Title: cTibTeX Version: 0.6 Author: Oliver Corff Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, Beijing 2002 Date: July 1st, 2002 Time Stamp: July 1st, 2002 Archive Name: ctib4tex.zip Descriptive Name: Tibetan for TeX and LaTeX2e System Requirements: LaTeX2e or TeX (not tested with LaTeX2.09) Legal Notes: See end of this document 0. Introduction While being based on the original works by R. Schwartz, J. Sparkes, S. Sirlin, B. Steiner, N. Preining e.a., cTibTeX, yet another Tibetan implementation, offers complete, seamless support for Tibetan in TeX and LaTeX2e *without* resorting to external preprocessors. Tibetan can be entered in transliteration without virtually anything peculiar to observe. 1. Installation Unpack the archive ctib4tex<nn>.zip in some temporary directory. teTeX users can proceed to section 1.2, MikTeX users should read section 1.3. 1.1 emtex If you are an emtex user, read and follow the instructions in the file EMTEX. 1.2 teTeX (and other TeX systems based on the TeX Directory Structure) Create subdirectories, either in your main TeX installation, or in any local tree, with the following structure: mkdir $TEXMF/tex/latex/ctib/ mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/ctib/ mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/ctib/ mkdir $TEXMF/doc/ctib/ Copy the appropriate contents into the newly created directories: cp $TMP/texinput/* $TEXMF/tex/latex/ctib/ cp $TMP/mfinput/ctib/* $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/ctib/ cp $TMP/tfm/ctib/* $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/ctib/ cp $TMP/doc/* $TEXMF/doc/ctib/ Rehash the file name database by executing texhash. 1.3 MikTeX Read and follow the instructions in the file MIKTEX. 2. Running cTibTeX cTibTeX is now ready for use. It is activated by stating \usepackage{ctib} in the preamble of your LaTeX2e document or by saying \input ctib in your TeX document. 3. Legal Notes This program package is copyrighted software. You are welcome to use this program without financial remuneration. The author cannot accept any responsability for the usability and/or fitness of this software package for any particular purpose. You are not entitled to change the software. If you ever happen to modify any of the files, then that file MUST be renamed. Please contact the author (e-mail: corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de) if you discover bugs, deficiencies etc. cTibTeX may be redistributed only in complete form (ideally as archive), not in the form of individual files. Complain with your source if you received only what appears to be fragments of cTibTeX! Thank you for using cTibTeX! Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin, December 2001 Oliver Corff corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de