% Ayn and Hamza (smooth and rough breathing) for Computer Modern 
% These letters were originally coded by P. A. MacKay in December, 1986,

% Ayn and Hamza are based on the comma supplied in {\tt cmbase.mf}, 
% but the jut is increased, the tail is tucked in more tightly, and the
% bulb is uppermost in both cases. Ayn is NOT the mirror image of Hamza in
% slanted or italic fonts, thanks to a little magic with |currenttransform|.

% Character codes \0043 and \0100 are generated.

% if |izafet_dot| is known, character \0175 (dot at |bar_height|) is generated
if unknown accsub: input accsub fi % needed for |izafet_dot|

newinternal pslant,nslant; pslant:=slant; nslant:=-slant;

cmchar "Rough breathing or `Ayn";
beginchar(oct"043",5u#,min(asc_height#,10/7x_height#),0); % height of i-dot
italcorr asc_height#*slant+.5dot_size#-2u#;
currenttransform:=identity slanted nslant
 yscaled aspect_ratio scaled granularity; % build italic with reverse slant
x1-.325dot_size=hround(.5w-.325dot_size); y1+.325dot_size=h; % smaller bulb
if monospace: comma(1,a,.65dot_size,.35u,vround .85comma_depth);  % large comma
else: comma(1,a,.65dot_size,1.6u,.85comma_depth); fi  % comma; increased jut
currentpicture:=currentpicture reflectedabout ((.5[l,r],h),(.5[l,r],0));
currenttransform:=identity slanted pslant
 yscaled aspect_ratio scaled granularity; % restore normal font slant
penlabels(1); endchar;

cmchar "Smooth breathing or Hamza";
beginchar(oct"100",5u#,min(asc_height#,10/7x_height#),0); % height of i-dot
italcorr asc_height#*slant+.5dot_size#-2u#;
x1-.325dot_size=hround(.5w-.325dot_size); y1+.325dot_size=h; % smaller bulb
if monospace: comma(1,a,.65dot_size,.35u,vround .85comma_depth);  % large comma
else: comma(1,a,.65dot_size,1.6u,.85comma_depth); fi  % comma; increased jut
penlabels(1); endchar;

iff known izafet_dot: cmchar "Period raised to bar height";
adjust_fit(0,0); pickup fine.nib;
pos1(dot_diam,0); pos2(dot_diam,90);
lft x1l=hround(.5w-.5dot_diam); 
z1=z2; dot(1,2); penlabels(1,2); endchar;