TeXhax Digest Monday, January 12, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 03 This weeks Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Re: Issue 02 TeX V troff How to cite all the keys of a bibtex database. Re: the whole bibliography Possibly stupid questions (TeX on SUNS) DVI to POSTSCRIPT on VAX/VMS? flushbottom with minipages Missing newline causes grief Re: Missing newline causes grief Construction of Bezier cubics ? Driver for DEC LN01?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wednesday, 7 Jan 87 09:11:27 EST To: texhax-request%score.stanford.edu%umich.uucp@eecs.umich.edu Subject: Re: Issue 02 We are establishing a centralized TeX based texhandling system for the Physics Department consisting of Sun workstations, Apple LaserWriters, Encore Annex, and ANSI terminals. The software will include the ArborText TeX package, Sun's NFS, GNU Emacs, SLAC TeX Macros, and some local Macros as well. This is all fairly straightforward. The system is to include Microprocessor connection through the same RS232 ports as the terminals but with dual purpose, terminal emulation and stand alone operation. The stand alone operation includes the use of any word- processor program that generates PostScript output. This output is then to be directed to the Apple Lasers via Kermit protocol. For the IBM PC and compatibles this all appears to work easily. For the MacIntosh it is more complicated. However, for the MacIntosh, there is the desire to provide a Laser output facility similar to that which is working for the IBM type and also to provide PostScript graphic elements that can be included in TeX documents via the \special feature and the DVI to laser driver. ArborText driver will handle such. Question: _______________________________________________________________________ | What facilities and documentation are around to aid in the task of | | making the MacIntosh output its PostScript to a file and/or to some | | other system. Anyone done the merging of MacIntosh generated graphs| | into TeX documents? | ------------------------------ To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu, unix-tex@ward.cs.washington.edu Subject: TeX V troff Return-Receipt-To: mcvax!psg.npl.co.uk!jrp@seismo.CSS.GOV Date: Tue, 06 Jan 87 21:36:56 GMT From: John Pavel Here is a slightly more readable version of the paper that I sent out at the end of last year. It was processed with the dvidoc program available from ken@rochester.arpa. John Pavel ----snip--------snip--------snip--------snip--------snip--------snip---- % % John's paper is too long to send out over the digest. It is available % for FTPing under the name % PAVEL.TXT % at score.stanford.edu % % Malcolm % ------------------------------ Mail-From: EM created at 6-Jan-87 17:39:42 Date: Tue 6 Jan 87 17:39:42-PST From: Eric Muller Subject: How to cite all the keys of a bibtex database. To: texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU I have made a simple modification to Bibtex so that it can behave as if all the entries of a (set of) bibliography file had been cited. Namely, I have added a ".aux" file command, "\citeall{}" which is equivalent to the list all "\citation{xxx}" commands where xxx is replaced by the cite-key of each entry. In conjunction with a bst-format that produces "\nocite{xxx}" as the bibliographic entry, where xxx is the cite-key of the entry (instead of the normal LaTeX commands to format the entry) and a ".aux" file of the form : \relax \bibdata{cs} % the name of the .bib file \citeall{} % to get all the entries of it \bibstyle{cite-all} % to produce a \nocite for each entry what you get after processing by Bibtex is a list of all the "\nocite" commands in the ".bbl" file, which you can then \input where you want. I also have a "author-index.bst" format that will produce a list of "\index" commands, one for each author in each entry, the text of the index entry being the author name and the "page number" replaced by the cite-key of the entry. You can also use a standard format in the "\bibstyle". The reason for the two step process (with the cite-all format) is linked to the memory allocation scheme of Bibtex I did not want to change too much. That is, if the format you want to use utilizes less than a certain number of fields in the entries (if think it is 20) then everything is fine; otherwise use the two step process. The rest of this message is the files mentionned above, starting with the change file for bibtex (I am running the modified version on a Tops-20 system, so that these may have to be merged with changes for your system), and the two format files. Files are separated by "@@@@@@@ " line. If you need any help, just send me mail. There may be a bug in these modifications : the last entry in the database may no appear; just add a dummy entry at the end (or find the bug !). Last detail : the modified bibtex will do whatever the old one does, it just has one additional command; the code for the modification is not really clean (especially on the Web side); you can forward this to anyone interested. Good luck, Eric Muller (em@score.stanford.edu) % As with John Pavel's paper, Eric's files are too large to send out % via the digest. Eric's complete message can be FTPed from % score.stanford.edu by accessing the file % MULLER.TXT % % Malcolm ------------------------------ Date: Wed 7 Jan 87 06:28:46-PST From: Oren Patashnik Subject: Re: the whole bibliography To: lamport@decwrl.dec.com Leslie---In a TeXhax submission you wrote: > Mark Roth wants to get a listing of all the entries in a .bib file. > Oren Patashnik has been considering including this feature, but I seem > to recall that he decided that it wasn't worth the effort. The syntax > of .bib files is simple enough that it should be quite easy to write