Abstract This is a Chinese introduction to mathematical alphabets including Greek alphabet, and Latin alphabets in script, calligraphic, fraktur, double stroke and blackboard bold fonts, and Hebrew alphabet. Furthermore, we will give some advice on how to use and read them. Fonts To compile the tex file, you need to download and install the free fonts such as Fangzhengshusong (������������), Fangzhengkaiti (������������), Fangzhengfangsong (������������) in the GBK code and the non-free fonts such as FangzhengFWzhuzimingchaoD (������FW������������D) and Fangzhengyouhei506L (������������506L) from http://www.foundertype.com. Versions Version 4.0 2022-06-24 Expanded the transformation from Greek letters to Latin letters, and added some references. Version 3.0 2022-06-20 Expanded the correspondence between Greek letters and Latin letters. Version 2.3 2021-12-29 Expanded the footnote about the style of double stoke font. Version 2.2 2021-12-27 Revised some typos. Version 2.1 2021-12-25 Improved and expanded the statements about varepsilon, varkappa, vartheta, varpi, varrho, varsigma, varphi. Version 2.0 2021-12-11 Increased the content of Hebrew alphabet and some pronunciations of some Greek letters. Version 1.0 2021-11-29 Finished the first draft. Copyright 2021-2022 Conden Chao Notice Any commercial use is forbidden. Contact Conden Chao zhaoxy00@126.com