s8l0-s8l5) rotated -90)); enddef; def draw_easter_table= draw_easter_table_slices; draw_B_and_C; draw_easter_table_labels; enddef; vardef define_dominical_letters= save shift; pair shift; shift=(3u,3u); for i=1 upto 8: col11[i]=whatever[C,.5[s[i]r0,s[i+1]l0]] =whatever[s1r0+shift,s8l0+shift]; endfor; enddef; def draw_labels_col_eleven= for i=1 upto 7: label.ulft(textext(DL(1+(10-i) mod 7)),col11[i]); endfor; label(textext("XI") rotated (angle(s1r0-s8l0)-90), .6[col11[8],col11[7]]); enddef; % define columns 8-11 def define_last_cols= diam2=7u; diam3=13u; for i=1 upto 7: col8[i]=s8l0+(15u,10u+(i-1)*ypart(s1l0-s8l0)/7); col10[i]=col8[i]+(50u,0); endfor; for i=1 upto 13: col9[i]=(xpart(col8[1]+col10[1])/2, ypart(col8[1])+(i-1)*(ypart(col8[7]-col8[1]))/12); endfor; define_dominical_letters; enddef; vardef draw_labels_col_eight_julian= save v; for i=1 upto 7: for j=1 upto 3: v:=((4+i) mod 7)+(j-1)*7; label(textext(decimal(v)) scaled .5, col8[i]-(col_shift_eight_a,0) +((0,1.4u) rotated ((j-1)*120))); endfor; endfor; enddef; def draw_labels_col_eight_gregorian= % the following lines could be parameterized, but it's not worth it secular_year(1,1)(16,20,24); secular_year(1,2)(28,32,36,40); secular_year(1,3)(44,48,52,56); secular_year(1,4)(60,64,68,72); secular_year(1,5)(76,80,84); secular_year(2,1)(17,21); secular_year(2,2)(25,29,33,37); secular_year(2,3)(41,45,49,53); secular_year(2,4)(57,61,65,69); secular_year(2,5)(73,77,81); secular_year(3,1)(18,22); secular_year(3,2)(26,30,34,38); secular_year(3,3)(42,46,50,54); secular_year(3,4)(58,62,66,70); secular_year(3,5)(74,78,82); secular_year(4,1)(15,19,23); secular_year(4,2)(27,31,35,39); secular_year(4,3)(43,47,51,55); secular_year(4,4)(59,63,67,71); secular_year(4,5)(75,79,83); enddef; vardef draw_labels_col_ten= save rbr; rbr=rbox_radius; rbox_radius:=15pt; for i=1 upto 7: rboxit.rb[i](""); rb[i].c=col10[i]; rb[i].dx=9u;rb[i].dy=3.3u; unfill bpath(rb[i]); drawboxes(rb[i]); endfor; rbox_radius:=rbr; yn(1,1)(3,8,14,25,31); yn_left(1)(36,42);yn_right(1)(53,59); yn(1,3)(64,70,81,87,92,98); yn(2,1)(2,13,19,24,30); yn_left(2)(41,47);yn_right(2)(52,58); yn(2,3)(69,75,80,86,97); yn(3,1)(1,7,12,18,29); yn_left(3)(35,40);yn_right(3)(46,57); yn(3,3)(63,68,74,85,91,96); yn(4,1)(0,6,17,23,28); yn_left(4)(34,45);yn_right(4)(51,56); yn(4,3)(62,73,79,84,90); yn(5,1)(5,11,16,22,33); yn_left(5)(39,44);yn_right(5)(50,61); yn(5,3)(67,72,78,89,95); yn(6,1)(4,10,21,27,32); yn_left(6)(38,49);yn_right(6)(55,60); yn(6,3)(66,77,83,88,94); yn(7,1)(9,15,20,26,37); yn_left(7)(43,48);yn_right(7)(54,65); yn(7,3)(71,76,82,93,99); label(textext("X"),col10[1]-(0,10u)); label(textext("$A$") scaled 1.5,col10[7]+2(col8[7]-col8[6])); enddef; def draw_labels_col_ten_a= draw_labels_col_ten; for i=1 upto 7: label.rt(textext(decimal((i+3) mod 7)),col10[i]+10u*right); endfor; enddef; def draw_labels_col_eight_a= draw_labels_col_eight_julian; draw_labels_col_eight_gregorian; label(textext("VIII"),col8[1]-(0,10u)); label(textext("J.C.") scaled 1.5, col8[7]+(-col_shift_eight_a,0)+(col8[7]-col8[6])); label(textext("G.C.") scaled 1.5, col8[7]+(col_shift_eight_b,0)+(col8[7]-col8[6])); enddef; def draw_labels_col_eight_b= for i=1 upto 7: label.top(decimal(i-1),col8[i]); endfor; enddef; def draw_labels_col_nine= for i=1 upto 13: label.rt(textext(DL(1+(3+i) mod 7)),col9[i]); endfor; label(textext("IX"),col9[1]-(0,10u)); label.rt(textext("Dom. L.") rotated 90,col9[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; def draw_labels_col_nine_a= for i=1 upto 13: label.rt(textext(DL(1+(3+i) mod 7) & " ("&decimal((i+3) mod 7)&")"),col9[i]); endfor; label(textext("IX"),col9[1]-(0,10u)); label.rt(textext("Dom. L.") rotated 90,col9[1]-(0,10u)); enddef; def draw_block_five_labels= draw_labels_col_eight_a; draw_labels_col_eight_b; draw_labels_col_nine_a; draw_labels_col_ten_a; enddef; def draw_block_six_labels= draw_labels_col_nine; draw_labels_col_eleven; enddef; def draw_block_seven_labels= draw_labels_col_seven_c; draw_labels_col_eleven; enddef; def draw_all_labels= draw_first_labels; draw_labels_col_eight_julian; draw_labels_col_eight_gregorian; label(textext("VIII"),col8[1]-(0,10u)); draw_labels_col_nine; draw_labels_col_ten; draw_labels_col_eleven; enddef; def draw_block_one_brace= label(textext("$\overbrace{\kern85bp}^{\hbox{Year}}$") scaled 