31 Oct 1995

There is a survey of several diagram packages in the latest issue of TUGboat.

   Gabriel Valiente Feruglio
   Typesetting Commutative Diagrams
   TUGboat, volume 15 (1994), no. 4, 466-484

However, kuvio.tex and it's documentation has evolved quite substantially
since this article appears to have been written; although not since vol. 15,
no.4 arrived in my mailbox last week. :^.

I have a few comments regarding this article.

In the description of kuvio.tex on page 471, there is the following statement.

  "It supports diagonal arrows of different shapes and in many different,
   although not arbitrary, slopes ..."

This is false, though the fault probably lies with the state of the
documentation at the time - January 1995 according to the citation on page
473. That is, the slope of arrows is, in fact, arbitrary.

Numerous features have been added to kuvio.tex since January 1995. Among these
are *diagram types* (\newDiagram, \newFigure and \newGraph) and the *flexible
grid* (\flexible), both of which I would use when typesetting a diagram like
the one on page 475. Another big one is *diagram compilation*.

The use of the *rigid grid* inherent in the \Diagram \endDiagram pair
certainly affects the appearence of the square typeset on page 482. To see
this, try typesetting the following two "squares".

  \def\A{A\times A\times A\times A}

  \A      & \rTo ^f    & B          \\
  \dTo <g &            & \dTo >{g'} \\
  C       & \rTo _{f'} & D          \\

  \A      & \rTo ^f    & B          \\
  \dTo <g &            & \dTo >{g'} \\
  C       & \rTo _{f'} & D          \\

It's still true that arrows don't stretch to match wide labels but I consider
this a feature. :^)


26 Jan 1996

As of patchlevel 214, horizontal arrows are stretched to accomodate
wide centered labels. (That is, the last sentence above no longer