TeXhax Digest Tuesday, July 7, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 54 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX54.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Please help: tgrind.sty LaTeX or TeX in Chinese? VMS change file for DVIDOC dvi2ps Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #52 Proof Sheets and LaTeX yTeX sources info wanted on TeX on a Toshiba laptop LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #53) Answers to questions about TeXtures Sun rasterfiles in a TeX/Postscript document ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 26-Jun-87 17:53:41-PDT,3844;000000000000 Date: Fri, 26 Jun 87 19:56:53 cdt From: rs4bab@vax.ee.umn.edu (Bruce A. Bernhardt) To: texhax-request@su-score.ARPA Subject: Please help: tgrind.sty I am looking for the author or anyone who can help me with tgrind.sty. I have gotten tgrind to work, it will output a file that can be included in a LaTeX document (after a little manipulation) using \tagrind. My problem is when my file to be ground goes over one page, things start to mess up. I appears that whatever should start the new page is not working ( I am assuming \tagrind allows program listings over one page). Regular tgrind works fine in this respect, but I would like to include some listing in the back of my thesis with the proper definitions for line width, binding margins, etc.; these are all defined with another .sty file for LaTeX. I have tried defining \NewPage as the tgrind.sty file says to do ( I can find no .doc file for this), i.e. change \def\NewPage{\filbreak\bigskip} to \def\NewPage{\vfill\eject} but this doesn't seem to change a thing. What I get is LaTeX makes one page [1]. When I preview this page with dvitty, all of the ground program listing is there; but when I go to print it on a laser printer with dvi2ps, I still get the [1] page output prompt but not all of the ground program is there. TeX gives me four pages of output for the same file ( just using `tgrind postproc.c; dvi2ps postproc.c.dvi | lpr ' and not `tgrind postproc.c -f -lc >postproc.c.tgr' and then using \tagrind in LaTeX from the tgrind.sty file). Any help would be appreciated. Bruce A. Bernhardt, Dept of Electrical Engineering, U of Minnesota rs4bab@vax.ee.umn.edu -or- bernhardt@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 10:26 PDT From: Subject: LaTeX or TeX in Chinese? To: texhax@score.stanford.edu I am interested in finding out whether anyone has gotten TeX and preferably LaTeX to operate in Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese). I heard that a visiting professor from China to Stanford worked on a project like this for a year or so. Anybody know how to find out more? David J. Buerger Santa Clara University dbuerger%scu.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jun 87 13:02:00 CDT From: "PERV::ROBERT" Subject: VMS change file for DVIDOC To: "texhax" Reply-To: "PERV::ROBERT" I am interested in a version of DVIDOC which would run under VMS. Does anyone know if and where a change file might be that would accomplish that? Thanks in advance... Robert Schneider Department of Petroleum Engineering The University of Texas at Austin ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 15:29:39 EDT From: Rob Logan To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: dvi2ps I have hacked MIT's PD dvi2ps driver for MSDOS. I used the number in the name for the subdir and put all the fonts of that size in that subdir. But just like the MIT version it uses pxl fonts. If someone has a copy of a PD dvi2ps filter that uses pk fonts I will be happy to modify it for MSDOS and place on clutx.clarkson.edu anonymous ftp. In otherwords, does anyone have a dvi2ps that uses pk fonts? Rob bh0r@clutx.clarkson.edu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 16:12:38 EST From: Brian Donovan Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #52 To: question Query for Device Driver: We are running TeX on an IBM 4381 under CMS rel 4.2. Presently we are considering the purchase of the QMS 2400s lasergraphic printer. However, we are concerned about the availability of device drivers and interface needed for such a printer. Hence, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help us with the following queries: 1) Availability of Device Drivers for the QMS 2400s printer. (i.e., where can it be obtained, how much does it cost.) 2) Type of interface needed 3) Comments on limitations of the driver 4) Anything else that we should know Can anyone help us Thank you in advance Brian Donovan Computing Consultant University of Windsor Computer Centre Canada (BDI@WINDSOR1) ------------------------------ To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Proof Sheets and LaTeX Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 13:43:44 -0700 From: Rick L. Spickelmier We just got a DEC LPS-40 LaserPrinter which can print on 11x17 paper. Most conferences that we submit papers to require submission on 11x14 proof sheets, so I wrote a small LaTeX file that can be '\input' with the 'deproc' document style and get output that can be used directly with no pasting whatsoever (well I have to paste the 11x14 paper output on the laser printer onto the proof sheets. The next step is to see if the proof pages themselves can be fed into the printer. Here are the modifications (not much): % modifications for the larger paper \addtolength{\textwidth}{1.625in} \addtolength{\textheight}{1.875in} % can't seem to get the top margin right, but since % I have to cut the 11x17 paper down to 11x14, its % not really a big problem \addtolength{\topmargin}{-4.375} \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{0.25in} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{0.25in} Rick Spickelmier UC Berkeley ricks@berkeley.edu ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jun 87 14:27 PDT From: Brotsky.pa@Xerox.COM Subject: yTeX sources To: DAVIS%EMBL.