TeXhax Digest Saturday, January 17, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 4 TEXHAX04.87 Moderator: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: % nefarious notes has anyone converted the Hershey fonts to MetaFont? TeX for SUN: free versions available Public Domain TeX DVI Driver family Possibly stupid questions (TeX for UNIX) \dotfill style flexibility in LaTeX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: the present From: Malcolm Brown Subject: Issue 03 % Issue 3 went out in somewhat less than polished form (namely, the % mailer header got attached to the beginning of the file). This may % have fouled up some automated digestion of the digest. Sorry 'bout % that.... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 87 22:03:08 PST From: dorab@CS.UCLA.EDU (Dorab Patel) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: has anyone converted the Hershey fonts to MetaFont? for use with TeX/LaTeX? thanks 'dorab dorab@neptune.cs.ucla.edu {ucbvax,sdcrdcf,rutgers}!ucla-cs!dorab ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 87 12:08:42 EST From: phr@prep (Paul Rubin) To: LINNDR%VUENGVAX.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.arpa Subject: TeX for SUN: free versions available David Linn asks Date: Sat, 10 Jan 87 01:17:56 PST From: Reply-To: LINNDR%VUENGVAX.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu Subject: Possibly stupid questions 1) Howcan I get a TeX for a set of SUN work stations? 2) How can I get a DVI previewer for a SUN/3? 3) How can I get a DVI->PostScript filter to output DVI files on an Apple LaserWriter? To which the Moderator replies % To my knowledge, the best source for TeX on the SUN remains % TextSet, Inc. 416 Fourth Street, PO Box 7993, Ann Arbor, Mich. % 48107 (313) 996-3566 % % Malcolm The standard source for the Unix TeX distribution remains: Pierre Mackay Department of Computer Science, FR-35 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 This distribution is believed to contain more stuff than any commercial distribution. UW charges $75 to make and ship you a tape, but the tape contains no proprietary software (you can make and distribute as many copies as you want of everything on it) and you get sources to everything on it. Mackay@ward.cs.washington.edu can tell you more. I think that this distribution includes the free dvi2ps (DVI to PostScript) translator, but no DVI previewer. However, you can get a free DVI previewer for Suntools from the Berkeley VorTeX project (contact harrison@renoir.berkeley.edu), and one for the free, vendor-independent X window system comes with the X distribution (writing xpert-request@athena.mit.edu will probably get you a pointer to the right place to ask about this). ------------------------------ Date: Tue 13 Jan 87 10:25:17-MST From: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" Subject: Public Domain TeX DVI Driver family To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU At the 1985 summer TeX Users Group meeting at Tufts University, I announced the availability of a family of TeX DVI drivers. This note is being broadcast to TeXHaX since it is evident that many people are unaware of it. ################################################## These drivers are PUBLIC DOMAIN and NOT copyrighted. If you get them and commercialize them, remember that I will be in competition giving them away for free. Enhancements and ports to new systems are expected to be returned to the author for further redistribution. ################################################## This driver family is written in a highly portable subset of C, with preprocessor conditionals used to select code fragments which are of necessity dependent on the host machine, compiler, or operating system. The code supports a FAMILY of devices, so that each driver presents a uniform Unix-style command-language interface to the user, and with the exception of \special{} support, produces identical output subject only to variations in device resolution. Font files in .PXL, .GF, and .PK formats are supported, including invisible fonts (which have broken other DVI driver programs). Default font format lists and directory search paths are established at compile time, but can be overridden at run time on all systems. A font substitution mechanism is also supported to handle the common case of fonts being unavailable in a particular magnification or style. A new feature added in December is run-time selectable virtual font caching, which maps entire font files into the address space at file open time. This should improve response when font files reside on a networked file system; the many small character packet requests otherwise entail substantial real-time delay across the net. Environments in which this family is already running: ------- ---------------- -------- Machine Operating System Compiler ------- ---------------- -------- DEC-20 TOPS-20 PCC-20 IBM-PC PC-DOS Microsoft V3,V4 VAX VMS 4.x VMS C Unix-Box Unix CC ------- ---------------- -------- Unix systems on which this family runs include Sun, Integrated Solutions, 4.xBSD VAX, Gould, and Hewlett-Packard. On the IBM