\input plainpkg \ProvidesPackage{actcodes}[2012/11/07 v0.2a active characters (UL)] %% %% Copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Lueck, %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below -- %% %% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under %% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either %% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% There is NO WARRANTY (actually somewhat experimental). %% %% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via %% %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% %% == Purpose and Usage == %% The package derives from switching category codes %% in the 'nicetext' and 'morehype' bundles and should %% improve them. %% %% === Installing and Calling === %% The file `actcodes.sty' is provided ready, %% installation only requires %% putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it %% (which may need updating the filename data %% base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} %% However, the files `plainpkg.tex' and `stacklet.sty' %% stacklet 2012/09/19 %% must be installed likewise. %% %% \emph{With} \LaTeX, the file should be loaded by `\RequirePackage{actcodes}' %% or `\usepackage{actcodes}'. %% %% \emph{Without} \LaTeX, load it by `\input actcodes.sty'. %% %% As explained in `plainpgk-doc.pdf', however, ``generic" %% packages based on 'plainpkg' should load 'actcodes' by %% `\RequirePackage{actcodes}'. %% %% === Commands and Syntax === %% \label{sec:actcodes-cmds} %% 'actcodes.sty' provides \ |\MakeActive|, |\MakeActiveAss|, %% |\MakeActiveDef|, |\MakeActiveLet|, %% |\MakeOther|, |\MakeActiveOther| \ with rather obvious %% syntax---you find more detailed descriptions %% mixed with implementation below ... TODO %% ---Without \LaTeX, the latter's internal |\@gobble<arg>| %% is provided as well. %% %% == The Code == %% === Our Private Letters === \PushCatMakeLetterAt %% %% === The Core === %% |\MakeActiveAss<ass-fun>\<char><ass-args>| ``activates" <char> %% and then applies assignment function <ass-fun> with arguments %% <ass-args> to it. The code derives from \LaTeX's %% `\@sverb' and `\do@noligs' and was also discussed %% on the \acro{LATEX-L} mailing list September 2010 %% (Will Robertson; Heiko Oberdiek). %% The present definition generalizes %% `\MakeActiveDef' and `\MakeActiveLet' of my earlier packages. \gdef\MakeActiveAss#1#2{% \MakeActive#2% \begingroup \lccode`\~`#2\relax \lowercase{\endgroup #1~}} %% I was reluctant to provide |\MakeActive\<char>|, %% but with 'catchdq.sty', it would be better ... %% 2012/09/16 \gdef\MakeActive#1{\catcode`#1\active} %% ... it just ``revives" the meaning that the corresponding %% active-character token last time ... %% %% === \cs{def} and \cs{let} === %% |\MakeActiveDef\<char><parameters>{<replace>}| %% has been employed in 'fifinddo' and 'blog' %% (which is based on 'fifinddo') so far. \gdef\MakeActiveDef{\MakeActiveAss\def} %% W.r.t.\ the definition of this `\MakeActiveDef', %% Heiko Oberdiek remarked that it allows \emph{macro parameters}, %% as opposed to my earlier definition in 'fifinddo'. %% Without parameters, this kind of macro has been used for %% conversion of text encodings ('atari.fdf', %% and I thought this was the idea of \ctanpkgref{stringenc} ...). %% %% |\MakeActiveLet\<char><cmd>| has been provided in 'niceverb' so far. %% The present package has been made in order to have %% `\MakeActiveLet' with 'blog.sty' as well, it was too annoying %% to use `\MakeActiveDef' there so often. \gdef\MakeActiveLet{\MakeActiveAss\let} %% %% === Switching Back \textellipsis === %% Sometimes, the ``active" behaviour of <char> is too difficult, %% and you may want to switch bach to its ``simple" way ... %% This may work by |\MakeOther\<char>| ... %% with \LaTeX, `\MakeOther' just is `\@makeother' ... \ifltx \global\let\MakeOther\@makeother \else \gdef\MakeOther#1{\catcode`#112\relax} \fi %% But within a macro (or other) argument, you can't change the `\catcode'. %% (I~lost some time by not realizing that it was within a large argument %% where I tried to switch the `\catcode'.) %% Anyway or in certain cases, it may be better to keep a character %% ``active" throughout a document and just to change the \emph{expansion} %% of the ``active-character token." This can be done with %% `\MakeActiveLet' and `\MakeActiveDef' in certain cases already. %% E.g., when the \emph{``blank space"} has been ``activated" by %% `\obeylines', `\MakeActiveLet\ \space' ``undoes" this half-way, %% while it does not restore ``argument skipping" and %% ``compressing blank spaces." %% %% When character <char> should be ``active" for some time, %% but for certain moments you prefer that it behaves like an %% ``other character", you can switch to its ``other" expansion by %% |\MakeActiveOther\<char>|: \gdef\MakeActiveOther#1{% \MakeActiveAss\edef#1{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}} %% `\MakeActiveOther' uses \LaTeX's |\@gobble<arg>|, %% \emph{without} \LaTeX, 'actcodes' provides it: \ifltx\else \long\gdef\@gobble#1{} \fi % \show_ \MakeActiveOther\_ \show_ \expandafter\show_ %% I am \emph{not} providing a version \emph{without} %% the `\catcode' change, although the latter is superfluous here %% TODO ... %% %% `niceverb' also provides |\MakeNormal\<char>|, it may migrate %% |...| 2012/11/07 %% to here in the future, and there may be |\MakeActiveNormal\<char>| %% extending the above `\MakeActiveOther' TODO ... %% %% Also, a \emph{stack} might be used as in 'stacklet', %% even to switch \emph{meanings} of active-character tokens ... %% not sure TODO ... %% %% \ctanpkgref{babel} does similar things, but I never have ... TODO %% %% === Leaving and Version History === \PopLetterCatAt \endinput %% %% VERSION HISTORY v0.1 2012/08/26 started, almost completed 2012/08/27 completed; realizing \Push...At ..., bug fixes v0.2 2012/08/28 \global\let, \def -> \gdef 2012/09/16 \MakeActive 2012/09/19 doc.: stacklet v0.2a 2012/11/07 doc.: |...| on \MakeNormal