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%%% From File: lttextcomp.dtx
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             [2024/04/24 v1.1c LaTeX Kernel (text companion symbols)]
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \GetFileInfo{lttextcomp.dtx}
% \title{Providing additional text symbols\\
%        (previously available through the \texttt{textcomp} package)\thanks
%       {This file has version number
%       \fileversion\ dated \filedate}}
% \author{Frank Mittelbach}
% \MaintainedByLaTeXTeam{latex}
% \maketitle
% This file contains the implementation for accessing the glyphs
% provided by the \texttt{TS1} encoding (Text Companion
% Encoding). This is now offered as part of the kernel and so the
% \texttt{textcomp} package which used to provide the definitions is
% now mainly needed for compatibility reasons (and doesn't do much any
% more).
% \MaybeStop{}
% \changes{v1.0e}{2021/03/19}
%         {Use \cs{NewModuleRelease}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%<latexrelease>                 {Text Companion symbols}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \begin{macro}{\oldstylenums}
%  \begin{macro}{\legacyoldstylenums}
%    Preserve the old definition of \cs{oldstylenums} under a different name.
%    This macro implements old style numerals but only works if we
%    assume that the standard math fonts are used. Thus it needs
%    changing in case other math encodings are used.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Provide spacing using the interword space of the current font.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Then switch to the math italic font. We don't change the current
%    value of |\f@series| which means that you can use bold numerals
%    if |\bfseries| is in force. As family we use |\rmdefault| which
%    means that this only works if there exist an |OML| encoded
%    version of that font or rather a corresponding |.fd| file (which
%    is the case for standard \LaTeX{} fonts even though they only
%    contain substitutions).
% \changes{v3.0j}{1999/02/12}{Use \cs{rmdefault} instead of \texttt{cmm}
%                 (pr/2954)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \mathgroup\symletters #1%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    And here is the improved one that adjusts depending on surroundings.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \mathgroup\symletters #1%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The \cs{CheckEncodingSubset} is discussed below.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The helper to select the substitution if needed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
          {Oldstyle digits unavailable for
           family \f@family.\MessageBreak
           Default oldstyle digits used instead}\@eha
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The substitution defaults are provided in the file \texttt{fonttext.ltx}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\textcompsubstdefault}
%    Here is the default for the ``unknown'' case:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\DeclareEncodingSubset}
%    The declaration takes 3 mandatory arguments: an \emph{encoding}
%    for which a subsetting is wanted (currently always \texttt{TS1},
%    and most likely forever), the \emph{font family} for which we
%    declare the subset and finally the \emph{subset} number, with a value between
%    \texttt{0} (all of the encoding is supported) and \texttt{9} (many
%    glyphs are missing).
%    For \texttt{TS1} the numbers have been chosen in a way that most
%    fonts can be fairly correctly categorized, but the default
%    settings are always conservative, that is they may claim that
%    less glyphs are supported than there actually are.
%    As these days many font families are set up to end in \texttt{-LF}
%    (lining figures), \texttt{-OsF} (oldstyle figures), etc.\ the
%    declaration supports a shortcut: if the \emph{font family} name
%    ends in \texttt{-*} then the star gets replaced by these common
%    ending, e.g.,
% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Alegreya-*}{2}
%    is the same as writing
% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Alegreya-LF}{2}
% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Alegreya-OsF}{2}
% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Alegreya-TLF}{2}
% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Alegreya-TOsF}{2}
%    If only some are needed then one can define them individually but
%    in many cases all four are wanted, hence the shortcut.
%    The coding of the declaration has no error checking as it is
%    mostly for internal use.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    if \verb=#3= is empty then there was no star, otherwise we
%    define all four variants.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \expandafter\ifx\expandafter X\detokenize{#3}X%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The subset info is stored in a command with the name
%    \texttt{\bslash}\emph{family}\texttt{:}\emph{subset} so if that
%    already exists we change otherwise declare a subset.
%    \begin{macrocode}
     {\@font@info{Setting #2 sub-encoding to #1/#3}}%
     {\@font@info{Changing #2 sub-encoding to #1/#3}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This declaration should be usable in \texttt{.fd} files and
%    therefore has to make its definition globally, because such files
%    can get loaded in random places.
% \changes{v1.0g}{2022/08/07}{Make  global declaration (gh/905)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Any reason to allow those in the middle of documents?
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\CheckEncodingSubset}
%    The command |\CheckEncodingSubset| will check if the current font
%    family has the right encoding subset to typeset a certain
%    command. It takes five arguments as follows:
%    first argument is either |\UseTextSymbol|, |\UseTextAccent|
%    depending on whether or not the symbol is a text symbol or a text
%    accent.

%    The second argument is the encoding from which this symbol should
%    be fetched.
%    The third argument is either a fake accessor command or an error
%    message. the code in that argument (if ever executed) receives
%    two arguments: |#2| and |#5| of |\CheckEncodingSubset|.
%    Argument four is the subset encoding id to test against: if this
%    value is higher than the subset id of the current font family
%    then we typeset the symbol, i.e., execute |#1{#2}#5| otherwise
%    it runs |#3#5|, e.g., to produce an error message or fake the
%    glyph somehow.
%    Argument five is the symbol or accent command that is being
%    checked.
%    For usage examples see definitions below.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnum #4>%
      \expandafter\ifx\csname #2:\f@family\endcsname\relax
        0\csname #2:?\endcsname
        \csname #2:\f@family\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% To set up the glyphs for the subsets we need a number helpers.
%  \begin{macro}{\tc@errorwarn}
%    To we produce errors, warnings, or only info in the transcripts
%    if glyphs require substitutions? By default it is ``info''
%    only. With the \texttt{textcomp} package that can be changed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}

%  \begin{macro}{\tc@subst}
% \changes{v1.0b}{2020/01/22}{The overall default is \cs{textcompsubstdefault}
%      not \cs{substdefault}}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {Symbol \string#1 not provided by\MessageBreak
     font family \f@family\space
     in TS1 encoding.\MessageBreak Default family used instead}\@eha
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Whatever default was chosen, we claim now (locally hopefully)
%    that it  can handle all slots (even if not true) to avoid looping
%    in certain situations, e.g., when something was set up incorrectly.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@fake@euro}
%    |\tc@fake@euro|  is an example of a ``fake'' definition to use in  arg |#3| of
%    the command |\CheckEncodingSubset| when a symbol is not available in a
%    certain font family. Here we produce a poor man's Euro symbol by combining
%    a ``C'' with a ``=''.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \@font@info{Faking \noexpand#1for font family
                          \f@family\MessageBreak in TS1 encoding}%
      \vfil\hbox to 0.07em{\dimen@\f@size\p@
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@check@symbol}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@check@accent}
%    These are two abbreviations that we use below to check symbols
%    and accents in TS1. Only there to save some space, e.g., we can
%    then write
%    to ensure that |\textcurrency| is only typeset if the current
%    font has a \texttt{TS1} subset id of less than 3. Otherwise
%    |\tc@error| is called telling the user that for this font family
%    |\textcurrency| is not available.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Accents have been made an error in the \texttt{textcomp} package when
%    not available. Now that we provide the functionality in the
%    kernel we avoid the error by swapping in a \texttt{T1} accent if
%    the \texttt{TS1} accent is not available.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}

% \section{Sub-encodings}
%    Here are the default definitions for the \texttt{TS1} symbols.
