TeXhax Digest Wednesday, August 5, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 64 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX64.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Arabic typesetting & Spanish hyphenation & Loom An error and an infelicity in CM fonts New files, mail access... Cheap TeX for PC/AT? Re: An error and an infelicity in CM fonts updates to the LaTeX style collection SliTeX fonts Re: Help! How do you selectively print some .dvi pages? Ansers to questions in V87 #61 An observation about LaTeX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue 28 Jul 87 17:46:30-MDT From: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" Subject: Arabic typesetting & Spanish hyphenation & Loom To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU The July 1987 issue of Communications of the ACM contains three articles which may be of interest to TeX users: C.J. Van Wyk, {\em Literate Programming\/}, Comm. ACM {\bf 30}, 594-599, 1987. Joseph D. Becker, {\em Arabic Word Processing\/}, Comm. ACM {\bf 30}, 600-611, 1987. Jos\'{e} A. Ma\~{n}as, {\em Word Division in Spanish\/}, Comm. ACM {\bf 30}, 612-616, 1987. C.J. Van Wyk's column describes the loom system of combined software code and documentation, which is related to Web. J.D. Becker is the manager of international workstation development at Xerox, and references TUG's illustrious past president, Pierre Mackay. J.A. Ma\~{n}as describes an exception-free pattern-based algorithm for syllabification and hyphenation of Spanish. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jul 87 03:30:04 BST From: CET1%phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK To: texhax <@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK:texhax@score.stanford.edu> Subject: An error and an infelicity in CM fonts I was given the following by a user (Julian Bradfield) here on 9th January. I don't think I dare tell him that I have only just got round to doing anything about it... > If you think it appropriate, please pass the following on > to Stanford. > > (1) The programs for Plus-or-minus and Minus-or-plus say, in line 4, > ... lft x3 = lft = x5 = hround u - eps ... > > Since undelimited arguments to macros may be preceded by an optional > = sign, this is not an error; but is it an accident, or is it put there > to catch the innocent reader out ? > > (2) There is an error in the program for lowercase italic l. > line 8 reads: > ... ; filldraw stroke z1e -- z2e ; > whereas it should read > ... ; filldraw stroke z1e -- z2'e ; > This error causes an abrupt change of breadth where the stem joins > the hook, and while small, is visible on looking carefully at the > specimen of cmbxti10 in `The Computer Modern Typefaces'. The source files refered to in (1) are sym.mf and symbol.mf. (2) seems to match Oliver Schoett's analysis in TeXhax digest #45. Has anyone decided whether this bug is official or not, yet? Chris Thompson CET1@UK.AC.CAM.PHX ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27-Jul-1987 19:55:05.68 GMT+1 From: (Christoph D. Gatzka) Subject: New files, mail access... To: In the continued effort to make our life a little bit harder, the system manager left node DTUZDV5A down for nearly 10 days. Therefore access to INTERACT@DTUPEV5A was impossible. The file server being part of INTERACT now also accepts two types of files: 1) Any file understood by Jnet systems that is not mail. Commands must be present in the file one per line. All files will be sent directly from INTERACT to you. 2) Mail that contains a VALID RFC822 header and somewhere in the mail body the following lines starting with column 1. @ your-mail-address command-1 command-2 . . . @ Where 'your-mail-address' is your mail address as understood by the Columbia mailer running at DEARN. All files will be returned as mail. For VAX/VMS systems there is a neat pascal program that restores all files with decoding and 'un'wrapping from the output from EXTRACT in mail - send the 'SOFT MFTU' command to INTERACT. This means that the file server portion of INTERACT is now also available to people on other nets or to people, to whom the direct routing of files is impossible due to old routing tables. If you are not familiar with the file server, try 'HELP' as command. It now features the following files: (LaTeXstyles, CTeX, DVIdrivers ...) The name in <> is the product name that must be specified when requesting the files from INTERACT. There is also a short help available (send the message 'HELP' to INTERACT@DTUPEV5A). Standard VMS wildcards may be used in the product name. For instance would send you all the files available. Please be very reasonable when requesting files, since this server is not an official one and is located at a bitnet end node, whose purpose is NOT to act as a file server. Thus please request ONLY THOSE FILES you really can use/need. For instance to request the file siam10.sty, which is in product group send the message 'SOFT LATEXSTYLE.SIAM' to INTERACT@DTUPEV5A. On a VAX/VMS system you would type: $ SEND INTERACT@DTUPEV5A SOFT LATEXSTYLE.SIAM or use the mail/file methods as described above. All suggestions and complaints shouldbe sent to ZRGC002@DTUPEV5A, nowhere else. Please note that the files cannot be sent in any other format. Please note that all files had their TABs expanded before sending, thus you will have to take special care of the Unix Makefiles, FormFeeds were expanded to exactly TEN new lines. %% A complete listing of available files was included in Christoph's original %% submission. However, due to space constraints and a large TeXhax backlog, %% I