Title: MonTeX, Implementation Level IVu Version: 04.092 Author: Oliver Corff Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, Beijing 1997-2002 Date: July 01, 2002 (Timestamp: July 01, 2002) Archive Name: montexivu.tgz Description: Mongolian for LaTeX (Cyrillic) System Requirements: e-LaTeX2e (limited functionality with LaTeX2e) Fonts in Cork encoding (T1) are required; they are considered to be an integral part of any up-to-date LaTeX2e installation. Legal Notes: See end of this document 0. Introduction MonTeX (Mongolian for LaTeX) is a modular package which provides Mongolian to the LaTeX user community. The present package represents Implementation Level IIa and provides the Cyrillic script in immediate and transliteration modes. In addition, it is possible to have short portions of Mongolian script (`bicig') in the document, both horizontally and vertically, but for enjoying vertical output it is necessary that PostScript support is installed. Most modern LaTeX installations come with PostScript anyway so this should not be a very difficult problem. Subsequent implementation levels add more features: scripts, writing directions, etc. 1. Installation Remove all old files of previous MonTeX Implementation Level I installations, including the font bitmaps (*.pk) and tfm files. Unpack the archive montexivu.tgz in some temporary directory. teTeX users can proceed to section 1.1, MikTeX users should read section 1.2. 1.1 teTeX (and other TeX systems based on the TeX Directory Structure) Create subdirectories, either in your main TeX installation, or in any local tree, with the following structure: mkdir $TEXMF/tex/latex/montex/ mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/mls/ mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/mls/ mkdir $TEXMF/doc/montex/ Copy the appropriate contents into the newly created directories: cp $TMP/texinput/* $TEXMF/tex/latex/montex/ cp $TMP/mfinput/* $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/mls/ cp $TMP/tfm/* $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/mls/ cp $TMP/doc/* $TEXMF/doc/montex/ Rehash the file name database by executing texhash. Execute texconfig and proceed to menu item <hyphenation> for creating a format file with Mongolian hyphenation patterns. You will have to edit the file language.dat (which appears in the editor window automatically) and insert the following line (perhaps somewhere after Hungarian (magyar) and before Norwegian (norsk): mongolian mnhyphen.tex % mnhyphex.tex % No exceptions now. in the list of languages. There is no need to procure the graphics and rotating packages externally since they are provided with teTeX. GhostScript and GhostView are also regularly found on UNIX and notably Linux systems so there should be full-fledged off-the-shelf support for the vertical text capsules offered by MonTeX. eLaTeX is included in modern teTeX versions, too. Please also make sure you have the diagnose.sty tool somewhere, as well as LGR Greek fonts. 1.2 MikTeX Read and follow the instructions in the file MIKTEX. Get the graphics package and the rotating packages as well as GhostScript if you want to print portions of vertical Mongolian. The latex packages can be found at CTAN (both in the Internet and on CD-ROM) under macros/latex/packages/graphics macros/latex/contrib/supported/rotating GhostScript versions can be found at CTAN, too, in the /support/ghostscript/gnu subdirectory. 2. Running MonTeX MonTeX is now ready for use. It is activated by stating \usepackage{mls} in the preamble of your document. You can provide options for the document language and/or the input file encoding, like \usepackage[xalx,mls]{mls} which prepares a document in Modern Mongolian using the MLS encoding. Consult doc/montex.tex for details. 3. General Remarks When using MonTeX for the first time you may observe a seemingly unusual font generating activity. By default, MonTeX uses the T1 encoding, and requires these fonts to be available. If you happened to use the old TeX font encoding (known as OT1---and you may have been unconsciously doing so for all your previous documents) then prepare for anything between a few minutes and an hour (depending on your system's speed) for the fonts to be computed. This is a singular event and will not bother you later on. The user documentation montex.tex contains many typeface examples (in fact, unusually many for an average document) so the display and printing of this document does not reflect ordinary usage. 4. Points of Concern for emtex users ----- emtex does not offer RL capabilities, and thus you will not be able to generate pure Mongolian or Manju documents on an emtex system. If you want to stick to a DOS-ish environment then the fptex system, available on CTAN, is recommended. It is however possible to execute all the functions MonTeX has been offering before Implementation Level IV. Under emtex, the document montex.tex requires substantial basic memory (below 640kB) for printing, and printing only. The typeface demonstration contained in the documentation loads a plethora of fonts (around twenty or so) which will force emtex's printing program to abort if available `conventional' memory is below 500 and a few kilobytes. In this case there are basically two choices: temporarily remove some device drivers, or start the program directly from the DOS prompt. Shells (even like Norton Commander and friends) sometimes eat exactly these 2 kB of memory which decide on failure or success. If nothing helps, open the file montex.tex in your editor, go to the line near no. 12 and change the parameter of "FontSamples" from "6" to "1". You can now see whether the printer driver generates all necessary fonts without problems. Increase the FontSamples parameter step by step until all fonts are built, and try to print the document again. 5. Legal Notes This program package is copyrighted software and placed under the Gnu Public Licence. Academical institutions and users are kindly requested to submit offprints of articles typeset with MonTeX. The author cannot accept any responsability for the usability and/or fitness of this software package for any particular purpose. You are not entitled to change the software while preserving original file names. If you ever happen to modify any of the files, then that file MUST be renamed. Please contact the author (e-mail: corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de) if you discover bugs, deficiencies etc. Thank you for using MonTeX! Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin, Shenyang, December 2001 Oliver Corff corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de corff@arvis.ac.mn