%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % 3D extensions for MetaPost by Anthony Phan. % file: m3Dpicts.mp % last modification: january 11, 2006 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Licence? Feel-free-to-send-me-a-postcard % % Anthony Phan, % % D\'epartement de Math\'ematiques, % SP2MI, T\'el\'eport 2, % Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie, % BP 30179, % F-86962 Futuroscope-Chasseneuil cedex. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % FOREWORD % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file is under construction and may attempt to mimic % some Z-buffer or such. % % An attempt to allow automatic ordering: % % SubPicture refpoint.1; % fillArea(n,M1,...,M.n); ... % endSubPicture; % . % . % . % SubPicture refpoint.n; % fillArea(m, M1,...M.m); ... % endSubPicture; % % % ShipPicturesOut; done in extra_endfig % % Every face is stored as a picture and at the end the whole % is ordered and printed. Shipping is done automatically % when this counter is reached. At this time, pictures are sorted % with a buble sort algorithm. It is slow % if known mthreeDpicts: endinput; fi mthreeDpicts := 1; if unknown mthreeDplain: input m3Dplain; fi extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & ";pictcnt_ := 0; picture pict_[]; numeric pictdepth_[];"; extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "ShipPicturesOut;"; path c_; maxpictcnt := 100; color M___; def fillArea(expr vertexCount)(text vertices) = c_ := for $ = vertices: proj $-- endfor cycle; if Orientation(c_) >= 0: M_ := (for $ = vertices: $+ endfor Origin)/vertexCount; n_ := 0; for $ = vertices: M___ := $; exitif true; endfor n_ := 0; M__ := Origin; for $ = vertices: n_ := n_+1; if n_>1: M__ := M__+(M___-M_)Vectprod($-M_); fi M___ := $; endfor for $ = vertices: M__ := M__+(M___-M_)Vectprod($-M_); exitif true; endfor if Norm M__ > 0: pictcnt_ := pictcnt_+1; pictdepth_[pictcnt_] := Depth M_; M__ := Unitvector(M__/vertexCount); pict_[pictcnt_] := nullpicture; addto pict_[pictcnt_] contour c_ withcolor Light(M_,M__,ObjectColor); if pictcnt_ = maxpictcnt: ShipPicturesOut; fi fi fi enddef; % polyLine(expr vertexCount)(text vertices) % polyMarker(expr vertexCount)(text vertices) % text(expr origin)(expr str) % polyhedron(expr vertexCount, facetCount)(text vertices)(text facets) % % setLineStyle(expr style) % setLineWidthScaleFactor(expr scalefactor) % setLineColor(expr colorindex) % % setInteriorColor(expr colorindex) % % setEdgeFlag(expr flag) % setEdgeStyle(expr style) % setEdgeWidthScaleFactor(expr scalefactor) % setEdgeColor(expr colorindex) % % setMarkerStyle(expr style) % setMarkerWidthScaleFactor(expr scalefactor) % setMarkerColor(expr colorindex) % % setTextFont(expr fontindex) % setTextColor(expr colorindex) currentdepth_ := 0; picture tmppicture; def SubPicture expr refpoint = begingroup save pictcnt_, currentdepth_, currentpicture, pict_, pictdepth_; picture pict_[],currentpicture; pictcnt_ = 0; currentdepth_ := Depth refpoint; currentpicture := nullpicture; message "Subpicture starts"; enddef; def endSubPicture = ShipPicturesOut; tmppicture := currentpicture; currentdepth__ := currentdepth_; endgroup; % if tmppicture <> nullpicture: % does not exist pictcnt_ := pictcnt_+1; pict_[pictcnt_] := tmppicture; pictdepth_[pictcnt_] := currentdepth__; message "Subpicture stored in pict "&str[pictcnt_]; % fi enddef; %vardef ShipPicturesOut = % message "Shipping out "&str[pictcnt_]&" picts"; % if pictcnt_ > 1: % save tmp_string, SortCriterion; % def SortCriterion(expr first, second) = % pictdepth_[first] < pictdepth_[second] % enddef; % string tmp_string; tmp_string = ""; % for $ = 1 upto pictcnt_: % tmp_string := tmp_string & str[$] if $<pictcnt_: &"," fi; % endfor % QuickSort(scantokens tmp_string); % for $ = scantokens(SortedString): % addto currentpicture also pict_[$]; % endfor; % elseif pictcnt_ = 1: % addto currentpicture also pict_[1]; % else: % fi % pictcnt_ := 0; %enddef; % % much slower but use less memory (?) % def ShipPicturesOut = begingroup; if pictcnt_ > 1: message "Shipping out "&str[pictcnt_]&" picts"; save sortflag, _i_; boolean sortflag; _i_ = 1; forever: sortflag := true; for $ = 1 upto pictcnt_-_i_: if pictdepth_[$] < pictdepth_[$+1]: pict_[0] := pict_[$]; pictdepth_[0] := pictdepth_[$]; pict_[$] := pict_[$+1]; pictdepth_[$] := pictdepth_[$+1]; pict_[$+1] := pict_[0]; pictdepth_[$+1] := pictdepth_[0]; sortflag := false; fi endfor exitif sortflag; _i_ := _i_+1; endfor for $ = 1 upto pictcnt_: addto currentpicture also pict_[$]; endfor; elseif pictcnt_ = 1: message "Shipping out 1 pict"; addto currentpicture also pict_[1]; else: fi pictcnt_ := 0; endgroup; enddef; endinput. % % Other attempts % numeric VertexCount; color FaceNormal, FaceMiddle; path FaceContour; def fillArea text vertices = FaceCountour := for $ = vertices: proj $-- endfor cycle; VertexCount := 0 for $ = vertices: +1 endfor; if Orientation(FaceContour) >= 0: FaceMiddle := (Origin for $ = vertices: +$ endfor)/VertexCount; n_ := 0; for $ = vertices: M___ := $; exitif true; endfor n_ := 0; M__ := Origin; for $ = vertices: n_ := n_+1; if n_>1: M__ := M__+(M___-M_)Vectprod($-M_); fi M___ := $; endfor for $ = vertices: M__ := M__+(M___-M_)Vectprod($-M_); exitif true; endfor if Norm M__ > 0: M__ := Unitvector(M__/VertexCount); pict_[pictcnt_] := nullpicture; addto currentpicture contour FaceContour withcolor Light(FaceMiddle,FaceNormal,ObjectColor); fi fi enddef;