TeXhax Digest Wednesday, February 4, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 08 TEXHAX08.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: % nefarious notes: `sorry 'bout that' and BITNET tex for mac LaTeX Gotcha! LaTeX double spacing macro Topics from Issue 06 \nopagebreak LaTeX-Style looking for a volunteer BibTeX wish list METAFONT parameters for QMS 1200 and Apple LaserWriter question one figure per page with LATEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: the present From: the moderator Subject: duplication of 07 and BITNET % Sorry if you received duplicate copies of issue 07. When I first % tried to mail it, the local mailer reported that it had rejected % the entire mail file, queue and all. This has happened before, and % when it has happened, it means that nothing was sent out. So I % re-mailed issue 07, but it now appears that most of you received % it the first time. Sorry 'bout that. These mailers sure can be % flakes (and a pain in the neck). % % The TEX-L distribution of TeXhax on BITNET is nearly ready. Glenn % Vanderburg, who is organizing this, will have a set of instructions % ready for next issue. Many thanks to Glenn for helping out! % % PS for those who may wonder why I bother putting a date, from and % subject line over these notes: there are automatic digest parsers % lurking on some machines that get confused if those lines are not there.... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 87 00:33:24 PST From: Reply-To: B127KLUI%HTIKHT5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: tex for mac In reply to Chuck Cross: is there a Tex/Latex for Macintosh+ Yes there is. actually I know of two different once. The recent issue of MacWorld, reviews Textures prerelease .8. See for yourself in the januari '87 magazine. The other is called MacTex, I've played with it a bit, a friend of got it. It allows you to preview the output, either the whole page reduced on screen (boy do you want one of those megascreens) or enlarged on screen. It supports dvi->postscript etc. Seems a very good product. I'm not quit sure who produced it, will report on it later if needed. Ruud Kluivers ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX Gotcha! Date: Fri, 30 Jan 87 17:09:12 -0500 From: Dan Grim We have a user who is working on a document which begins: \documentstyle [11pt]{article} He managed to use one of the symbols in the lasy10 font which we hadn't installed at the \magstephalf magnification so I suggested that he try at 10pt. Guess what he did? \documentstyle [10pt]{article} This makes lots of sense but results in an error because LaTeX can't find '10pt.sty' The problem, of course, is that 10pt is the default and can't be listed as an option. I would think, however, that it would be sensible to detect that case and absorb the 10pt option without complaint! Dan ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 87 10:35 EST From: Reid Rowlett To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: LaTeX double spacing macro > Ben Pashkoff requested a way of double spacing in LaTeX: I have successfully used the following macro to obtain double-spaced documents in LaTeX: \def\spacingset#1{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{#1}\small\normalsize} The macro is part of a style package I obtained from Randy Moses of the EE department at Ohio State. The following description of the \spacingset command is from their Local Guide: The \spacingset command allows you to change the line spacing of the document, or part of the document from single space to double or triple space, or any fractional spacing. This command has the syntax: \spacingset{num} where num is the spacing distance (for example, 1 for single space, 2 for double space). Num can be any real number, 1.7 for example. The \spacingset command effects entire paragraphs at a time. Moreover, the \spacingset command that is in effect at the end of a paragraph is the one that is used for that paragraph. The scope of a \spacingset command follows the normal scoping rules; in particular, if you have a \spacingset command in a center environment, then it is in effect only for that environment. The space above a paragraph is the same as the \spacingset for that paragraph. Thus, if you have a double space paragraph between two single space ones, the space above the double space paragraph is more than the space below it. You can add extra space (or delete space if you need to) by using \vspace{space}. The amount of space to use can be a multiple of \normalbaselineskip. For example, if you have 1-1/2 space text, with a single-spaced itemize list, you can make the space between the list and text even on both sides by: \begin{itemize} \spacingset{1} \vspace{\normalbaselineskip} \item ... \end{itemize} Note that the .5 comes from 1-1/2 minus 1, since the text is 1-1/2 space and the item list is single space. Note also that no correction is needed below the list, as the 1-1/2 spaced text below will give the 1-1/2 space skip at the end of the list. % Reid Rowlett ROWLETT@RESTON.UNISYS.CS.NET Unisys Corporation Reston Technology Center Reston, Virginia ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jan 87 19:11:46 EST (Tue) From: Jean-Francois Lamy To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Topics from Issue 06 a) I have assembled from pieces from MIT, Stanford and elsewhere a doublespace environment that attempts to remain sane wrt footnotes, displayed math spacings, parskips and so on. I have given up on finding the last little bug that makes it behave differently in \begin{quote}\begin{doublespace} ... than in \begin{doublespace}\begin{quote} I suspect I missed a \unskip somewhere, but I looked hard and gave up. Since people here typically double-space their whole theses, I lost interest. Send me mail if interested. b) PostScript vs DVI: it is far easier to write a DVI to FOO converter than a PostScript interpreter (defining a subset of PostScript is totally out of the question as it ruins portability). c) PostScript \special support. I know of one implementation that supports it, namely dvi2ps. I updated the PostScript inclusions and the code is in the hands of the Unix-TeX people. I know that Stephan Bechtolsheim at Purdue intended to include \special support. His version of dvi2ps seems to have diverged a fair bit from the one I worked on. Finally, I am aware of Nelson Beebe's dvialw program, but know little more about its PostScript inclusion support. So that makes 3 implementations. Apart from that, what is badly needed is a GOOD, COMPLETE implementation of internal font support. Do you know how huge fonts for typesetters get? Jean-Francois Lamy CSNet: lamy@ai.toronto.edu AI Group, Dept of Computer Science ARPA: lamy%ai.