%    First those that we assume are always available if a font
%    implements \texttt{TS1}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\UndeclareTextCommand{\textdollar}{OT1}  % don't use the OT1 def any longer
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\UndeclareTextCommand{\textsterling}{OT1}% don't use the OT1 def any longer
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\UndeclareTextCommand{\textperthousand}{T1} % don't use the T1 def
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Using \cs{UndeclareTextCommand} above is enough only if the
%    encoding definition files are not reloaded afterwards. In the
%    past that happened if \texttt{fontenc} was used in the document
%    preamble (not any longer). So in some sense it is better to fully remove
%    them from the encoding files, but for rollbacks it is easier to
%    keep them in for now.
%    These are the standard \texttt{itemize} and footnote symbols
%    originally taken from \texttt{OMS} and now from \texttt{TS1}:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    And here are the other \texttt{TS1} glyphs that are implemented
%    by every font (or nearly every)---a few are commented out and
%    moved to sub-encoding 9,
%    because they aren't around in some fonts.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%%\DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbardbl}{TS1} % subst in sub-enc 9 above
%%\DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textcelsius}{TS1} % subst in sub-enc 9 above
%%\DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textonesuperior}{TS1} % subst in sub-enc 9 above
%%\DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textthreequartersemdash}{TS1} % subst in sub-enc 9 above
%%\DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textthreesuperior}{TS1} % subst in sub-enc 9 above
%%\DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\texttwelveudash}{TS1} % subst in sub-enc 9 above
%%\DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\texttwosuperior}{TS1} % subst in sub-enc 9 above
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    In the following sections the remaining default definitions are
%    ordered by sub-encoding in which they are become
%    \textbf{unavailable}, i.e., they are not provided in the
%    sub-encoding with that number and all sub-encodings with higher
%    numbers.
%    Thus the symbols that are available in sub-encoding $x$ are the
%    symbols above (always available) and the symbols listed as becoming
%    unavailable in sub-encodings $x+1$ and higher.
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{1} and higher (drop symbols not working in
%    Latin Modern)}
%    The \cs{textcircled} is available but the glyph is simply too
%    small so we keep using the \texttt{OMS} glyph.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{2}  (majority of new OTF fonts via autoinst) and higher}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Capital  accents are really only very seldom implemented, so from
%    sub-encoding \texttt{2} onwards we use the normal \texttt{T1}
%    accents if they are asked for in the document.
%    In Unicode engines we don't implement them at all but always use
%    the basic accents instead. whether that works or not really
%    depends on the font, something like \verb=\"X= usually comes out
%    wrong in Unicode engines.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    For \cs{newtie} and \cs{capitalnewtie} this is actually wrong, they should pick up
%    the accent from the substitution font (not done yet).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    In Unicode engines we just execute the simple accents:
% \changes{v1.0c}{2020/02/10}{Use \cs{@tabacckludge} for
%      tabbing where necessary (gh/271)}
% \changes{v1.0d}{2020/04/29}{Make all capital accents text
%      commands for hyperref (gh/332)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The next two symbols exist in some fonts (faked?), but we ignore
%    that to keep the subsets reasonable compact and most important linear.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Old style numerals are again in some fonts but using
%    \texttt{-OsF}, etc.\ is the better approach to get them, so we
%    claim they aren't in sub-encoding 2 as that's true for most
%    fonts.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The next set of glyphs is special to \TeX{} fonts (and available
%    with a few older PS fonts supported through virtual fonts), but
%    not any longer in the majority of fonts provided through
%    autoinst, so we pretend there aren't available in sub-encoding 2
%    and below.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Finally those below are only available in CM-based fonts but in
%    no font that has its origin outside of the \TeX{} world.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The \cs{textpertenthousand} also belongs in this group but here
%    we have a choice: in T1 there is a definition for
%    \cs{textpertenthousand} making the symbol up from \% and
%    \verb=\char 24= (twice) but in many fonts that char doesn't exist
%    and the slot is reused for random ligatures. So better not use it
%    because often it is wrong.  But pointing to TS1 is also not great
%    as only a few fonts have it as a real symbol, so we get a
%    substitution to CM or LM.
%    Alternatively we could just state that the symbol is unavailable in
%    those fonts. For now I substitute.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{3} and higher}
%    Sub-encoding \texttt{2} is the one where we loose many
%    symbols. In the higher-numbered sub-encodings we see only a few
%    dropped additionally.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{4} and higher}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{5} (most older PS fonts) and higher}
%    Most older PS fonts (supported in \TeX{} since the early nineties
%    when virtual fonts became available) are sorted under this
%    sub-encoding. But in reality, many of them don't have all glyphs
%    that should be available in sub-encoding \texttt{5}. Instead they
%    show little squares, i.e., they produce ``tofu'' if you are
%    unlucky.
%    But the coverage is so random that it is impossible to sort them
%    properly and if we tried to ensure that they only typeset those
%    glyphs that are really  always available, we would have to put them all into
%    sub-encoding \texttt{9}; so putting them into 5 is really a compromise.
%    Modern fonts usually don't typeset a tofu character if a glyph is
%    missing. They are therefore only classified as sub-encoding \texttt{5} if they
%    really support its glyph set completely.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{6} and higher}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{7} and higher}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in sub-encoding \texttt{8} and higher}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Fonts with this sub-encoding don't have a Euro symbol, but
%    instead of substituting we fake it.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Unavailable in Sub-encoding \texttt{9} (most missing)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{Unicode engine specials}
%    If we are using a unicode engine we handle some glyphs differently,
%    so this here are the definitions for the Unicode encoding
%    (overwriting the defaults above).

