LaTeX Notes This Chinese document is an introduction to TeX/LaTeX. It covers basic text typesetting, math, graphics, table, Chinese language & fonts, and some miscellaneous features (hyperlink, long document, bibliography, index, page layout). This package contains five major files: readme.txt, history.txt, license.txt, lnotes.dvi, lnotes.pdf, and the following source files, src ��� basics.tex ��� dscf4684.jpg ��� fonts.tex ��� graphics.tex ��� i18n.tex ��� introduction.tex ��� lnotes.tex ��� math.tex ��� misc.tex ��� postcript.tex ��� preface.tex ��� reading.bib ��� tables.tex ��� ������examples arrow.mps color.mps colors.mps curve.mps dashed.mps dot.mps fill.mps label.mps line.mps loop.mps path.mps predefined.mps pst_arc.eps pst_arrow.eps pst_axis.eps pst_bezier.eps pst_circle.eps pst_color.eps pst_curve.eps pst_dot.eps pst_fill.eps pst_frame.eps pst_grid.eps pst_label.eps pst_line.eps pst_linestyle.eps pst_origin.eps pst_parabola.eps pst_polygon.eps pst_rput.eps pst_uput.eps subfig.mps subfig_left.mps subfig_right.mps transform.mps uline.mps The source files are encoded in UTF-8. This readme is in English because CTAN websites support only ASCII readmes. Any comments are welcome. I could be accessed at TeX board of or by email. Alpha Huang