December 24, 1999
                 TeX--XeT with Hebrew on Windows 95.

The following file explains how to install winedt with the Hebrew

Please note -- if you already have a WinEdt program with Hebrew
additions when you intend to install the current package,
you have to install MiKTeX,  Hebrew32  and  WinEdt32.
You don't have to install GS.

The package is based on an elaborated editor, WinEdt, which serves as 
a tex environments and is very convenient.
The system is made of a number of packages working together, namely
winedt32 1.414 (19-8), miktex1.20a, etex3.14159-2.0, ghostview2.5 
plus the addition of Hebrew macros and fonts. 

WinEdt is shareware - you have to pay about 50$ to its
writer. Other programs are free, but you have to read and accept
their terms. Please read the relevant help of each program.

This package works on Windows 95/98.
To make the thing easier, I assume you will install all parts of this
package in the default directories; that is, within the installation of
the various parts, you will install the programs in the
suggested directories. DO NOT suggest alternative directories for
installation unless so instructed in this readme file.

The created directories, on the C disk, will be
Program files\WINEDT

1. Create a new temporary directory on C
   For convenience reasons,  call it TEXTEMP
2. Copy the *.ZIP and the *.EXE files from the directory 
      install_tex_on_win95   (On
   into your temporary directory.
   The files you will copy to TEXTEMP are:
(*)             MikTeX 1.20a 
     WINEDT32.EXE                WinEdt 1.414, (19-8)                Version 3, July 1999
     GS510INI.ZIP                GsView Version 2.5
     WINZIP70.EXE                WinZip 7.0
   Remember to copy the files in binary transfer mode.

(*) Note -- The file  miktex_1.2a.exe  is very big - about 34 Mb.
   It is made of 61 smaller files.  
   You can transfer those 61 files one by one to C:\TEXTEMP;
   The files are available in the sub directory  miktex_1.2a .
   After you transfer all 61 files to C:\TEXTEMP,
   activate the file  setupwiz.exe  as explained at the end
   of section 4 below.
3. If you do not have winzip on your Windows 95, install it:
   Click on   Start, choose  Run;
   In the available space type  C:\TEXTEMP\WINZIP70.EXE
   This will install WINZIP.
   If you are asked whether you want WinZip to be opened
   in Classic or in Wizard mode, choose  Classic.
4. Install MikTeX:
   Double click on  C:\TEXTEMP\
   WINZIP will open the file.
   If WINZIP displays a list of files contained within and waits for your command, you have to
   choose "unzip", also called "extract".
   During the extraction you will be asked to select a folder
   for unzipping/extraction. 
   Select C:\TEXTEMP
   The file miktex_1.2a.exe should be "opened" in C:\TEXTEMP .
   After you have extracted the files, you will have (in TEXTEMP)
   61 files, including a file called setupwiz.exe . 
   Activate this file   by double clicking
   on its icon or by using   Start --> Run --> setupwiz.exe
   This will install MiKTeX.
   If the computer asks you whether old files should be replaced,
   answer 'yes'.

   This will install MiKTeX, which is the major part of the TeX
   system installed on your pc. 
   The MiKTeX package includes also an additional TeX,  eTeX,
   which is a separate TeX/LaTeX package, and which can handle
   right-to-left texts.

   When the installation finishes, see that the box "Reset the
   Computer" is marked. The computer should reset, and when it starts
   again, additional files (*.fmt files) are created by the MiKTeX
5. Install WinEdt:
   Click on   Start, then on  Run;
   In the available space type  C:\TEXTEMP\WINEDT32.EXE
   and click   OK .
   When the computer asks you to give the name of folder for unzipping,
   type   C:\TEXTEMP   and then click on   Unzip .
   During the installation accept all the defaults and click on "Next"
   when appropriate.
   This will create new subdirectoris within TEXTEMP, called 144MB\Disk1 
   and 144MB\Disk2 .
   Activate the file  C:\TEXTEMP\144MB\Disk1\setup.exe
   by clicking on   Start, then on  Run
   and in the available space type    C:\textemp\144mb\disk1\setup.exe
   This will install WinEdt.
6. Install GSTools:
   Click on the filename GSV25W32.ZIP and WINZIP will open that file.
   If nothing happens except a list of files is displayed,
   look for a file named  SETUP.EXE and double click on it.
   Accept all the defaults and click on "Next" when appropriate. 
   Winzip will open the necessaey files and then install GSTools. 
   During the installation you might have to specify the 
   exact pathnames of required files, e.g. C:\TEXTEMP\GS510INI.ZIP .
   Follow the instructions on screen.
   This will install GSTools.
7. Install the Hebrew Addition:
   Double click on the file C:\TEXTEMP\
   This will activate WINZIP .
   WINZIP will display a list of files contained within  and wait for your command.
   choose   extract   .
   During the extraction you will be asked to select a folder
   for unzipping/extraction. 
   Select C:\ which means the top of the file tree.
   The file  should be "opened" in C:\.

   If the computer asks you whether old files should be replaced,
   answer 'yes' or 'yes to all'.
8. Edit the file C:\AUTOEXEC,BAT
   Make sure that the PATH (in the line SET PATH  ......)
   contains C:\TEXMF\MIKTEX\BIN
   Ask someone else if you do not understand this. 
   In case of problem, ask me -- .
9. Erase the directory  TEXTEMP  
10. Reset(=reboot) the computer.
   Click again on   Start, then on  Run
   In the available space type  initexmf --update-fndb

You will now have the system installed.  

Click on Start --> Programs --> WinEdt  to run it, or create a shortcut
Within WinEdt you create and edit the TeX/LaTeX input files and
process them. Processing is done via the menu  Accessories.
Examples are supplied in the following directories

Documentation files are available in   \TEXMF\DOC

NOTE! If you will add files in the future (macros, fonts etc) which
      will have to be used by TeX or LaTeX, 
      you have to update the database, containing file names.
      You do it by clicking  
       Start --> programs -->  
                     MikTeX --> Maintenance --> Refresh Filename Database 

If, when activating tex--xet or latex--xet you get a message that 
the format files are not found, 
or if you get the message that you are out of environmental space,
insert the following line in your C:\CONFIG.SYS file:
This is so if the file COMMAND.COM resides in C:\  --
it might reside in another directory, in which case you have to replace C:\
by the right location.

How to prepare Hebrew tex files on Windows 95
You can use the winedt editor.   
You can also use Windows 95's NOTEPAD.EXE and WORDPAD.EXE
You can also use MS WORD. You save the file as a text file
and it is ready to be processed by tex. 

Further details -- from Rama Porrat, Computation Center, 
                                     The Hebrew University,
                                     Tel 02-6584408    053-816-722