%    \begin{macrocode}
\ifx \Umathcode\@undefined  \else
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This set should be taken from \texttt{TS1} encoding even if it
%    means you get it from the default font for that encoding.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If oldstyle numerals are asked for we just use \cs{oldstylenums}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareTextCommand{\textzerooldstyle} \UnicodeEncodingName{\oldstylenums{0}}
\DeclareTextCommand{\textoneoldstyle}  \UnicodeEncodingName{\oldstylenums{1}}
\DeclareTextCommand{\texttwooldstyle}  \UnicodeEncodingName{\oldstylenums{2}}
\DeclareTextCommand{\textfouroldstyle} \UnicodeEncodingName{\oldstylenums{4}}
\DeclareTextCommand{\textfiveoldstyle} \UnicodeEncodingName{\oldstylenums{5}}
\DeclareTextCommand{\textsixoldstyle}  \UnicodeEncodingName{\oldstylenums{6}}
\DeclareTextCommand{\textnineoldstyle} \UnicodeEncodingName{\oldstylenums{9}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    These have Unicode slots so this should be integrated into TU explicitly
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textpilcrow}        \UnicodeEncodingName{"00B6}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textborn}           \UnicodeEncodingName{"002A}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textdied}           \UnicodeEncodingName{"2020}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlbrackdbl}      \UnicodeEncodingName{"27E6}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textrbrackdbl}      \UnicodeEncodingName{"27E7}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textguarani}        \UnicodeEncodingName{"20B2}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    We could make \cs{textcentoldstyle} and \cs{textdollaroldstyle}
%    point to dollar and cent in the Unicode encoding
%    \begin{macrocode}
%\DeclareTextSymbol{\textcentoldstyle}  \UnicodeEncodingName{"00A2}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    but I think it is better to pick them up from TS1 even if that
%    usually means LMR fonts
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textcentoldstyle}  {TS1}{139}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\fi               % --- END of Unicode engines specials
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{Font family sub-encodings setup}
%    We declare the subsets for a good number of fonts in the kernel
%    \ldots
%    But first the default for anything that is not declared.  We use
%    \texttt{9} which is most likely much too conservative, but with the
%    advantage that we aren't getting missing glyphs (or at least that
%    this is very unlikely).
%    For nearly all font in the \TeX{} Live distribution of 2019
%    ``correct'' classifications are given below, so that this default
%    is only used for new font families, and over time the right
%    classifications can be added here too.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This first block contains the fonts that have been already
%    supported by the \texttt{textcomp} package way back, i.e., the
%    font families that have \TeX{} support since the mid-nineties.
% \changes{v1.1a}{2024/01/27}{Adjusted/corrected TS1 sub-encoding
%    declarations for various families (gh/1257)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ccr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmbr}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmss}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmtl}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmtt}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmvtt}   {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pxr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pxss}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pxtt}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qag}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qbk}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qcr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qcs}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qhvc}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qhv}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qpl}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qtm}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qzc}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{txr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{txss}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{txtt}    {0}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmr}     {1}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmdh}    {1}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmss}    {1}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmssq}   {1}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmvtt}   {1}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The lmtt family is missing TM, SM, and perthousand for some
%    reason, so the first safe sub-encoding would be 2, but that is
%    then missing out a huge number of glyphs that are available, so
%    we claim it is sub-encoding 1 even if this can lead to missing glyphs.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmtt}    {1} % missing TM, SM and pertenthousand
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The next three families have been removed from TeX Live, but we
%    keep the definitions
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ptmx}    {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ptmj}    {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ul8}     {2}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The next set are the early PostScript font implementations, these
%    days there are better alternatives, but \ldots. Note that, their
%    virtual fonts contain a lot of ``tofu'' in form of black squares,
%    thus they don't even give a missing character warning if you
%    select such a glyph. This is why they are set as sub-encoding 5.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{bch} {5} % tofu for blank, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{futj}{5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{futs}{5} % tofu for blank, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{futx}{5} % probably (currently broken distrib)
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pag} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pbk} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pcr} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{phv} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pnc} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pplj}{5} % tofu for blank
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pplx}{5} % tofu for blank
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ppl} {5} % tofu for blank interrobang/down
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ptm} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pzc} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ul9} {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The next set suffers from the same problem and they contain even
%    fewer real glyphs.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{dayroms}{6} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{dayrom} {6} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{augie}{8} % really only missing euro
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{put}  {8}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{uag}  {8} % probably (currently broken distrib)
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ugq}  {8}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{zi4}     {9}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    LucidaBright (sold through TUG) probably not quite correct, I
%    guess as I have the older fonts \ldots
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hls}     {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlst}    {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlct}    {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlh}     {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlx}     {8}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlce}    {8}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlcn}    {8}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlcw}    {8}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlcf}    {8}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Below are the newer fonts that have support files for
%    \LaTeX{}. With very few exceptions the classifications are done
%    so that all characters are correctly produced (either being
%    available in the font or substituted).
%    There are a few fonts that contain ``tofu'' squares in places
%    (instead of a real glyph) and in a few cases some really seldom
%    needed chars are unavailable, i.e., produce missing glyphs (to
%    avoid that a large number of available chars are unnecessarily
%    substituted).
%    Encoding declarations for these font families shouldn't really be
%    in the kernel, but part of the \texttt{.fd} files for the
%    family. When we introduced the concept in 2021 we had some hope
%    that this would happen over time and that we could take the
%    declarations out---after all it is nearly impossible to maintain
%    it correctly in the kernel, given that fonts may get new glyphs
%    added (happened for several of them in the recent year) which is
%    something we wouldn't notice. However, so far this hasn't
%    happened, so in 2024, I went through the current set and adjusted
%    the declarations in several places.
