TeXhax Digest Tuesday, September 29, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 79 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX79.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: MF settings for Apple LW+? sources in the LaTeX style collection two-colour documents. TeX -> Spell preprocessor TeX previewer for Tektronix 4010/4014 LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #78) how to increase number of fonts in tex? Non-CM fonts afm dvi to Texas Instruments Omni800/Model865 driver line numbering in TeX TeX on Gould PowerNode?? dvi previewer on Tektronix 4010 Playrighting LaTeX Style Plain TeX's matrix routine TexTures upgrade ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: MF settings for Apple LW+? Date: Tue, 22 Sep 87 23:58:10 -0400 From: Ken Yap I have noticed that the o's on our printer look a little skinny. The TeX sources say the 300 dpi fonts were made with Canon mode_def. However looking at our MF macros, there are two candidates for Canon, namely: mode_def imagen = % imagen mode: for the Imagen 8/300 (Canon engine) proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log pixels_per_inch:=300; blacker:=0; % Canon engine is black enough fillin:=.2; % and it tends to fill in diagonals o_correction:=.6; % enddef; % Adobe mode: for the Laser-writer at 300 pixels per inch mode_def adobe = proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles at all pixels_per_inch:=300; % the new Canon engine at 300/inch blacker:=.25; % make pens a bit blacker fillin:=.15; % compensate for diagonal fillin o_correction:=.4; % but don't overshoot as much enddef; Q1: Which mode_def were the fonts on tape made with? Q2: Would our fonts look better if I switched to adobe mode? Ken Sorry, I forgot to mention we run Unix TeX. ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: sources in the LaTeX style collection Date: Wed, 23 Sep 87 18:23:43 -0400 From: Ken Yap TeXhackers, Of late I have been troubled by the problems of keeping sources in the collection. As long as the collection was small, I saw no harm in throwing in a couple of contributed programs. However, sources have now grown to take up significant disk space. Also I am getting bug reports and fixes which I do not want to deal with, and requests for more sources. One correspondent even suggested I keep TeX fonts and macros online so that he could get a TeX distribution from here! I have no desire to take over the functions of other, well-established distribution mechanisms. Since my original charter was to keep LaTeX style files, I have decided to remove certain source files from the distribution. These will get the ax by Oct. 7th: ctex.* textyl-* Until that date you can continue to get these files. If you wish to take over the distribution or set up your own distribution point, feel free. There really needs to be a coordinated, intermediate latency mechanism for distributing small sources that haven't made it onto the official tape, but as long as most of us are providing distribution points by volunteer effort, I see little chance of this happening. Ken ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 87 13:42:58 PDT From: Robert_Adams%UBC.MAILNET@MIT-Multics.ARPA To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: two-colour documents. Is there any (easy?) way to achieve a two colour separation of a plain TeX document by inserting a control sequence \colour{text} bracketing the text which should appear in the second colour? The idea is to have two copies of the page appear in the DVI file (or maybe in two separate DVI files) -- one with the text areas which would be in colour left blank, and the other with the normal "black" text left blank. I gather SliTeX does this somehow -- I can't discover how. If one had a "blank" versions of all the standard fonts with the same TFM files as the existing fonts ... I am new to TeXhax (and to electronic mail!) but not to TeX. I have just had published a textbook, "Calculus of Several Variables" (Addison-Wesley, 1987) which I designed and typeset using TeX. The publisher did a colour separation by hand prior to photography. I am not sure whether this message system automatically sends my return address. I am Robert Adams, Dept. of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Y4. from a BITNET site from a non-BITNET site. ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: TeX -> Spell preprocessor Date: Wed, 23 Sep 87 16:27:55 PDT From: windley@iris.ucdavis.edu Does anybody out there hav a preprocessor for TeX files that filters out TeX commands before they are sent to spell. I know I could write one myself, but I'm lazy. I'd rather use someone else's. Phil Windley Robotics Research Lab University of California, Davis ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Sep 87 09:47:54 CDT To: From: "John Hauck" Subject: TeX previewer for Tektronix 4010/4014 I'm looking for a previewer for TeX that will generate output for devices that understand Tektronix 4010/4014 protocol. We are an MVS site running TeX 2.2, METAFONT 1.3, and we're using the CMR fonts. Can anyone give me any information or tell me who to get in touch with to obtain such a previewer? Thanks in advance! John Hauck Systems prog./analyst Iowa State Univ. Computation Center gg.jph@isumvs.