PC, compilers from Lattice, Wizard, and Aztec have also been tried, but have regrettably proved too buggy. Devices supported: Screen displays: DVIBIT Version 3.10 BBN BitGraph terminal 300dpi Laser printers: DVIALW PostScript (Apple LaserWriter) DVICAN Canon LBP-A2 laser printer DVIIMP Imagen imPRESS-language laser printer family DVIJEP Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet Plus Dot-matrix printers: DVIJET Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet 75dpi DVIM72 Apple Imagewriter 72 dpi printer DVIMAC Apple Imagewriter 144 dpi printer DVIMPI MPI Sprinter 72 dpi printer DVIO72 OKIDATA Pacemark 2410 72 dpi printer DVIOKI OKIDATA Pacemark 2410 144 dpi printer DVIPRX Printronix 60h x 72v dpi printer DVITOS Toshiba P-1351 180 dpi printer Documentation: 75-page manual in LaTeX (primarily for installers) 15-page user documentation in Unix man style (but set by LaTeX), TOPS-20 INFO, and GNU EMACS TeXinfo formats. Distribution: Available on IBM PC-DOS floppy disks (about 6), or 1600 bpi 9in magtape in TOPS-10/20 BACKUP/DUMPER format, VAX VMS BACKUP format, Unix tar format, and ANSI D-format from Dr. Nelson H.F. Beebe Center for Scientific Computing 220 South Physics University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA Tel: (801) 581-5254 EMAIL: BEEBE@UTAH-SCIENCE.ARPA BEEBE@UTAH-CS.ARPA BEEBEN@UTAH-RUAC.ARPA Send tape or floppies for a copy. Financial contributions are always welcome, but not required. The family is also included on my graphics distribution, since all new documentation for that uses LaTeX. Eventually, an FTP mechanism may be established for sites with ARPANet access. Source + documentation amounts to about 1.5Mb, and executable code for each device amounts to 80Kb-150Kb, depending on device and host machine; this is probably too large for EMAIL to Bitnet and Usenet sites. Future work: Major pieces of work remaining to be done: (a) merging in support of PostScript resident fonts; (b) addition of more \special{} support to the laser printer drivers; currently only DVIALW supports a \special{} command. (c) addition of support for windowing systems on bitmapped workstation displays; X-windows support is in progress locally. Volunteer contributions are most welcome! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 13 Jan 87 13:52:32 PST From: rusty@weyl.Berkeley.EDU (Rusty Wright) To: LINNDR@VUENGVAX.BITNET Subject: Possibly stupid questions I would tell people that want to run TeX on a SUN to get the UNIX TeX distribution from the University of Washington. Not only do you get TeX but you get Metafont as well. It also comes with a SUN previewer and a dvi to postscript filter. You can also get a copy of the VorTeX distribution from the University of California which contains a better (and newer) SUN previewer, plus a complete set of fonts for TeX and LaTeX for the previewer, and other goodies, and maybe the VorTeX people will be putting on the tape their version of the dvi to postscript filter that supports pxl and pk font files. Total cost for both will probably not be more than $300 US. I myself have never had any dealings with TextSet but someone that has TextSet's TeX SUN software said that they weren't very impressed with it or with TextSet's support. Also, I suspect that TextSet is still using the obsolete Almost Computer Modern fonts. ------------------------------ Date: 13 Jan 87 21:37 +0600 From: Daniel Keizer To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: \dotfill Is it possible to change the white space between the dots in the \dotfill command?? As well, having the dots align with the dots below in a table of contents?? Thanks. Dan. BUSU@CC.UOFM.CDN (EAN net) BUSU@UOFMCC.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Jan 87 18:26:33 est From: Stephen Gildea To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: style flexibility in LaTeX I'd like to propose some small changes in LaTeX that would enhance its flexibility. Sometimes when I'm writing a style option, I just want to change the punctuation. For example, I prefer multiple references in a \cite command to be separated with "; " instead of the default ",". LaTeX does provide some flexibility by allowing one to redefine \@cite and \@biblabel (and I use them both). However, this doesn't solve the problem mentioned above; I end up having to include the entire definition of \@citex (very messy!) in my style file. I propose adding two more hooks, one to \thebibliography, which I call \@bibsetup, and one to \@citex, called \@citesep. The new code is at the end of this message. Using this, all I have to do to solve the above case is say \def\@citesep{; } The \@bibsetup would be used to add or override parameters for the list environment that the bibliography is printed in. There is one other change in the \@citex below: the citation is not put in an hbox. This is important in natural sciences bibliography styles where the citation can be more than one word long and might need to be broken across a line. (Come to think of it, \@makecaption should probably have a similar hook to allow using some punctuation other than a colon.) < Stephen