%    Next four are wrong and still need adjustment:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lato-*}       {0}  % with a bunch of tofu inside
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{opensans-*}   {0}  % with a bunch of tofu inside
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cantarell-*}  {0}  % with a bunch of tofu inside
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{tli}          {1}  % with lots of tofu inside
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{fbb-*}        {2}  % missing centoldstyle
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Alegreya-*}               {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{AlegreyaSans-*}           {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{BaskervilleF-*}           {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{DejaVuSans-TLF}           {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{DejaVuSansCondensed-TLF}  {2}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Next one is missing \cs{textfractionsolidus} but is otherwise
%    completely sub-encoding 2 so we use that sub-encoding.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}       {2}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{EBGaramond-*}             {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Merriwthr-OsF}            {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MerriwthrSans-OsF}        {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Montserrat-*}             {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MontserratAlternates-*}   {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{NotoSansMono-TLF}         {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{NotoSansMono-TOsF}        {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Tempora-TLF}              {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Tempora-TOsF}             {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{XCharter-TLF}             {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{XCharter-TOsF}            {2}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{erewhon-*}                {2}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Arimo-TLF}                {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Crlt-*}                   {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{IBMPlexMono-TLF}          {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{IBMPlexSans-TLF}          {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{IBMPlexSerif-TLF}         {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{SourceCodePro-TLF}        {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{SourceCodePro-TOsF}       {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{SourceSansPro-*}          {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{SourceSerifPro-*}         {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Tinos-TLF}                {3}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Cabin-TLF}                {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Caladea-TLF}              {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Chivo-*}                  {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ClearSans-TLF}            {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Coelacanth-LF}            {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{CrimsonPro-*}             {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{FiraMono-TLF}             {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{FiraMono-TOsF}            {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{FiraSans-*}               {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Go-TLF}                   {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{GoMono-TLF}               {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{InriaSans-*}              {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{InriaSerif-*}             {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LibertinusSans-*}         {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LibertinusSerif-*}        {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LibreBodoni-TLF}          {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LibreFranklin-TLF}        {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LinguisticsPro-LF}        {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LinguisticsPro-OsF}       {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LinuxBiolinumT-*}         {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LinuxLibertineT-*}        {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MintSpirit-*}             {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{MintSpiritNoTwo-*}        {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PTMono-TLF}               {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PTSans-TLF}               {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PTSansCaption-TLF}        {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PTSansNarrow-TLF}         {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PTSerif-TLF}              {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PTSerifCaption-TLF}       {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Raleway-TLF}              {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Raleway-TOsF}             {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Roboto-*}                 {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{RobotoMono-TLF}           {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{RobotoSlab-TLF}           {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Rosario-*}                {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{SticksTooText-*}          {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{UniversalisADFStd-LF}     {4}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Almndr-OsF}               {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Baskervaldx-*}            {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Bttr-TLF}                 {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Cinzel-LF}                {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{CinzelDecorative-LF}      {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Cochineal-*}              {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{DejaVuSerif-TLF}          {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{DejaVuSerifCondensed-TLF} {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{GilliusADF-LF}            {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{GilliusADFCond-LF}        {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{GilliusADFNoTwo-LF}       {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{GilliusADFNoTwoCond-LF}   {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{OldStandard-TLF}          {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PlyfrDisplay-TLF}         {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{PlyfrDisplay-TOsF}        {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{TheanoDidot-TLF}          {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{TheanoDidot-TOsF}         {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{TheanoModern-TLF}         {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{TheanoModern-TOsF}        {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{TheanoOldStyle-TLF}       {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{TheanoOldStyle-TOsF}      {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{charssil-TLF}             {5}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Crimson-TLF}              {6}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LinuxLibertineDisplayT-*} {6}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LinuxLibertineMonoT-LF}   {6}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LinuxLibertineMonoT-TLF}  {6}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Ovrlck-LF}                {6}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ComicNeue-TLF}            {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ComicNeueAngular-TLF}     {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{CormorantGaramond-*}      {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Heuristica-TLF}           {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Heuristica-TOsF}          {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{IMFELLEnglish-TLF}        {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LibreBskrvl-TLF}          {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LibreCsln-*}              {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Lbstr-LF}                 {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Mrcls-LF}                 {7}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Strangely enough NotoSerif and NotoSans are sub-encoding 7 as
%    they are missing \cs{textminus} and several other glyphs. In
%    contrast the NotoSansMono is far more complete.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{NotoSans-*}               {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{NotoSerif-*}              {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Quattro-LF}               {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{QuattroSans-LF}           {7}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{Frm-LF}                   {7}  % the superiors are missing
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{LibertinusMono-TLF}       {8}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{AlgolRevived-TLF}         {9}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{Legacy symbol support for lists and footnote symbols}
%  \begin{macro}{\UseLegacyTextSymbols}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \expandafter\let\csname oldstylenums \expandafter\endcsname
                  \csname legacyoldstylenums \endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}

%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacyasteriskcentered}
%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacybardbl}
%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacybullet}
%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacydaggerdbl}
%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacydagger}
%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacyparagraph}
%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacyperiodcentered}
%  \begin{macro}{\textlegacysection}
%    Here are new names for the legacy symbols that \LaTeX{} used to
%    pick up from the \texttt{OMS} encoded fonts (and used for itemize
%    lists or footnote symbols).
%    We go the roundabout way via separate OMS declarations so that
%   \renewcommand\textbullet{\textlegacybullet}
% doesn't produce an endless loop.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacyasteriskcentered}{OMS}{3}   % "03
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacybardbl}{OMS}{107}           % "6B
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacybullet}{OMS}{15}            % "0F
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacydaggerdbl}{OMS}{122}        % "7A
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacydagger}{OMS}{121}           % "79
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacyparagraph}{OMS}{123}        % "7B
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacyperiodcentered}{OMS}{1}     % "01
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textlegacysection}{OMS}{120}          % "78
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}

% Supporting rollback \ldots
%    \begin{macrocode}
%<latexrelease>     {lttextcomp}{Undefine text companion symbols}%
%<latexrelease>   \begingroup
%<latexrelease>    \spaceskip\fontdimen\tw@\font
%<latexrelease>    \usefont{OML}{\rmdefault}{\f@series}{it}%
%<latexrelease>    \mathgroup\symletters #1%
%<latexrelease>   \endgroup
%<latexrelease>   \ifdim \fontdimen\@ne\font >\z@
%<latexrelease>      \slshape
%<latexrelease>   \else
%<latexrelease>      \upshape
%<latexrelease>   \fi
%<latexrelease>   \char`\$\egroup}
%<latexrelease>   \ifdim \fontdimen\@ne\font >\z@
%<latexrelease>      \itshape
%<latexrelease>   \else
%<latexrelease>      \fontshape{ui}\selectfont
%<latexrelease>   \fi
%<latexrelease>   \char`\$\egroup}
%<latexrelease>   {\%\char 24 }
%<latexrelease>                          {\textcircled{c}}
%<latexrelease>                          {\textsuperscript{a}}
%<latexrelease>                          {\textsuperscript{o}}
%<latexrelease>    {\textcircled{%
%<latexrelease>        \check@mathfonts\fontsize\sf@size\z@
%<latexrelease>        \math@fontsfalse\selectfont R}}
%<latexrelease>                          {\textsuperscript{TM}}
%<latexrelease>                   {\%\char 24\char 24 }
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{The \texttt{textcomp} package}
%    For any rollback request before 2018-08-11 we make an attempt by
%    loading the 2018 version.
% \changes{v2.1b}{2024/04/24}
%         {Load the 2018 version when rolling back prior to 2018-08-11
%          (gh/1333)}
%    \begin{macrocode}

 [2024/04/24 v2.1b Standard LaTeX package]
%    \end{macrocode}
%    A precaution in case this is used without rebuilding the format.
% \changes{v2.0n}{2020/02/05}{Ensure we are on a new format (gh/260)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This is implemented by defining the default subset:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The default is set up in the kernel is  ``safe'' these days for
%    unknown fonts but LaTeX has definitions for most families so it
%    seldom applies.
%    If a different default is used then one needs to check the
%    results to ensure that there aren't ``missing glyphs''.
%    The next set of options define the warning level (default in the
%    kernel is info only). Using the package options you can change this behavior.
% \changes{v2.0n}{2020/02/05}{Changed the package default to info (gh/262)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The ``force'' option basically changes the sub-encoding  to that
%    of the default (which, unless changes, is 9 these days), i.e., it
%    no longer depends on the font in use. This is mainly there
%    because it might have been used in older documents, but not
%    something that is recommended.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \ifnum #4>%
           0\csname #2:?\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \changes{v2.1a}{2024/04/22}{Drop default option \texttt{info} (gh/1333)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    There is not much else to do nowadays, because everything is
%    already set up in the \LaTeX{} kernel.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  {\PackageInfo{textcomp}{Local configuration file used}}{}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{The old textcomp package code}
%    This section contains the old code for the textcomp package and
%    its documentation. It is only used if we roll back prior to 2020.
