TeXhax Digest Tuesday, May 12, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 36 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX36.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: TeXhax on BITNET TeXhax on Bitnet Macros for Springer Publications Re: Latex comment facilities 8pt article style SliTeX transparencies? Re: SliTeX transparencies? LaTeX question: how can one put an equation number on the following? Tangle for the PC addresses in LaTeX style requests Style/taste question in LaTeX LaTeX on pre-printed stationery ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Malcolm Subject: TeXhax on BITNET Date: 12 May 87 %% As I've been receiving more requests for information regarding the %% distribution of TeXhax on BITNET, I thought it would be a good %% idea to "reprint" Glenn Vanderburg's note from texhax10.87. This %% note lays out the how-to of getting TeXhax on BITNET. In addition, %% I understand that Barbara Beeton has asked Glenn to write a similar %% note for the next issue of TUGboat. %% %% If you're wondering why the issues of late have been rather large, %% it's because there's been a rapid increase in submissions! I'm still %% attempting to keep each issue below the 20K mark -- but you may be %% getting issues in rapid-fire fashion in the next few days. ------------------------------ From: "Glenn L. Vanderburg" Subject: TeXhax on Bitnet To: TeXhax digest This is for those of you on Bitnet . . . TeXhax is now being distributed via TEX-L, a Bitnet mailing list. If possible, those on Bitnet should move their subscriptions; the more people who move, the less traffic around the gateways. To subscribe, send a message (either interactively or as the body of a mail file) to LISTSERV@TAMVM1 with the text: subscribe tex-l e.g.: tell listserv at tamvm1 subscribe tex-l Ben L. User (from a VM/CMS machine) or: send listserv@tamvm1 subscribe tex-l Ben L. User (from a VAX running jnet) Your request will be automatically forwarded to the TEX-L distribution closest to you, and you will receive TeXhax from that location. The list is shared between several peer servers to distribute the load around the net. Submissions to TeXhax should still be sent to TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu, and you should inform Malcolm that you're receiving from TEX-L by sending mail to TeXhax-request@Score.Stanford.edu. In addition, Malcolm is planning on sending us copies of the files that are too big to send out on the digest. If you're on Bitnet you can get them from listserv. Just do the following: tell listserv at tamvm1 get tex filelist and a list of all the TeX-related files will be sent to you. Then you can get any individual file with a similar command. Best regards, Glenn ------------------------------ From: ucsbcsl!rossbach@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Posted-Date: 08 May 87 15:55:28 PDT (Fri) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Macros for Springer Publications Date: 08 May 87 15:55:28 PDT (Fri) Springer-Verlag is planning on putting together a set of macros (documentstyles) that translate Springers typographical specifications for certain classes of publications into LATeX (and maybe TeX). I am Springers computer science editor and I am looking for someone who is interested in writing those macros for us. I can be reached by e-mail (rossbach@ucsbcsl.ucsb or ucsbcsl!rossbach@berkeley.edu), by phone (805)963-7960, or by mail (Gerhard Rossbach, Springer-Verlag, 815 De La Vina, Santa Barbara, CA 93101). Gerhard Rossbach ------------------------------ Date: 8-MAY-1987 13:58 From: Michael Matlack, matlack@ge-crd.arpa Subject: Re: Latex comment facilities To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu@smtp@tcpgateway Frank Reashore writes: >One feature which Latex lacks which would be very useful is a >scoping comment, that is \begin{comment} ... \end{comment}. I assume one reason for the "%" comment prefix comments is so that the reader of a LaTeX source file can immediately distinguish between text to be processed and text meant as comments. A comment environment (with \begin{comment} \end{comment}) would force a reader to continually search for the begin/end delimiters. And think of what would happen if one mistakenly said "\end{comment}" within a comment environment, like the following \begin{comment} ... and using the \end{comment} command... \end{comment} An editor, like GNU Emacs, with a line-prefix command might solve your problem, Frank. GNU Emacs has an auto-fill mode, causing lines to be broken automatically when they become too wide. The user can set a line prefix such that whenever a line is broken, the next line starts with that prefix. For example, one might set the prefix to be "% " while commenting a LaTeX file. (I am not suggesting you change editors, but maybe the editor you use has such a feature) Hope this helps! Michael Matlack - Software Technology Program - GE-CRD ARPA: matlack@ge-crd.arpa UUCP: seismo!rochester!steinmetz!crd!matlack ------------------------------ To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: 8pt article style Date: Sat, 09 May 87 11:47:29 -0700 From: Rick L. Spickelmier Has anybody created an 8pt article style? I want to create an 8.5x11 document that when enlarged to 11x14 will be 10pt. Thanks, Rick Spickelmier UC Berkeley ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 May 87 15:22:20 PDT From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: SliTeX transparencies? Received: by UOTTAWA (Mailer X1.23b) id 3492; Sat, 09 May 87 14:34:43 EDT Date: Sat, 9 May 1987 14:26:17 EDT From: Chris Carruthers Subject: SliTeX transparencies? To: TeXHaX posting Page 133 of Lamport's book mentions special transparencies which can be used in conjunction with an ordinary photocopier to produce slides in an assortment of colours. Can somebody please tell me who sells these slides? I've tried at a number of places up here in the great white north to no avail. Also Lamport's book says that the pronunciation of LaTeX should be left to users to decide. It seems me that the orgin of the `La' in LaTeX is important in order to make this decision but the book leaves this unanswered... Thirdly, our site is trying to decide whether to get a new CMS-distribution tape...can someone please tell me the date of the latest release of LaTeX 2.09 and the version or date of the latest release of BibTeX. Also any other info concerning the newest tape available (our's is about 