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu In V87 #52, Paul Davis writes: As one path to follow in getting some documentation printed for Scheme, does anyone have a conversion program to run a YTeX source file on the standard Plain TeX processor ? Immediate aid would be appreciated... yTeX is a TeX macro package I wrote while at the MIT AI Lab. It loads on top of Plain, and it tries hard not to redefine Plain control sequences. I must admit that I'm surprised anyone outside of MIT has come across some yTeX source. But now that someone has, I guess I should make the yTeX sources publicly available. This will take me a week or two to do, and I will inform TeXhax when I'm done. (In the meantime, Paul, I'm afraid you'll have to ask some friend at MIT to run your yTeX source for you. Or if it's VERY short, you could mail it to me and I can put the DVI file where you can FTP it.) dan P.S. From the (unbelievably bad) yTeX documentation: \ytex---pronounced {\it why}-\tex\ or {\it oops}-\tex---is a \tex\ macro package. \ytex\ evolved from the author's experience with other \tex\ macro packages, primarily \tbase, \plain, \latex, and the \sy{PHW} book macros. This experience showed that, on the one hand, packages as complete as \latex\ or \tbase\ tend to be inflexible while, on the other hand, packages as flexible as \plain\ tend to be incomplete. \ytex\ ties both hands together by aiming for inflexibility and incompleteness simultaneously. d. ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jun 87 1545 PDT From: Matthew Ginsberg Subject: info wanted on TeX on a Toshiba laptop To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Can anyone in TeX-land tell me what the story will be on running TeX (actually, LaTeX) on a Toshiba laptop? The story on the machine is that it has a 286 processor, a 10 MB disk (with a 20 MB disk coming out in August -- will I need it?), and graphics using 640x400 pixels (but I don't know what the standard is, if any), or 640x200 using a CGA format (whatever that is). I guess my questions are: (1) Will LaTeX run reasonably? Which hard disk do I need? (2) Will a previewer run reasonably? Is there enough resolution? Is there a previewer that accepts the CGA format? (3) Does anyone have some software that I could borrow to find out for myself? I will be borrowing a Toshiba from someone else in about a week ... Thanks for your help. Matt Ginsberg sjg@sail.stanford.edu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 16:42:25 PDT From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #53) Hubert Partl complains about the English chauvinism of LaTeX and suggests a multilingual version with commands to switch languages. This makes little sense, since one must first build a language-specific version of TeX in order to get things like hyphenation right. The appropriate procedure for producing a non-English document is to modify the document style for the particular language. The files {article, report, book}.doc contain comments indicating where English words appear that may need to be replaced. (It appears that this list is incomplete because it does not include the redefinition of \today. I'd appreciate being notified of any other omissions.) Other changes to the document styles will probably also be needed to conform to different countries' typographical conventions. In fact, the document styles are not English but American, and require some modification for use in England. All of these modifications are subtle enough that they should be done only under the supervision of a competent designer. Bob Futrelle writes: There's not much expertise in BibTex around here. One person that uses it suggests running LaTeX, BibTeX, LaTeX, LaTeX (3 passes of LaTeX!) to get things in proper form. I cannot believe the system was designed so inefficiently. In this age of cheap computing, the truly inefficient part of the process is spending time trying to save a couple of LaTeX passes. I don't know of anyone who produces LaTeX documents in three passes. A more typical sequence is REPEAT about 20 times: BEGIN Write a couple of pages; Run incomplete paper through LaTeX END; Run BibTeX; REPEAT about 10 times: BEGIN make minor corrections to the paper; Run it through LaTeX; IF bibliography has changed THEN run BibTeX END; REPEAT about 5 times: BEGIN make formatting adjustments; Run paper through LaTeX END Leslie Lamport %% Bob Futrell replies: %% %% Thanks. Nothing like information straight from the source. %% Sure, I'm constantly in and out of the editor, etc. %% I was concerned that one tiny change might require three full runs of %% LaTeX, but I will work from your structured description. %% It will help.................cheers! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 17:13:05 PDT From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@nmfecc.arpa To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU Subject: Answers to questions about TeXtures This is in answers to Carol Weintraub's questions about TeXtures in Volume 87, Issue 52. 