%    Thus all the rest is mainly for historians. Note that the old
%    code categorized in the sub-encodings only into 6 classes not 10.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   [2018/08/11 v2.0j Standard LaTeX package]
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This one is for the |TS1| encoding which contains text symbols
%    for use with the |T1|-encoded text fonts.  It therefore first
%    inputs the file |TS1enc.def| and then sets (or resets) the
%    defaults for the symbols it contains.  The result of this is that
%    when one of these symbols is accessed and the current encoding
%    does not provide it, the symbol will be supplied by a silent,
%    local change to this encoding.
%    Since many PostScript fonts only implement a subset of |TS1| many
%    commands only produce black blobs of ink. To resolve the
%    resulting problems a number of options have been introduced and
%    some code  has been developed to distinguish sub-encodings.
%    The sub-encodings have a numerical id and are defined as follows
%    for \texttt{TS1}:
% \begin{description}
% \item[\#5] those \texttt{TS1} symbols that are also in the ISO-Adobe
%       character set; without \verb=textcurrency=, which is often
%       misused for the Euro.  Older Type1 fonts from the non-\TeX{}
%       world provide only this subset.
% \item[\#4] = \#5 + \verb=\texteuro=.  Most newer fonts provide this.
% \item[\#3] = \#4 + \verb=\textomega=.  Can also be described as
%       $\texttt{TS1} \cap (\texttt{ISO-Adobe} \cup
%       \texttt{MacRoman})$.  (Except for the missing "currency".)

% \item[\#2] = \#3 + \verb=\textestimated= + \verb=\textcurrency=.  Can
%       also be described as $\texttt{TS1} \cap
%       \texttt{Adobe-Western-2}$.  This may be relevant for OpenType
%       fonts, which usually show the Adobe-Western-2 character set.
%    \item[\#1] = \texttt{TS1} without \verb=\textcircled= and \verb=\t=.
%       These two glyphs are often not implemented and if their kernel
%       defaults are changed commands like \verb=\copyright=
%       unnecessarily fail.
%    \item[\#0] = full \texttt{TS1}
% \end{description}
%    And here a summary to go in the transcript file:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\PackageInfo{textcomp}{Sub-encoding information:\MessageBreak
    \space\space 5 = only ISO-Adobe without
    \space\space 4 = 5 + \string\texteuro\MessageBreak
    \space\space 3 = 4 + \string\textohm\MessageBreak
    \space\space 2 = 3 + \noexpand\textestimated+
    \space\space 1 = TS1 - \noexpand\textcircled-
    \space\space 0 = TS1 (full)\MessageBreak
    Font families with sub-encoding setting implement\MessageBreak
    only a restricted character set as indicated.\MessageBreak
    Family '?' is the default used for unknown fonts.\MessageBreak
    See the documentation for details\@gobble}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\DeclareEncodingSubset}
%    An encoding subset to which a font family belongs is declared by
%    the command |\DeclareEncodingSubset| that takes the major encoding as the
%    first argument (e.g., |TS1|), the family name as the second
%    argument (e.g., |cmr|), and the subset encoding id as a third,
%    (e.g., |0| for |cmr|).
%    The default encoding subset to use when nothing is known about
%    the current font family is named |?|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
     {\PackageInfo{textcomp}{Setting #2 sub-encoding to #1/#3}}%
     {\PackageInfo{textcomp}{Changing #2 sub-encoding to #1/#3}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%  The options for the package are the following:
%    \begin{description}
%    \item[safe]
%       for unknown font families enables only symbols that are also
%       in the ISO-Adobe character set; without "currency", which is
%       often misused for the Euro.  Older Type1 fonts from the
%       non-TeX world provide only this subset.
%    \item[euro]
%       enables the ``safe'' symbols plus the |\texteuro|
%       command. Most newer fonts provide this.
%    \item[full] enables all |TS1| commands; useful only with fonts
%       like EC or CM bright.
%    \item[almostfull]
%       same as ``full'', except that |\textcircled|
%       and |\t| are \emph{not} redefined from their defaults to avoid
%       that commands like |\copyright| suddenly no longer work.
%    \item[force]
%       ignore all subset encoding definitions stored in the package
%       itself or in the configuration file and always use the default
%       subset as specified by one of the other options (seldom useful,
%       only dangerous).
%    \end{description}
% \begin{macro}{\iftc@forced}
%    Switch used to implement the \texttt{force} option
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newif\iftc@forced   \tc@forcedfalse
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

%    This is implemented by defining the default subset:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The default is ``almostfull'' which means that old documents will
%    work except that |\textcircled| and |\t| will use the kernel
%    defaults (with the advantage that this also works if the current
%    font, as often the case, doesn't implement these glyphs).
%    The ``force'' option simply sets the switch to true.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The suggestions to user is to use the ``safe'' option always
%    unless that balks in which case they could switch to
%    ``almostfull'' but then better check their output manually.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\CheckEncodingSubset}
%    The command |\CheckEncodingSubset| will check if the current font
%    family has the right encoding subset to typeset a certain
%    command. It takes five arguments as follows:
%    first argument is either |\UseTextSymbol|, |\UseTextAccent|
%    depending on whether or not the symbol is a text symbol or a text
%    accent.

%    The second argument is the encoding from which this symbol should
%    be fetched.
%    The third argument is either a fake accessor command or an error
%    message. the code in that argument (if ever executed) receives
%    two arguments: |#2| and |#5| of |\CheckEncodingSubset|.
%    Argument four is the subset encoding id to test against: if this
%    value is higher than the subset id of the current font family
%    then we typeset the symbol, i.e., execute |#1{#2}#5| otherwise
%    it runs |#3#5|, e.g., to produce an error message or fake the
%    glyph somehow.
%    Argument five is the symbol or accent command that is being
%    checked.