a > program that goes through a .bib file and produces a file containing > \cite or \nocite commands for each entry. > He also requested a way of printing the cite key with an entry. It > should be easy to create a bibliography style that uses the key as the > label, so the key would appear in the bibliography and be printed by > the \cite command. You'd change to a standard bibliography style when > you've finished writing and are ready to produce the final version. Initially I decided it wasn't worth the effort to include these features in BibTeX, but since then I've probably spent more time in fielding requests for them than I would have in including the features originally. So in the next release of BibTeX, probably some time this spring, there will be a facility for handling these features. --Oren ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 87 01:17:56 PST From: Reply-To: LINNDR%VUENGVAX.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu Subject: Possibly stupid questions 1) Howcan I get a TeX for a set of SUN work stations? 2) How can I get a DVI previewer for a SUN/3? 3) How can I get a DVI->PostScript filter to output DVI files on an Apple LaserWriter? In all cases, the operating system is SUN UNIX 3.2. Many thanx for reviving the TeXHax list and for any answers you can give. David Linn LINNDR%VUENGVAX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.ARPA % To my knowledge, the best source for TeX on the SUN remains TextSet, Inc. % 416 Fourth Street, PO Box 7993, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48107 (313) 996-3566 % % Malcolm ------------------------------ From: ucla-an!remsit!stb!thobe@ee.UCLA.EDU To: texhax@su-score.ARPA Subject: DVI to POSTSCRIPT on VAX/VMS? Return-Receipt-To: ucla-an!thobe@ee.UCLA.EDU Date: Fri Jan 9 00:56:06 1987 Can someone direct me to a low cost or public domain DVI to POSTSCRIPT driver/filter which runs on VAX/VMS or can be easily ported to it? Anyone with experience using such a filter, please comment on its quality and reliability. Thanks in advance. Please reply directly and to . -Glenn Thobe ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jan 87 1:50 +0600 From: Daniel Keizer To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: flushbottom with minipages A problem for all LaTeX'perts ...We have addresses in the minipage environment, within the two-column environment with the report style with mark both on the top of the page. Our problem is that the bottom of the page is *not* flush as it should be, rather, it is jagged right after the last possible address that could be fit in. My presumption about flush bottom would be that it would flush the bottom out no matter what ... even putting extra spaces with in the address or between them would be ok ... Are we doing something wrong or approaching it from the wrong angle?? Thanks for the time. Dan Keizer BUSU@CC.UOFM.CDN (EAN net) BUSU@UOFMCC.BITNET (Bitnet of course) ------------------------------ To: unix-tex@ward.cs.washington.edu, texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Missing newline causes grief Date: Sun, 11 Jan 87 02:28:25 -0500 From: SKY The files article.sty, letter.sty, report.sty in the latest Unix TeX distribution (2.0) are missing a final newline. Apparently this doesn't matter to Pascal TeX but caused a puzzling bug when I tried to use the macros with Pat Monardo's Common TeX (in C). This had the effect of deleting the last line from the file. Check your distribution. Ken ------------------------------ From: monardo@renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Pat Monardo) To: SKY Subject: Re: Missing newline causes grief In-Reply-To: Your message of Sun, 11 Jan 87 02:28:25 EST. Date: Sat, 10 Jan 87 23:56:23 PST Actually that is something I need to handle. I havent updated the algorithms to handle later versions input_ln. I would rather keep it simple and handle this as special case of EOF in which last != fist. Unless someone can advice me that not using the tex 2.0 input_ln is a mistake. pat ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 87 19:00:02 est From: Subject: Construction of Bezier cubics ? To: munnari!to-texhax@munnari X-Vms-Mail-To: ACSNET%"to-TeXHax@munnari to-Unix-TeX@munnari" The Metafont book (pages 13 & 14) gives 3 methods of constructing Bezier cubics : a geometric method (midpoints) an algebraic method (cubics) another geometric method (t-of-the-way points) The equivalence of the 2nd & 3rd can be seen with a few lines of algebra. How do you show their equivalence with the 1st ? I've had a look through the literature without finding even this construction (the 1st), let alone a proof that it gives Bezier cubics. The only thing I've been able to figure out is that t is the obvious binary fraction. Brian Keck ACSnet keck@trlsasb UUCP {seismo,mcvax,ucb-vision,ukc} !munnari!trlsasb.oz!keck ARPA keck%trlsasb.oz@seismo.css.gov or keck%trlsasb.oz.au CSNET keck%trlsasb.oz@australia telex AA 33779 voice + 61 3 5416407 post Brian Keck, Telecom Australia Research Laboratories, PO Box 249 Clayton, Victoria 3168, AUSTRALIA ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 87 12:06 CST From: SYSTEM%marshall.ltv.com@RELAY.CS.NET To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: additon to mailing list X-VMS-To: IN%"texhax@su-score.arpa" TEXHAX Moderator, We are running VAX/VMS 4.5 in a clustered environment of two VAX 780's, an 8650, several u-VAXs, and a bunch of rainbows, supporting both engineering and finance here at the LTV Marshall Street facility. QUESTION: Does any one know of a "working" Digital LN01 Driver for TeX 2.0.1? Please send to INFO-TEX@marshall.ltv.com Thank you, Gary K. Ramsey Ramsey@marshall.ltv.com ------------------------------ % %\bye % End of TeXhax Digest **************************