% hevea  : hevea.sty
% This is a very basic style file for latex document to be processed
% with hevea. It contains definitions of LaTeX environment which are
% processed in a special way by the translator. 
%  Mostly :
%     - latexonly, not processed by hevea, processed by latex.
%     - htmlonly , the reverse.
%     - rawhtml,  to include raw HTML in hevea output.
%     - toimage, to send text to the image file.
% The package also provides hevea logos, html related commands (ahref
% etc.), void cutting and image commands.
\raise #1\hbox{$\m@th$%
  \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
  \fontsize\sf@size 0%
%%%%%%%%% Hyperlinks hevea style
{%url package is not loaded
%% Void cutting instructions
%%%% Html only
%%%% Latex only
%%%% Image file stuff
%%% Bgcolor definition
%%% Style sheets macros, defined as no-ops
%%% Postlude