#!/usr/bin/env perl # # vntex-3.2.2 # # vntex-update-maps # # Copyright 2007 Reinhard Kotucha <reinhard.kotucha@web.de> # # This work may be distributed and/or modified under the # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 # of this license or (at your option) any later version. # The latest version of this license is in # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # # The current maintainer is Reinhard Kotucha. $^W=1; use Getopt::Long; $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev=0; ($basename=$0)=~s/.*\///; sub usage { print <<"EOF"; Usage: $basename [-h] [-n] -home|-sys $basename adds font map files to updmap.cfg and executes updmap in order to create the font databases. You have to use the -home option if you extracted VnTeX to TEXMFHOME and you have to use the -sys option if you extracted VnTeX to TEXMFLOCAL $basename -help will tell you the content of the variables TEXMFHOME and TEXMFLOCAL. Options: -h|--help Print this message. -sys Run updmap-sys. -home Run updmap. -n Print the commands that would be executed, but do not execute them. EOF ; } unless (@ARGV) { usage and exit 1 } GetOptions "n", "sys", "home", "help|h"; sub expand_var { my $var=shift; if ($^O=~/^MSWin(32|64)$/i) { open KPSEWHICH, 'kpsewhich --expand-var=$' . "$var |"; } else { open KPSEWHICH, 'kpsewhich --expand-var=\$' . "$var |"; } while (<KPSEWHICH>) { return "$_"; chop; } close KPSEWHICH; } if ($opt_help) { usage; print " TEXMFHOME=", expand_var 'TEXMFHOME'; print "\n"; print " TEXMFLOCAL=",expand_var 'TEXMFLOCAL'; print "\n"; exit 0; } $chicken_mode=($opt_n)? 1:0; if ($opt_home) { $sys=0; } elsif ($opt_sys) { $sys=1; } else { die "No target specified. Valid arguments: -home or -sys.\n\n" . "Run: perl $basename -help\n\n"; } $updmap_cmd=($sys)? "updmap-sys":"updmap"; while (<DATA>) { last if /^__/; next if /^\s*$/; s/\@UPDMAP\@/$updmap_cmd/; @command=split " ", $_; print "@command\n"; system @command unless $chicken_mode; } print "$updmap_cmd\n"; system "$updmap_cmd" unless $chicken_mode; __DATA__ @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --disable vnr.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap vnrtext.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable MixedMap vnrother.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map urwvn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map chartervn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map mscorevn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map arevvn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map classicovn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map cmbrightvn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map comicvn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map concretevn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map garamondvn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map grotesqvn.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map vntopia.map @UPDMAP@ --nomkmap --nohash --enable Map txttvn.map