%    For usage examples see definitions below.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If the ``force'' option was given we always use the default for
%    testing against.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnum #4>%
        0\csname #2:?\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
%    In normal circumstances the test is a bit more complicated: first
%    check if there exists a macro
%    |\|\meta{arg2}|:|\meta{current-family} and if so use that value
%    to test against, otherwise use the default to test against.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \ifnum #4>%
      \expandafter\ifx\csname #2:\f@family\endcsname\relax
        0\csname #2:?\endcsname
        \csname #2:\f@family\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@subst}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {Symbol \string#1 not provided by\MessageBreak
     font family \f@family\space
     in TS1 encoding.\MessageBreak Default family used instead}\@eha
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@error}
%    |\tc@error| is going to be used in arg |#3| of
%    |\CheckEncodingSubset| when a symbol is not available in a
%    certain font family. It gets pass the encoding it normally lives
%    in (arg one) and the name of the symbol or accent that has a
%    problem.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% error commands take argument:
% #1 symbol to be used
   \PackageError{textcomp}%  % should be latex error if general
    {Accent \string#1 not provided by\MessageBreak
     font family \f@family\space
     in TS1 encoding}\@eha
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@fake@euro}
%    |\tc@fake@euro|  is an example of a ``fake'' definition to use in  arg |#3| of
%    |\CheckEncodingSubset| when a symbol is not available in a
%    certain font family. Here we produce an Euro symbol by combining
%    a ``C'' with a ``=''.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \PackageInfo{textcomp}{Faking \noexpand#1for font family
                          \f@family\MessageBreak in TS1 encoding}%
      \vfil\hbox to 0.07em{\dimen@\f@size\p@
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@check@symbol}
% \begin{macro}{\tc@check@accent}
%    These are two abbreviations that we use below to check symbols
%    and accents in TS1. Only there to save some space, e.g., we can
%    then write
%    to ensure that |\textcurrency| is only typeset if the current
%    font has a \texttt{TS1} subset id of less than 3. Otherwise
%    |\tc@error| is called telling the user that for this font family
%    |\textcurrency| is not available.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
%    We start with the commands that are ``safe'' and which can be
%    unconditionally set up, first the accents\ldots
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \ldots and then the other glyphs.
% \changes{v1.9p}{1998/06/12}{Renamed \cs{textmacron} pr/2840}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The |\texteuro| is only available for subsets with id 4 or
%    less. Otherwise we fake the glyph using |\tc@fake@euro|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The |\textohm| is only available for subsets with id 3 or
%    less. Otherwise we produce an error.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The |\textestimated| and |\textcurrency| are only provided for
%    fonts with subset encoding with id 2 or less.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Nearly all of the remaining glyphs are provided only with fonts
%    with id 1 or 0, i.e., are essentially complete.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The |\textcircled| and |\t| are handled specially, unless the
%    current font has a subset id of 0 (i.e. full \texttt{TS1}) we
%    pick the symbols up from the math font encodings, i.e., the
%    third argument to |\CheckEncodingSubset| uses |\UseTextAccent| to
%    get them from there.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}

%    Finally input the encoding-specific definitions for
%    \texttt{TS1} thus making the top-level definitions
%    optimized for this encoding (and not for the default
%    encoding).
% \changes{v1.9o}{1998/03/20}{Load decls after defaults for speed.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now having the new glyphs available we also want to make sure
%    that they are used. For most cases this will automatically happen
%    but for some glyphs there are inferior definitions already known
%    to \LaTeX{} which will prevent the usage of the \texttt{TS1}
%    versions. So we better
%    get rid of them:
% \changes{v1.9o}{1998/03/20}{Added various \cs{UndeclareTextCommand}
%    declarations for pr/2783}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\UndeclareTextCommand{\textdollar}  {OT1}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Similar declarations should probably be made for other encodings
%    like \texttt{OT4} if they are in use.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%\UndeclareTextCommand{\textdollar}  {OT4}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    From the \texttt{T1} encoding there are two candidates for removal:
%    \textperthousand{} and \textpertenthousand{} since these are both
%    constructed from \% followed by a tiny
%    `{\fontencoding{T1}\selectfont \char 24}'
%    rather than being a single glyph. The problem with this
%    approach is that in PostScript fonts this small zero is usually not
%    available resulting in \%\rule{3pt}{3pt} rather than
%    \textperthousand{} while the real glyph (at least for
%    |\textperthousand|) is available in the PostScript version of
%    \texttt{TS1}.  So for the moment we compromise by removing the
%    \texttt{T1} declaration for |\textperthousand| but keeping the one
%    for |\textpertenthousand|. This will have the effect that with
%    Computer Modern fonts everything will come out (although
%    \textperthousand{} and \textpertenthousand{} are not taken from the
%    same physical font) and with PostScript fonts \textperthousand{}
%    will come out correctly while \textpertenthousand{} will most
%    likely look like \%\rule{6pt}{3pt} --- which is probably an
%    improvement over just getting a single `\rule{3pt}{3pt}' to
%    indicate a completely missing glyph, which would happen if we
%    also `undeclared' |\textpertenthousand|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \subsubsection{Supporting oldstyle digits}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \mathgroup\symletters #1%
          {Oldstyle digits unavailable for
           family \f@family.\MessageBreak
           Lining digits used instead}}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \subsubsection{Subset encoding defaults}
%    For many font families commonly used in the \TeX{} world we
%    provide the subset encoding data here. Users can add additional
%    font families in the file \texttt{textcomp.cfg} if they own other
%    fonts.
%    However, if the option ``forced'' was given then all subset
%    encoding specifications are ignored, so there is no point in
%    setting any of them up:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\iftc@forced \else
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Computer modern based fonts (e.g., CM, CM-Bright, Concrete):
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmss}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmtt}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmvtt}   {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmbr}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{cmtl}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ccr}     {0}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    PSNFSS fonts:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ptm}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pcr}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{phv}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ppl}     {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pag}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pbk}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pnc}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pzc}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{bch}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{put}     {5}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Other CTAN fonts (probably not complete):
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{uag}     {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ugq}     {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ul8}     {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ul9}     {4}  % (LuxiSans, one day)
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{augie}   {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{dayrom}  {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{dayroms} {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pxr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pxss}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pxtt}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{txr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{txss}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{txtt}    {0}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Latin Modern and TeX Gyre:
% \changes{v1.99k}{2009/10/28}{Added Latin Modern and TeX Gyre subsets}
% \changes{v1.99l}{2009/11/04}{Added more Latin Modern and TeX Gyre subsets}
% \changes{v1.99m}{2015/02/16}{Added lmtt (Heiko Oberdiek) latex/4415}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmdh}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmss}    {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmssq}   {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmvtt}   {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{lmtt}    {0}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qhv}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qag}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qbk}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qcr}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qcs}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qpl}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qtm}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qzc}     {0}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{qhvc}    {0}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Fourier-GUTenberg:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{futs}    {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{futx}    {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{futj}    {4}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  Y\&Y's Lucida Bright
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlh}     {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hls}     {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlst}    {3}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The remaining settings for Lucida are conservative: the following
%    fonts contain the |\textohm| character but not the |\texteuro|,
%    i.e., belong to neither subset~4 nor subset~3. If you want to
%    use the |\textohm| with these fonts copy these definition to
%    \texttt{textcomp.cfg} and change the subset to~3. However in that
%    case make sure that you do not use the |\texteuro|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlct}    {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlx}     {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlce}    {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlcn}    {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlcw}    {5}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlcf}    {5}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Other commercial families\ldots
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pplx}    {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{pplj}    {3}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ptmx}    {4}
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ptmj}    {4}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If the file \texttt{textcomp.cfg} exists it will be loaded at
%    this point. This allows to define further subset encodings for
%    font families not covered by default.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  {\PackageInfo{textcomp}{Local configuration file used}}{}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{The \texttt{checkencodingsubset.tex} file}
%    This is a simple file that asks for a name of a font family and
%    then displays information about the TS1 encoding for this family
%    and recommends the right encoding subset (to be used with
%    \cs{DeclareEncodingsubset}) for this family.