1.5, col2[37]+4(col2[37]-col2[36])); enddef; def draw_col_eight_brace= label(textext("$\overbrace{\kern50bp}^{\hbox{$S$}}$") scaled 1.5, col8[7]+2(col8[7]-col8[6])+(.5(col_shift_eight_b-col_shift_eight_a),0)); enddef; def draw_block_five_braces= draw_col_eight_brace; label(textext("$\overbrace{\kern100bp}^{\hbox{Year}}$") scaled 1.5, col9[13]+6(col9[13]-col9[12]) +(.25(col_shift_eight_b-col_shift_eight_a),0)); enddef; def draw_block_six_brace= draw_col_eight_brace; enddef; def draw_all_braces= draw_block_one_brace; draw_block_five_braces; enddef; def draw_block_one= draw_block_one_example; draw_block_one_circles; draw_block_one_points; % after the circles draw_block_one_labels; draw_block_one_brace; draw_labels_col_two_b; enddef; def draw_block_two= draw_block_two_connections; draw_block_two_example; draw_block_two_points; % after the circles draw_block_two_labels; draw_labels_col_four_c; draw_labels_col_two_c; enddef; def draw_block_three= draw_block_three_example; draw_block_three_circles; draw_block_three_points; % after the circles draw_block_three_labels; enddef; def draw_block_four= draw_block_four_connections; draw_block_four_example; draw_block_four_points; % after the circles draw_block_four_labels; enddef; def draw_block_five= draw_block_five_example; draw_block_five_circles; draw_block_five_labels; draw_block_five_points; % must be after the labels draw_block_five_braces; enddef; def draw_block_six= draw_block_six_connections; draw_block_six_example; draw_block_six_points; % after the example draw_block_six_labels; enddef; def draw_block_seven= draw_block_seven_example; draw_easter_table; % after the example draw_block_seven_labels; draw_block_seven_points; % after the example draw_easter_table_details; enddef; define_first_cols; define_easter_table; define_last_cols; define_col_six_labels; define_col_one_labels; define_col_three_labels; beginfig(1); draw_all_connections; draw_all_example; draw_easter_table; label(textext("\footnotesize "& "\parbox{4cm}{\raggedright "& "Note (a). The Gregorian years which have " & "epact $=$ 25, dominical letter $=$ C, and " & "Golden Number $>$ 11 have their Easter on " & "April 18 instead of April 25. The only such " & "years are 1954, 2049, 2106, 3165, 3260, 3317, "& "3852, 3909, 4004, 6399, etc." & "}"),C+35u*right); draw_all_circles; draw_all_labels; draw_all_points; % after the circles and the labels draw_all_braces; endfig; beginfig(11); draw_block_one; endfig; beginfig(12); draw_block_two; endfig; beginfig(13); draw_block_three; endfig; beginfig(14); draw_block_four; endfig; beginfig(15); draw_block_five; endfig; beginfig(16); draw_block_six; endfig; beginfig(17); draw_block_seven; endfig; beginfig(21); numeric v,w,last; v=10u; w=20u; last=5; pair P[],Q[],R[]; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; for i=0 upto last: P[i]=(0,i*v);draw P[i]; Q[i]=(2w,i*v);draw Q[i]; endfor; for i=0 upto 2last: R[i]=(w,i*v/2);draw R[i]; endfor; pickup pencircle scaled .5; label.bot(textext("$p_i$"),P0); label.bot(textext("$q_i$"),Q0); label.bot(textext("$r_i$"),R0); draw P2--Q3; for i=0 upto 5: label.lft(textext(decimal i) scaled .7,P[i]); endfor; for i=0 upto 5: label.rt(textext(decimal i) scaled .7,Q[i]); endfor; for i=0 upto 4: label.rt(textext(decimal i) scaled .7,R[i]); endfor; unfill bbox(thelabel.rt(textext("5") scaled .7,R5)); label.rt(textext("5") scaled .7,R5); for i=6 upto 10: label.rt(textext(decimal i) scaled .7,R[i]); endfor; endfig; beginfig(25); numeric v,w,last; v=10u; w=20u; last=5; pair P[],Q[],R[]; pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; for i=0 upto last: P[i]=(0,i*v);draw P[i]; Q[i]=(2w,i*v);draw Q[i]; endfor; for i=0 upto 2last: R[i]=(w,i*v/2);draw R[i]; endfor; pickup pencircle scaled .5; label.bot(textext("$p_i$"),P0); label.bot(textext("$q_i$"),Q0); label.bot(textext("$r_i$"),R0); draw P2--Q3; for i=0 upto 5: label.lft(textext("$x_" & decimal i & "$") scaled .7,P[i]); endfor; for i=0 upto 5: label.rt(textext("$y_" & decimal i & "$") scaled .7,Q[i]); endfor; for i=0 upto 4: label.rt(textext("$z_" & decimal i & "$") scaled .7,R[i]); endfor; unfill bbox(thelabel.rt(textext("$z_5$") scaled .7,R5)); label.rt(textext("$z_5$") scaled .7,R5); for i=6 upto 10: label.rt(textext("$z_{" & decimal i & "}$") scaled .7,R[i]); endfor; endfig; end