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net University of Toronto EAN: lamy@ai.toronto.cdn Toronto, ON, Canada UUCP: lamy@utai.uucp M5S 1A4 BITNET: lamy@ai.utoronto ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Jan 87 17:20:12 pst From: Kamal Al-Yahya To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: \nopagebreak For some reason we need a centered heading that can take arbitrary number of line as its argument. We made a macro \mhead to be used like this \mhead{ first line \\ second line \\ ......... } The macro was defined in terms of the center environment, like this: \newenvironment{Mhead}{\begin{center}}{\end{center}} \def\mhead#1{ \begin{Mhead}\nopagebreak \vbox{\vskip.3in\bf #1}\nopagebreak \end{Mhead}\nopagebreak} This has a problem, though. Despite the \nopagebreak, it was very common to have the heading come at the bottom of the page. Does anybody have a way to prevent the page break, or a better idea for the macro? ------------------------------ Date: Sun 1 Feb 87 15:06:05-EST From: Barbara Beeton Subject: LaTeX-Style looking for a volunteer To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU The LaTeX-Style repository, managed by Ken Yap, has become quite popular. Many file requests have come from remote locations, in England, Europe, and further afield. In order to minimize net traffic (all the nets have been overloaded recently), Ken has offered to help a few "offshore" sites maintain current "slave repositories", so that users in those areas can get faster service. We are particularly looking for a volunteer in Europe. This person should preferably be located at a node from which files can be picked up via FTP or similar user-controlled method. If you are willing to perform this service, please reply to Ken@Rochester.Arpa (or on uucp: ..!{allegra,decvax,seismo,cmcl2}!rochester!ken ) with a copy to me (bnb@xx.lcs.mit.edu). -- Barbara Beeton Editor, TUGboat ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 87 07:20:39 PST From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@nmfecc.arpa To: TEXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: BibTeX wish list The hint that there will be a new version of BibTeX prompts me to dust off my BibTeX wish list. Here it is: (1) Allow a whole bibliographic data base to be printed (i.e., incorporate Eric Muller's changes). (2) Allow multiple bibliography style files (as in \bibliographystyle {foo,bar}). This would be useful in two cases: (a) You have a large file of journal abbreviations, which you don't want to include in every other BST file. (b) You need to generate a style which is only slightly different from some other file. You should be able to load in some redefinitions as a separate file. (This is similar to the optional arguments to \documentstyle.) (3) Allow some subsets of the data base to be printed. The immediate application would be the production of the bibliographies of individuals. In this case you need to select all papers authored, co-authored, or edited by the individual. One way this might be accomplished is to define a new selection key which could take a list of values. Then in the TeX file \bibselect{Smith,Jones} would select all papers with either Smith or Jones in its selection key. (This could of course get even more complicated by allowing ORs, ANDs and NOTs on the selection keys.) Charles Karney Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 87 07:31:14 PST From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@nmfecc.arpa To: TEXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA Subject: METAFONT parameters for QMS 1200 and Apple LaserWriter The answer to my question (Yr86 Issue#4) on METAFONT parameters for various printers is to look in WAITS.MF in the Stanford distribution. In particular the parameters for the QMS 1200 and Apple LaserWriter (same as imagen?) are: mode_def qms = % qms mode: for the QMS (Xerox engine) proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log pixels_per_inch:=300; blacker:=.75; % (this value is conjectural) fillin:=0; % (ditto) o_correction:=.5; % (ditto) enddef; mode_def imagen = % imagen mode: for the Imagen 8/300 (Canon engine) proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log pixels_per_inch:=300; blacker:=0; % Canon engine is black enough fillin:=.2; % and it tends to fill in diagonals o_correction:=.6; % enddef; Charles Karney Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 87 15:26:52 PST From: Reply-To: X854%DDAGSI3.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: TEXHAX-REQUEST@score.stanford.edu Subject: question one figure per page with LATEX Michael Dahlinger 0049-6151-16-3016 Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstr.9 D-6100 Darmstadt Germany I have a problem with LATEX. I want to produce an outputpage containing NOTHING, but place for one figure plus its caption, aligned to the bottom of the page. I tried this (among several other possibilities): % \begin{figure}[p] \vspace{10\fill} \caption[Elektronik-Laufplan]{Elektronik-Laufplan.... % 10 LINES MORE CAPTION ....} \label{fig:elec} \end{figure} % The result is always, that other figures are put one the same page or, if there is only one figure in the input-dataset, the caption is in the middle of the page, not at the bottom. Question: How can I force TEX to produce just the right space to push everything else aside on this page and to align the caption at the bottom of the page( without measuring the height of the capture and specifiing the amont of space in the \vspace command in cm ). If someone knows an answer, please let it know to me. Our TEX-guru at the computing center doesn't know either. Please reply to: Michael Dahlinger X854@DDAGSI3.BITNET ------------------------------ % %\bye % End of TeXhax Digest **************************