6 months old) would be useful. ....Chris (gxfse@uottawa.bitnet) ...Chris (gxfse@uottawa.bitnet) v Chris Carruthers TeXHaX posting 5/09/87 SliTeX ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 10-May-87 08:31:06 Date: Sun 10 May 87 08:31:06-PDT From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: SliTeX transparencies? To: GXFSE%UOTTAWA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU In-Reply-To: Message from "" of Sat 9 May 87 15:17:02-PDT the color transparencies i'm most familiar with use a thermal process -- the machine we have is a 3m thermofax (it's rather old ... ). some "plain-paper" copiers have replaceable toner cartridges that come in colors; i've never tried to use any of these. however, transparency sheets are made for that type of copier (i've used them with ordinary black toner quite successfully); it's best to get the recommendation of your copier fixit person as to what brand to use. regarding the pronunciation of latex, leslie himself is quite neutral. in three successive utterances, he will say "lahtex", "laytex", and "lah tex" (accent on the "tex", french style); the only possibility he rejects is to pronounce the first two letters separately, as in "l. a.". so you're really on your own. dean guenther is the best source of information regarding the cms tape; he can be reached at (bitnet) guenther.wsuvm1 . (the date on latex 2.09 here at score.stanford.edu is 29 april 87; it's not a certainty that the most recent changes have reached other distributors.) -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Posted-Date: Sun, 10 May 87 15:42 EDT From: Haim Levkowitz Subject: LaTeX question: how can one put an equation number on the following? To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Date: Sun, 10 May 87 15:42 EDT \[ f(c) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{mid(c) - min(c)}{max(c) - min(c)}, & \mbox{if k(c) is even,} \\ [2ex] \frac{max(c) - mid(c)}{max(c) - min(c)}, & \mbox{if k(c) is odd.} \label{ocs-f-c} \end{array} \right. \] or, if impossible, how can one do something to get the equivalent numbered? thanks --hl ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 May 87 06:54:49 PDT From: To: TEXHAX-REQUEST@score.stanford.edu Subject: Tangle for the PC Received: by BNANDP11 (Mailer X1.23b) id 5481; Mon, 11 May 87 15:46:19 SET Date: Mon, 11 May 87 15:44:27 SET From: michel debar Subject: Tangle for the PC To: Malcolm Brown Could someone give me references to public domains implementations of Tangle for PCs under ms-dos. Thanks michel debar fndp computing centre - rue grandgagnage 21 - 5000 namur belgium tel= + 32 81 220631 earn= mdebar@bnandp11.bitnet mdebar%bnandp11.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: addresses in LaTeX style requests Date: Fri, 08 May 87 19:16:56 -0500 From: Ken Yap I get the bounced mail generated from requests to the archive server. If you haven't been able to get through, look through this list of typical problems and see if your problem is familiar. Bitnet addresses: Our mailer understands user@site.bitnet addresses. However you may wish to specify the full form user%site.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu to be sure. Or to specify a different gateway. Csnet addresses: Our mailer *doesn't* understand user@site.csnet addresses. Be sure to specify the full form user%site.csnet@relay.cs.net. Internet addresses and sites hanging off Internet sites: Whenever possible, use ftp. You get faster service. But if you use the mailer, use the domainized address when that exists. Thus user@seismo.arpa doesn't work, because NIC has stopped serving that name, but user@seismo.css.gov works. UUCP addresses: Make sure your path is correct. Your system may have a utility to show you who our UUCP neighbours are. Here are our major feeds: caip, cmcl2, columbia, cornell, harvard, ll-xn, ames, rutgers, seismo, topaz. All others (except local calls) are discouraged, because they are real long-distance calls rather than network connections. Ken LaTeX-Style@rochester.cs.edu ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 May 87 15:35:04 CDT From: David Chase Subject: Style/taste question in LaTeX To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Along the lines of an environment produced by "newtheorem" I want to make a "proof" environment. The goal here is to have something that follows (some of) the same document style options as theorems. The problems: 1) I don't want the proofs numbered. Fine; I just renewcommand "\theproof" to "\relax". 2) With the article style, the whole proof comes out in italics. Should this concern me? I'm not sure it's a good idea to have an entire page of italics. If it is a bad idea, should I (a) abandon the idea of basing a proof environment on newtheorem or (b) continue hacking on the results of newtheorem? Suggestions are welcome, especially if you know of "tasteful" ways to do this. I'm sure I CAN do this without too much trouble, but I'm not sure that I would get the nicest solution. David ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 May 87 06:15 EDT From: "SDRRTR::PSI%HDSRTR::HDSRTR::MRGATE::\"MRGATE::PSI%SCRVX2::SIMON\"%slb-test.csnet"@RELAY.CS.NET Subject: LaTeX on pre-printed stationery To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU X-VMS-To: MRGATE::M_SDR::IN%"texhax@score.stanford.edu" I'd like to customise the letter document style so that it will format correctly for our company letterhead, which includes pre-printed areas for date, reference and so on. I've achieved a satisfactory result when used with the [11pt] option but the output is displaced vertically when used at [12pt]. Is there an elegant way of achieving precise positioning (absolute rather than relative) independent of type size? Here's the redefinition of \opening I'm using at present: \def\opening#1{\ifx\@empty\fromaddress \thispagestyle{firstpage} \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}(30,1) \put (0,31){\today} \put (0,25){\@ourref} \put (0,19){\@yourref} \end{picture} \par \else % home address \thispagestyle{empty} {\raggedleft\begin{tabular}{l}\ignorespaces\fromaddress \\*[2\parskip] \today \end{tabular}\par} \fi \vspace{2\parskip} {\raggedright \toname \\ \toaddress \par}\vspace{2\parskip} #1\par\nobreak} (suggestions for alternatives to the picture environment also welcome). Simon Barnes simon%m_scr%slb-test.csnet@relay.cs.net ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest **************************