% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% LaTeXbangla package - Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla 
% E-mail: adib.hasan8@gmail.com
% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% This package simplifies the process of writing Bangla in LaTeX and
% addresses most of the common typesetting issues. Additional features
% include automatic transition between languages and many more. (See 
% examples) The user can just type in usual LaTeX syntax and expect 
% everything to work as it should.
% ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
% Copyright (C) 2016 by Adib Hasan adib.hasan8@gmail.com

% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either
% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
% version. The latest version of this license is in the file:

% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
% Adib Hasan

% This work consists of the files:  latexbangla.sty,
%                                   latexbangla.tex, and
%                                   latexbangla.pdf
\ProvidesPackage{latexbangla}[2016/10/31 v0.2 Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla]

\RequirePackage{polyglossia, fontspec, xkeyval, ifxetex}

% Because this package depends on ucharclasses which itself
% requires XeTeX's interchar classes

%Fully supported Bangla Fonts
%Other banglafonts *are* supported but there might be issues with whitespaces.
	\ifcase#1{Kalpurush}    %name
	\or{MatchLowercase}     %Scale
	\or{1.1}                %main WordSpace
	\or{1.5}                %tt WordSpace
	\ifcase#1{SiyamRupali}  %name
	\or{0.8}                %Scale
	\or{1.2}                %main WordSpace
	\or{1.8}                %tt WordSpace
	\ifcase#1{SolaimanLipi} %name
	\or{0.9}                %Scale
	\or{1.5}                %main WordSpace
	\or{2.1}                %tt WordSpace

		\errmessage{Bangla main font not defined}	
		\errmessage{Bangla tt font not defined}





%From polyglossia




%Devanagari is required since Bangla fullstop dari ("0964) is in
%Devanagari block of Unicode
\RequirePackage[Latin, Bengali, Devanagari]{ucharclasses}

%if feature=0 is provided no other modifications will be enabled
%However, from my personal experience, I find the following modifications to be useful.

%the default for feature option is 1, which enables the recommended modifications
	\RequirePackage{titlesec, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr, hyperref}
	%adding a dot after the number in titles
	%making the word "proof" in proof env. bold and adding a : after it.	


	%increases gap between lines	
	%defining a \tobangla which converts numbers in any counter to bangla 	
	\def\tobangla#1{\expandafter\@banglanumber\csname c@#1\endcsname}
	%Because polyglossia itself defines ������������������ as italic. I'm making it bold.	
	\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\proofname{\bfseries ������������������}}
	%a new solution environment	
	\newenvironment{solution}{\proof[\bfseries ������������������]}{\endproof}
	\newtheoremstyle{custom}% name
	{3pt}% space above
	{3pt}% space below
	{\rm}% body font
	{}% indent amount
	{\bfseries}% theorem head font
	{:}% punctuation after theorem head
	{.5em}% space after theorem head
	{}% theorem head spec
	\newtheorem{example}{\bfseries ������������������}
	\newtheorem{problem}{\bfseries ������������������}
	\newtheorem{theorem}{\bfseries ���������������������}[section]
	%converting all the useful counters not handled by polyglossia to bangla	

%feature=2 enabes further modifiations as follows
	\RequirePackage{titlesec, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr}
	\newtheorem{corollary}{\bfseries ������������������������������������}[section]
	\newtheorem{property}{\bfseries ���������������������������}[section]
	\newtheorem*{remark}{\bfseries ���������������������}
	\newtheorem*{hint} {\bfseries ���������������}
	\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\abstractname{\bfseries ������������������������������}}
	%\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\referencename{\bfseries ���������������������������������������}}
	\newenvironment{motive}{\proof[\bfseries ������������������������]}{\phantom\qedhere\endproof}