have removed it (it is roughly 25 screenfuls in length). Christoph's %% original message, in its entirety, is available for FTPing under the name %% GATZKA.TXH %% on SCORE.STANFORD.EDU. I've also sent a copy to TEX-L for BITNET folks. %% --malcolm Christoph D. Gatzka zrgc002@dtupev5a.bitnet Student of medicine University of Tuebingen Germany ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Jul 87 10:01 EDT From: Freburger@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: Cheap TeX for PC/AT? To: TeXhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU This question has probably been asked before, but I wasn't here... Does anyone know where I can get a cheap version of TeX that will run on a PC/AT with MS-DOS? PC/TeX and MicroTeX are too expensive for me. Thanks, - Karl Freburger (freburger@bco-multics.arpa) ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 29-Jul-87 07:27:17 Date: Wed 29 Jul 87 07:27:17-PDT From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: An error and an infelicity in CM fonts To: texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU the error in lowercase italic l has already been corrected, in the manner noted. the other has not yet been posted to the master errata list, so it looks like your friend still has priority ... regarding the errata list, the listing "computers & typesetting: errata and changes" that will be distributed with the upcoming issue of tugboat will also contain listings of all changes to the programs and fonts subsequent to publication in c&t. This little booklet is complete through june 15, 1987, and comprises 32 pages. a rather substantial number of changes emanated from knuth's spring-quarter course "the anatomy of a program", based on the tex program as published in volume b of c&t. the frequency of changes should subside considerably now, and future addenda will be published in tugboat itself, with the separate complete list to be updated only when the volume of addenda warrant. (addenda will probably also be accumulated separately, for the convenience of new tug members or others who wish to acquire the errata list separately, but production details haven't yet been decided.) -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: updates to the LaTeX style collection Date: Wed, 29 Jul 87 12:08:49 -0400 From: Ken Yap 1. New files received recently: titlepage.txt article.txt art10.txt art11.txt art12.txt Here is the writeup by the submitter, H. Partl: Files ARTICLE.STY, ART10.STY, ART11.STY, ART12.STY, and TITLEPAGE.STY: = modified versions of L.Lamport's document style files, where the hardwired english words like `Contents' etc. have been replaced by symbolic names like `\contentsname' etc. that are \def'ed to the original words (texts), but CAN be changed by commands like \renewcommand{\contentsname}{The List of Contents} or by document style options like GERMAN.STY. I have not found the time yet to do the same for REPORT, BOOK and LETTER, but I (or someone else) should do so. And BIBTEX and index generating programs should be modified, too... draft.sty Draft option, by J. Baker showlabels.sty Shows labels and references, by G. Neiger 2. New option --- uuencode: To help sites that have unfriendly ASCII to EBCDIC mappings you can ask for the file to be uuencoded just before sending. Just add the word "uuencode" at the end of the Subject: line, like this: Subject: @file request uuencode This expands the size of the mail by 35% so be sure it is needed. The uuencode/uudecode translation is simple to describe and if you don't have it on your system, you can probably modify an existing version. I have put a shar packet called uuencode.shar in the archive. This contains C, Pascal and BASIC implementations. The programs are public domain. 3. 00directory now reverse time sorted: This makes it easier to see what has changed. I believe this is more useful than the old format. A complete index will be posted shortly. Ken ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jul 87 12:22:45 EDT From: Eric Skinner Subject: SliTeX fonts To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu In V87 #61 Charles Karney writes that SliTeX fonts can be FTP'd from SCORE, and lists the 13 fonts required. We recently ordered the generic font distribution tape, and these fonts are not included on the tape. Is there some way for these fonts to be sent to a BITNET node, or are they already available on a LISTSERV somewhere? I would appreciate it if the files are small enough if someone could send me the files over the network, via mail or whatever is convenient. BUT please contact me first otherwise I have visions of 10 people all sending me the files, which is unnecessary waste. Thank you in advance Eric Skinner Computing Centre University of Ottawa ------------------------------ To: munnari!mimir.dmt.oz!khl@uunet.UU.NET Subject: Re: Help! How do you selectively print some .dvi pages? Date: Wed, 29 Jul 87 13:02:38 -0400 From: Ken Yap In the Unix TeX tools there is "dviselect" which takes standard input and extracts a subset of pages to standard output. This is very nice since we set up a script that sends DVI files to the printer, e.g.: dviselect 1:10 < foo.dvi | texpr Ken ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jul 87 11:09:47 PDT From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: Ansers to questions in V87 #61 To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU In answer to questions in V87 #61 ======================================================================== Date: Wed 22 Jul 87 23:13:28 From: "Torbj|rn Kronander, ISY" Subject: Some questions on tex for a MacIntosh. The TexTures program is a Tex implementation for the Apple MacIntosh, and I have some more questions concerning it: 1) Is LaTeX available? In the (mini-)manual of version 0.9 one can see a LaTeX style in one of the pictures, but it is never referenced to in the text. Yes, but it's pre-pre-release. (Textures is still pre-release.) To get it, you have to talk to the right person at A&W. She is Sarah van Leer 617/944-6795. She sent me a disk with the LaTeX format file and several sty files on it. You can of course download additional sty files from your mainframe. 