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 87 10:06:36 pdt From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #78) John Kohl writes: In Scribe, it is fairly easy to insure that a group of text appears on a single page (if it will fit) by wrapping it with @begin(group) ...text... @end(group) In LaTeX, I don't see any easy mechanism to do this. I was able to use \parbox and do some disgusting line length hacks so it looked fine, but it seems to me that there should be a more elegant solution. The \samepage declaration (see page 191) prevents page breaking within a paragraph that lies within its scope. Page breaks between two paragraphs can be eliminated by a \nopagebreak command. The \samepage declaration is for fine-tuning page breaks when producing camera-ready copy. If you have some kind of object that isn't supposed to be broken across pages, you should define a command or environment for formatting that object. For small objects, a \parbox command or minipage environment is usually called for. For larger objects, this doesn't work well because it makes proper page breaking very difficult-- usually requiring hand tuning of most page breaking and some rewriting or reordering of text. (This was the approach used in the LaTeX manual with the "example boxes", and I presume in all books with similar constructs.) It is much easier to make these objects figures (or some other kind of "float"), using the [h] option to put them in with the text if page breaking permits. Kang Sun writes: When writing papers with Latex, the worst part is drawing pictures. Has anyone out there come out a way of drawing pictures with a mouse, as is on a Macintosh), and meanwhile automatically generating a sequence of Latex commands (\put...) that corresponds to the pictures. I think such a package would be welcome and it is certainly a good project for Computer Graphics courses. Below is the text of a relevant message I received from Hank Levy (levy@whistler.cs.washington.edu); I presume he has no objections to people sending him inquiries. For those of you who use Latex and have access to a MicroVAX workstation or other system with X windows, there is a new interactive graphics editor available for use with Latex. Called, texdraw, it was built by Tom Taylor as a senior project. The basic idea is that texdraw gives you the objects available in Latex picture environments: rectangles, circles, ovals, lines, arrows, and text. These objects are somewhat limited in size (for circles and ovals) and slope (for lines) because of the way they're implemented in Latex. Texdraw allows you to create graphics with the available objects using the mouse. When you've created your figure, texdraw will create a file that contains the ASCII Latex picture environment commands that you would include in your Latex source to generate the picture. Since the output file is ASCII, you can edit it with a text editor to make small changes if needed. There are dvi to PostScript conversion programs that allow you to add PostScript drawings to the text by including appropriate \special commands in your .tex file. The PostScript file can be produced by any kind of MacDrawish program. This provides much more powerful drawing facilities than Levy's approach. However, the resulting documents can only be distributed by sending PostScript files or by sending the source files to someone with the same dvi to PostScript converter. With Levy's program, you wind up with an ordinary LaTeX input file. Just a short comment on Pehong Chen's comment about C versus awk. He writes: A third party user like you and me would have to modify their awk code if something different is desired. I think it's probably more accurate to say that a third-party user would have to rewrite the awk program from scratch if they wanted something different. I have seen no evidence that it is possible for one person to modify someone else's awk/sed code. Indeed, from my limited experience, I'm not sure if anyone can modify his own code more than three days after he wrote it. When Chen sent me his awk/sed indexing program, I decided that it should have some additional functionality. It was much easier to rewrite it from scratch than to understand his program. Awk and sed are great for writing short, throw-away programs. They appear to be inadequate for writing industrial-strength programs for other people to use. Leslie ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 87 10:35:51 PDT From: rusty%velveeta.Berkeley.EDU@berkeley.edu (Rusty wright) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: how to increase number of fonts in tex? We finally got our floppies from the AMS with their fonts. I have made a specialized version of latex by modifying lfonts.tex so that people can use the AMS symbols and Fraktur. As soon as you try to use a different size of any font or any different fonts with this latex it bombs complaining about no more room for fonts. I looked at the web source and I'm not confident that I know what needs to be put in the change file in order to increase the number of fonts that tex can handle. Could someone tell me what needs to be changed? Thanks in advance. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 87 13:51 EDT From: Subject: Non-CM fonts To: texhax@score.stanford.edu We are building our font library and are looking for any and all fonts that are not included in the standard TeX distribution. If you have any .mf programs for fonts you think may be of interest (Old English, OCR, etc.) and they are free to copy, please let me know. Also, has anyone modified the dvi2ln3 driver to accept fonts in PK or GF formats? Thanks, --mike mcguffey@muvms1.