1. The version we received here is called TEXtures (preliminary version 0.9). I wanted to know if this is the compatible version to TEX v.1? It seems to me that a lot of relevant information is still missing, such as how to implement pictures etc. I have TeXtures 0.95. This corresponds to TeX 1.5 or so. I know it's not the latest version of TeX (2.1) since it complains about $x'^2$. But it's certainly post-version 1. TeXtures 1.0 is promised for this August. But that date has been postponed numerous times in the past. I expect that this version will fill in some of the gaps (and provide better documentation). 2. Since we have nobody to ask in Israel (the MacIntosh people just heard of TEX because of us!) does one have to run a TEX file under the TEXtures icon? On the IBM there is a file name and a file TYPE. On the Macintosh, there is just a file name. How does the MacIntosh know that this is a TEX file and not a MacWrite file etc? There's an internal field inside the file header which says what type of file it is. TeXtures will accept any file of type TEXT. Such a file is created by MacWrite when you select "Text only" in "Save as". 3. We received Texfonts (very few indeed). Are there all the CM fonts available for the MacIntosh? We use boldface and math extension fonts a lot here, are they available? We seemed to have received only cmr, cmmi, cmsy and cmsans. There are no magnifications for these fonts bigger than 10 point. Is this considered the standard package of fonts? Version 0.95 seems to contain all the CM fonts at 100% and the Plain fonts at 120%. It also lets you use the LaserWriter fonts (which aren't going to do you much good if you don't have one). There's supposed to be a "Hacker's Package" coming with TeXtures 1.0 (or later?) which will, I hope, include a provision for using fonts downloaded from our VAX (where we can run METAFONT and so get fonts at any magnifications). 4. I transfered my TEX files from the IBM onto the MacIntosh and came across a peculiar bug. When editing my TEX file (after running typeset within the TEXtures mode), I wanted to save changes made to my source file and found that I I couldn't. The Mac claimed that I couldn't save changes to a file of a different type. How could I tell the MacIntosh that this was not a MacWrite document, but rather a TEX document? Won't "Save as" let to save the file under a different name? I can't really tell because I don't know in what format your files arrived on the Mac. I've successfully downloaded text files from our VAX (via VersaTerm) and edited them with TeXtures 0.95. 5. Finally, is there a way to print a file on the MacIntosh and be able to work on something else while the file is being printed? We have the MacIntosh hooked up (temporarily) to a dot matrix printer and it took "forever" to print one page of output. This is a BIG drawback for us. I'm sure there is a way that enables one to print while working on something else (we can do it here on the IBM by running batch mode). There are various spoolers on the market. I have SuperLaserSpool which is a very nice spooler for the LaserWriter. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with TeXtures! There may be some problem because TeXtures is such a memory hog. The same guys (SuperMac) make a spooler for the ImageWriter (SuperSpool). Maybe this will work with TeXtures? Check before you buy. Charles Karney PHONE: 609/683-2607 MFENET: Karney@PPC.MFENET ARPANET: Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA BITNET: Karney%PPC.MFENET@ANLVMS.BITNET CC: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU MAWEINTR@WEIZMANN.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 14:56:16 CDT From: Mike Jipping To: info-postscript@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU, laser-lovers@WARD.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU, Subject: Sun rasterfiles in a TeX/Postscript document I'm sending this out to several newsgroups to ensure maximal coverage. Apologies to those who get multiple copies... I've got a problem with TeX -> Postscript translation that includes Sun raster dumps. First, some background: We just a new LaserWriter Plus from Apple that's driven off our Sun 3/280 file server. We also just installed the Adobe Transcript soft- ware to drive the printer. Now we've got the tools to (a) dump a bit-image of a Sun monitor's screen, (b) convert that bit-image to a Postscript file. We also have TeX/LaTeX software, complete with "dvi2ps" conversion. Thus, we can (c) run TeX documents on our printer, and (d) use ``\special'' to include Postscript code in a TeX ``dvi'' file. I'm trying to put an image of a Sun screen in a figure in a TeX/LaTeX document. Here's the problem: Including a Postscript version of a Sun screendump in a TeX file always puts the image on the bottom, left side of the page. I understand that this is the default location for graphics on a Postscript printer. I would like placement of the image to be *relative* to the placement of the ``\special'' command in the TeX source. I know that the ``dvi2ps'' software supports horiz and vertical offsets, but I could be adjusting for days to get it right -- and then a change in the TeX source could change the placement of the image. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? I'll readily admit that I don't know Postscript -- so don't flame me for being dumb. I'll get to it, but I'd rather have a solution soon. Thanks in advance. -- Mike Jipping University of Iowa Dept of CS jipping@cs.uiowa.edu End of TeXhax Digest **************************