ftp.cc.huji.ac.il/tex    Hebrew TeX/LaTeX archive 
The currect directory holds a collection of files pertaining to usage 
of Hebrew and other right-to-left languages in TeX.
The TeX program used for Hebrew is eTeX (Extended TeX)
available for Unix and for Windows (and Dos).

For Unix installation      --  see unix
For Windows95 installation --  see win95

For more information go to the subdirectory doc.
Start by reading the short guide hebrew_tex_and_latex .

Directory contents:
ftp.cc.huji.ac.il/tex  contains the current file (readme)
as well as the following subdirectories:

Xhebrew         fonts           misc            texshell_2.7.1
bbfig           free            pc              www               
doc             macros          unix                        
editors         mf              win95  

Here's more details about the subdirectories' content:
Files pertaining to installing Hebrew on X11.

./            fonts.alias   heb10x20.snf  readme
../           fonts.dir     heb6x13.snf
Guides, documentation and examples.

guides/                  hebrew_tex_and_latex.tex
examples/                hebrew_tex_and_latex.dvi
hebrew_tex_and_latex  is a short guide to Hebrew usage within tex
and latex.
The directories  guides  and  examples  contain more information.
Consult the file   readme  in each directory.

Editors for pc and for unix, which use Hebrew + English.
For pc: hed, vim        For unix:  hemacs,  vi.iv,  vim.
This directory contains Hebrew fonts.  

./              doc/            newcode/        pccode/         readme
../             for_all_codes/  oldcode/        ps/
latex_macros/    old.macros/      tex_macros/

latex_macros are those files used by latex2e (documentclass)
to process Hebrew texts.

old.macros are files used by latex2.09, the old latex (documentstyle)
to process Hebrew texts.

tex_macros are used by plain tex when processing Hebrew texts.
sources of all fonts for all Hebrew modes.
The same as under fonts/  but all sources are together here.
Various files for DOS and Windows.
Note -- For a complete installation on Windows 95, go to the
directory tex/win95 .
Use the COM files to install Hebrew support on your DOS PC.
Use  hebvga.com  and  keybhe.com   for a VGA screen.

Read the file   readme
Files for modifying the official TeX (available on the CD Rom TeX Live 3)
to include right-to-left typesetting.
Read readme.

Contains  old   and   new  .
The new system is based on TeX Live 3 CD ROM.
Includes explanation of how to install the Hebrew additions to 
Tex and LaTeX (2e)

Complete kit for installation on DOS PC or Windows. Read   readme.
This has recently been replaced by the winedt system,
obtainable from ftp.cc.huji.ac.il/win95 .

Installation and files for MS Windows 95.
doc/    install_tex_on_win95/    readme

The directory  install_tex_on_win95  contains the files
GS510FN1.ZIP            GSV25W32.ZIP            WINZIP70.EXE
GS510FN2.ZIP            HEBREW32.ZIP            readme

For incoming files from users.

Includes all tex files for netscape.

Creating a BoundingBox command for a ps file.

Official mf files.
		      ^^^\  \/^\ ^^^\                                   
rama@cc.huji.ac.il     \  \ /___\    \   The Hebrew University of Jerusalem