% \changes{v1.1a}{2024/01/27}{Added check file for encoding subset}
%    \begin{macrocode}
 [2024/01/27 v0.5a Figure out safe TS1 encoding subsets]
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%\def\typeoutdetails#1{}     % alternative definition used below
%    \end{macrocode}
%    For the purpose of this check a glyph exists if the font slot is
%    occupied---too bad if that contains the wrong glyph or some tofu.
%    If it ``exists'' we return 0 otherwise 1. This way we can call
%    this macro several times in a row and obtain a number that is 0
%    if all glyphs are existing or greater than 0 if any of them is
%    missing.
%    The second argument (holding the command name for a symbol) is
%    not used during these tests.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\doesglyphexist#1#2{\iffontchar\testFont #1 0\else 1\relax \fi}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This macro also tests and outputs some information about the
%    symbol if it is missing. This time we make use of the second
%    argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\glyphmissingdetails#1#2{\iffontchar\testFont #1 \else
  \typeoutdetails{\space\space\space ==> \string#2 (#1) is missing}\fi}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Testing a group of symbols that belong to one sub-encoding. More
%    precisely, the symbols that become unavailable if you change from
%    sub-encoding $x$ (\texttt{\#2}) to $x+1$ (\texttt{\#3}). As far
%    as the code is concerned, the
%    symbols that are supposed to be always available (the core)
%    become available if we test the group \texttt{-1} and \texttt{0}.
%    The first argument contains the testing code and is supposed to
%    return a single number greater or equal to zero.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \ifnum 0 = #1%
    \ifnum #2<0
    \typeoutdetails{All glyphs in core exist}%
    \typeoutdetails{All glyphs between sub-encoding #2 and #3  exist}%
    \ifnum #2<0
      \typeoutdetails{Some glyphs are missing from core:}%
      \ifsafesubencodingfound \else
      \typeoutdetails{Some glyphs are missing from sub-encoding #2:}%
      \ifsafesubencodingfound \else
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If some glyphs are missing, we rerun the test code but this time
%    using \cs{glyphmissingdetails}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    {\let\doesglyphexist \glyphmissingdetails #1}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    And because we had misses we have definitely found the subset.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    The currently defined subset for the family is either stored in
%    \cs{TS1:\meta{family}} if it was declared, or it is the default
%    subset which is stored in \cs{TS1:?}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\currsubencoding#1{\csname TS1:\ifcsname TS1:#1\endcsname #1\else ?\fi\endcsname}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If a font family is not found when declaring it with
%    \cs{DeclareFixedFont} we end up with the following font. This can
%    then be used as a simple test if we failed loading the TS1 font.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Check for all glyphs in all encoding subsets \ldots
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \typeout{***** Font family #1 not found ****}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    We haven't checked anything yet.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \typeoutdetails{Testing font family #1^^J(currently TS1-sub-encoding
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Then we start testing the groups beginning with the glyphs
%    between sub-encoding 8 and 9. If any of them is missing (checked
%    with \cs{doesglyphexist}) then we already know that 9 is the
%    correct answer.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Nevertheless we go on with further groups so that the output
%    lists all missing glyphs.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    All fonts (up to now) that belong to sub-encoding 1 do have the
%    \cs{textcircled} glyph, but it is too small to be usable. So this
%    test for this group currently doesn't do much good---but who
%    knows maybe one day a font shows up in which this glyph is
%    actually missing.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \doesglyphexist{79}{\textcircled}%  this is not a proper test because the symbol is
                                       %  usually available but not usable
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If all groups have all glyphs then we have the full encoding
%    (subset 0).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    If the font is missing some of the core glyphs we make a remark
%    about this, because they will never display.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \typeout{TS1 encoding subset for #1\ifcoremisses \space(ignoring core misses)\fi
      \space (\ifnum\subencodingresult =
      \currsubencoding{#1} ok\else bad\fi)}%
    \typeout{Use sub-encoding \subencodingresult
      \ifnum\subencodingresult = \currsubencoding{#1}\else
        \space (not \currsubencoding{#1})\fi}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This tests all declarations (or most of them) that have been
%    added to the kernel. It is called if no family is given interactively.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\testallgroups{ccr}%     {0}
\testallgroups{cmbr}%    {0}
%%\testallgroups{cmr}%   {0}  % don't test this one as it is the fallback
                              % thus reports that the family is not found
\testallgroups{cmss}%    {0}
\testallgroups{cmtl}%    {0}
\testallgroups{cmtt}%    {0}
\testallgroups{cmvtt}%   {0}
\testallgroups{pxr}%     {0}
\testallgroups{pxss}%    {0}
\testallgroups{pxtt}%    {0}
\testallgroups{qag}%     {0}
\testallgroups{qbk}%     {0}
\testallgroups{qcr}%     {0}
\testallgroups{qcs}%     {0}
\testallgroups{qhvc}%    {0}
\testallgroups{qhv}%     {0}
\testallgroups{qpl}%     {0}
\testallgroups{qtm}%     {0}
\testallgroups{qzc}%     {0}
\testallgroups{txr}%     {0}
\testallgroups{txss}%    {0}
\testallgroups{txtt}%    {0}
% Next would claim to be 0 (or 2)
%\testallgroups{lmr}%     {1}
%\testallgroups{lmdh}%    {1}