2) Is TeXTures on the MAc using full 8-bit characters. And if so, is foreign language symbols defined as characters. Yes, it does use 8-bit characters.. You can tell, because, when using the built-in fonts (times, et al), you get the fi ligatures. These are in the range "80 to "FF. However, when you print out the full (256) font table, you see that only a few (= 2 or 3) characters in the second half are accessible. The TFM files for the laserwriter fonts tags the other characters as undefined (even though, there are lots of extra foreign language characters in times). 3) Is it possible to write a typeset document on a file (as a paint document)? I'm not sure what you want. You can do a screen dump (with control-shift-4 or whatever) when in preview mode. You can of course insert paint documents into TeXtures. 4) Has anyone really tried both MacTeX and TexTures, if so please make a statement on the pro's and con's of the two implementations. Yes, I have. In brief TeXtures pros: Much closer to the standard in treatment of fonts. (MacTeX is mainly set up to use LaserWriter fonts.) Cheaper (by about $200?) Slightly better previewer. MacTeX pros: Better at support of LaserWriter fonts. (Can use them in math, etc.) Released since about a year ago (A&W keeps delaying the final release). ======================================================================== Date: Wed, 22 JUL 87 16:49:36 PDT * From: "Micro Mauler" Subject: \special command and the GTEX driver for a QMS printer ... Does anyone know if the \special command is operational in the dvi driver called GTEX for the QMS laser printer? If so, would you forward the syntax for the \special command. 10Q Len Schwer Micro2.Schwer@CRVAX.SRI.COM (408)241-7192 I've used \special{include-macpaint file xdot ydot} and \special{tektronix-figure file frame xsize ysize rotation} I've described these in TeXhax Digest V87 #26. In brief: File is the file name, xdot and ydot are the magnifications for the MacPaint file, frame is the frame number in the tektronix files, xsize and ysize are the dimensions of the full tektronix addressable area in sp, rotation is the rotation counterclockwise in degrees. Each pixel of the macpaint file is represented by an xdot x ydot rectangle (4 x 4 gives the standard size). The MacPaint file is placed s.t. its top left corner coincides with the \special location. The Tektronix figure is placed s.t. its bottom left corner conincides with the \special location. GTEX allows several other specials (for inserting QUIC code, etc.) I haven't used them, but they are documented in the HLP file. ======================================================================== Date: Thu, 23 Jul 87 10:27 EDT From: Subject: latex graphics The remaining problem is to integrate graphics capability into TEX (or LATEX). The most commonly used graphics terminals are Tektronix based. Our printer does not have Tektronix or any other graphics capability. What is needed is a general graphics line drawer within LATEX. I originally thought to just utilize the picture environment within LATEX. I wrote a program to convert instructions in a Tektronix graphics file to LATEX picture macros ( I have tried both line and bezier macros). I quickly found out that TEX's memory capacity is exceeded. Typically about 100-400 vectors can be drawn before this happens. I need to be able to draw several thousand vectors on a single figure. Is there any way to get around this problem? Am I stuck with having to use a printer which has graphics capability as a subset and use the \special command? Can I utilize the METAFONT program or other TEX support programs to generate a graphics package? Nearly every laser printer allows you to draw vectors. I would say your best plan is to implement tektronix figure insertion via \special. For a suggestion for the format, see the item I submitted to TeXhax Digest V87 #26 (and my response to Len Schwer above). Charles Karney PHONE: 609/682-2607 MFENET: Karney@PPC.MFENET ARPANET: Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA BITNET: Karney%PPC.MFENET@ANLVMS.BITNET ------------------------------ To: TeXhax@UDEL.EDU Subject: An observation about LaTeX Date: Wed, 29 Jul 87 16:14:57 -0400 From: Dan Grim It appears to me that contrary to the plain macro convention of numbering preface material with negative numbers and main body material with positive numbers that LaTeX numbers both with positive numbers. This confuses our device driver which attempts to sort the output into the desired order. Since we have a Xerox 4050 which can produce duplex output we get the following: a. Title Page (0) front of sheet empty back of sheet b. Page 1 of Chapter 1 front of sheet empty back of sheet c. Page 1 of Contents front of sheet d. Page 2 of Chapter 1 back of sheet empty front of sheet e. Page 2 of Contents back of sheet etc. Was it a conscious decision to number in this manner? I haven't looked at all into changing it although I assume that it should not be hard. Thanks, Dan ------------------------------