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 87 15:51:07 EDT From: "Michael R. DeCorte" To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Subject: afm does anyone know where I could get afm files for the dvi2ps program by Stephan Bechtolsheim? thankyou Michael DeCorte mrd@clutx.clarkson.edu ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 87 14:40:58 EDT From: Vince Pugliese To: TeXhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: dvi to Texas Instruments Omni800/Model865 driver I was hoping that someone out there has written a driver for printing out dvi files onto a TI model/865 dot-matrix printer and would be willing to pass the source along to me. C or Pascal is fine. Thanks in advance. Vince Pugliese apollo@ecf.toronto.edu ------------------------------ Date: Fri 25 Sep 87 16:32:40-PDT From: Emma Pease Subject: line numbering in TeX To: texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU I received the following question a few days ago and was wondering if anyone had done anything like it. ------------------- Is there any convenient TeX/LaTeX macro for putting line numbers at an end of each line like marginal notes? I want to switch according whether I want the numbers in the left or right margin, whether I want the numbers by 5, by 10 or by 1, etc. [Sample1] Four score and seven years 1 ago our fathers brough forth 2 on this continet a new nation, 3 conceived in liberty and 4 dedicated to the proposition 5 that all men are created equal. 6 Now we are engaged in a great 7 civil war, testing whether that 8 nation, or any nation so 9 conceived and so dedicated can 10 long endure. 11 [Sample2] Four score and seven years 1 ago our fathers brough forth on this continet a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition 5 that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can 10 long endure. [Sample3] 1 Four score and seven years 2 ago our fathers brough forth 3 on this continet a new nation, 4 conceived in liberty and 5 dedicated to the proposition 6 that all men are created equal. 7 Now we are engaged in a great 8 civil war, testing whether that 9 nation, or any nation so 10 conceived and so dedicated can 11 long endure. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 87 10:22:54 BST From: Peter Ilieve To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: TeX on Gould PowerNode?? We have a Gould PowerNode 6040 and it would be nice to run TeX on this as well as our Suns as the Gould has bigger disks. From V2.0 of Gould's UTX they started supporting the Pascal compiler so I tried to compile TeX. I found numerous bugs in the compiler which were reported to Gould and accepted by them as bugs but not much has happened since. I am now of the opinion that if I want TeX to run on the Gould I will have to sort it out myself. There seem to be two ways to go; get a fixed compiler or get one of the C versions of TeX. Before starting out on this quest I would like to ask the assembled wizards this question: Does anyone know of a Gould implementation of TeX, and if so, how was it done? Peter Ilieve peter@memex.co.uk peter@memex.uucp ------------------------------ To: to-TeXHax@uunet.UU.NET Subject: dvi previewer on Tektronix 4010 Date: 28 Sep 87 08:59:17 EST (Mon) From: munnari!mimir.dmt.oz!khl@uunet.UU.NET I am sure this question has been raised before, but could someone please tell me where I can find a public domain program to preview dvi files on Tektronix 401x terminals, or emulators such as Visual 550. Thank you in advance for your help. Khoa Ho-Le, CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology, Melbourne, Australia. PHONE: +61 (03)487-9257 ACSNET:khl@mimir.dmt.oz ARPA: khl%mimir.dmt.oz@seismo.css.gov CSNET: khl@mimir.dmt.oz UUCP: {seismo,ukc,mcvax}!munnari!mimir.dmt!khl ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Sep 87 22:44 EST From: jogle To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Playrighting LaTeX Style Hi all! Does anyone out there know if there exists a LaTeX Style for Scripts, Stage Plays, or Screenplays. I'm considering writing one on my spare time but don't want to go through the trouble if it's already been done. Any help would be greatly appriciated. -- jogle CSnet: jmg%smvl@rca.com ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Sep 87 9:14:29 EDT From: "David F. Rogers" To: TeXhax@score.stanford.EDU Subject: Plain TeX's matrix routine A simple question. How can the matrix routine in Plain TeX be modified to vertically center the matrix on the first row of the matrix rather than on the entire matrix. In particular, the desired result is [X]=| a11 a12 a13 | | b11 b12 b13 | | a21 a22 a23 | | b21 b22 b23 | | a31 a32 a33 | | b31 b32 b33 | vice | a11 a12 a13 | | b11 b12 b13 | [X]=| a21 a22 a23 | | b21 b22 b23 | | a31 a32 a33 | | b31 b32 b33 | as generated by Plain TeX. Please reply direct and I'll summarize for texhax or via texhax if desired. Thanks David F. Rogers dfr@usna.arpa dfr@usna.mil (domain addressing) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Sep 87 08:08:59 PDT From: WU%RAL@ames-io.ARPA Subject: TexTures upgrade To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Can someone please send me the phone number of the office in Addison-Weseley which handles the TeXTures upgrade? I am still waiting for mine. Thanks. Alex Woo woo@ames-nas.arpa woo@ames-pioneer.arpa %%% Barbara Beeton responds: %%% the number given in the addison-wesley ad in the latest issue of tugboat is 617-944-6795. -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% BITNET redistribution: TEX-L@TAMVM1.BITNET (list server) %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------