%\testallgroups{lmss}%    {1}
%\testallgroups{lmssq}%   {1}
%\testallgroups{lmvtt}%   {1}
%\testallgroups{lmtt}%    {1} % missing TM, SM and pertenthousand so really 2
% these are no longer in TeX Live
%\testallgroups{ptmx}%    {2} % gone for a long time it seems
%\testallgroups{ptmj}%    {2} % ditto
%\testallgroups{ul8}%     {2} % ditto
% next block has tofu chars so results are wrong
%\testallgroups{bch}% {5} % tofu for blank, ohm
%\testallgroups{futj}%{5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{futs}%{5} % tofu for blank, ohm
%\testallgroups{futx}%{5} % probably (currently broken distrib)
%\testallgroups{pag}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{pbk}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{pcr}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{phv}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{pnc}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{pplj}%{5} % tofu for blank
%\testallgroups{pplx}%{5} % tofu for blank
%\testallgroups{ppl}% {5} % tofu for blank interrobang/down
%\testallgroups{ptm}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{pzc}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{ul9}% {5} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{dayroms}%{6} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{dayrom}% {6} % tofu for blank, interrobang/down, ohm
%\testallgroups{augie}%{8} % really only missing euro and full of tofu
%\testallgroups{put}%  {8}
%\testallgroups{uag}%  {8} % probably (currently broken distrib)
%\testallgroups{ugq}%  {8}
\testallgroups{zi4}%  {9}
%% not installed normally
%\testallgroups{hls}%  {5}
%\testallgroups{hlst}% {5}
%\testallgroups{hlct}% {5}
%\testallgroups{hlh}%  {5}
%\testallgroups{hlx}%  {8}
%\testallgroups{hlce}% {8}
%\testallgroups{hlcn}% {8}
%\testallgroups{hlcw}% {8}
%\testallgroups{hlcf}% {8}

\testallgroups{lato-LF}%   {0}  % with a bunch of tofu inside --- should probably be changed
\testallgroups{opensans-TLF}%{0}  % with a bunch of tofu inside --- should probably be changed
\testallgroups{cantarell-TLF}%  {0}  % with a bunch of tofu inside --- should probably be changed
\testallgroups{fbb-LF}%     {0}  % missing centoldstyle ---> 2
\testallgroups{tli}%       {1}  % with lots of tofu inside --- should probably be changed
\testallgroups{Alegreya-OsF}%       {2}
\testallgroups{AlegreyaSans-OsF}%   {2}
\testallgroups{DejaVuSans-TLF}%     {2}
\testallgroups{DejaVuSansCondensed-TLF}%  {2}
\testallgroups{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}% {2} this is missing \textfractionsolidus which makes it 7 really
\testallgroups{EBGaramond-LF}%      {2}
\testallgroups{Tempora-TLF}%        {2}
\testallgroups{Tempora-TOsF}%       {2}
\testallgroups{Arimo-TLF}%          {3}
\testallgroups{Crlt-TLF}%           {3}       changed from Carlito-
\testallgroups{FiraSans-LF}%        {3}     should be 4
\testallgroups{IBMPlexSans-TLF}%    {3}
\testallgroups{Merriwthr-OsF}%   {3}         changed from Merriweather- and should be 2
\testallgroups{Montserrat-LF}%      {3}     now 2
\testallgroups{MontserratAlternates-LF}%{3}     now 2
\testallgroups{SourceCodePro-TLF}%  {3}
\testallgroups{SourceCodePro-TOsF}% {3}
\testallgroups{SourceSansPro-OsF}%  {3}
\testallgroups{SourceSerifPro-LF}%  {3}
\testallgroups{Tinos-TLF}%          {3}
\testallgroups{Cabin-TLF}%          {4}
\testallgroups{Caladea-TLF}%        {4}
\testallgroups{Chivo-LF}%           {4}
\testallgroups{ClearSans-TLF}%      {4}
\testallgroups{Coelacanth-LF}%      {4}
\testallgroups{CrimsonPro-LF}%      {4}
\testallgroups{FiraMono-TLF}%       {4}
\testallgroups{FiraMono-TOsF}%      {4}
\testallgroups{Go-TLF}%             {4}
\testallgroups{GoMono-TLF}%         {4}
\testallgroups{InriaSans-LF}%       {4}
\testallgroups{InriaSerif-LF}%      {4}
\testallgroups{LibertinusSans-LF}%  {4}
\testallgroups{LibertinusSerif-LF}% {4}
\testallgroups{LibreBodoni-TLF}%    {4}
\testallgroups{LibreFranklin-TLF}%  {4}
\testallgroups{LinguisticsPro-LF}%  {4}
\testallgroups{LinguisticsPro-OsF}% {4}
\testallgroups{LinuxBiolinumT-LF}%  {4}
\testallgroups{LinuxLibertineT-LF}% {4}
\testallgroups{MerriwthrSans-OsF}%  {4}          name change and now 2
\testallgroups{MintSpirit-LF}%      {4}
\testallgroups{MintSpiritNoTwo-LF}% {4}
\testallgroups{PTMono-TLF}%         {4}
\testallgroups{PTSans-TLF}%         {4}
\testallgroups{PTSansCaption-TLF}%  {4}
\testallgroups{PTSansNarrow-TLF}%   {4}
\testallgroups{PTSerif-TLF}%        {4}
\testallgroups{PTSerifCaption-TLF}% {4}
\testallgroups{Raleway-TLF}%        {4}
\testallgroups{Raleway-TOsF}%       {4}
\testallgroups{Roboto-LF}%          {4}
\testallgroups{RobotoMono-TLF}%     {4}
\testallgroups{RobotoSlab-TLF}%     {4}
\testallgroups{Rosario-LF}%         {4}
\testallgroups{SticksTooText-LF}%   {4}
\testallgroups{Almndr-OsF}%       {5}     name change
\testallgroups{Baskervaldx-LF}%   {5}
\testallgroups{BaskervilleF-LF}%  {5}   now 2
\testallgroups{Bttr-TLF}%         {5}   name changed from Bitter-...
\testallgroups{Cinzel-LF}%        {5}
\testallgroups{DejaVuSerif-TLF}%  {5}
\testallgroups{DejaVuSerifCondensed-TLF}% {5}
\testallgroups{GilliusADF-LF}%    {5}
\testallgroups{charssil-TLF} %%  missing should be 5
\testallgroups{Lbstr-LF}%      {5}      name change  and should be 7
\testallgroups{OldStandard-TLF}%  {5}
\testallgroups{PlyfrDisplay-LF}%{5}       name change
\testallgroups{PlyfrDisplay-OsF}% {5}       name change
\testallgroups{TheanoDidot-TLF}%  {5}
\testallgroups{TheanoDidot-TOsF}% {5}
\testallgroups{TheanoModern-TLF}% {5}
\testallgroups{Crimson-TLF}%      {6}
\testallgroups{IBMPlexMono-TLF}%  {6}  now 3
\testallgroups{IBMPlexSerif-TLF}% {6}  now 3
\testallgroups{LibertinusMono-TLF}%{6}  should be 8
\testallgroups{Ovrlck-LF}%       {6}     name changed
\testallgroups{Heuristica-TLF}%  {7}
\testallgroups{Heuristica-TOsF}% {7}
\testallgroups{LibreBskvl-LF}%   {7}  %%  wrong name LibreBaskerville-TLF
\testallgroups{LibreCsln-LF}%    {7}  changed from LibreCaslon-
\testallgroups{Mrcls-LF}%        {7}       %%  wrong name Marcellus-LF
\testallgroups{NotoSans-LF}%     {7}
\testallgroups{NotoSansMono-TLF}%{7}  now 2
\testallgroups{NotoSansMono-TOsF}%{7}  now 2
\testallgroups{NotoSerif-LF}%    {7}
\testallgroups{Quattro-LF}%      {7}  changed from Quattrocento-
\testallgroups{QuattroSans-LF}%  {7}  changed from QuattrocentoSans-
\testallgroups{XCharter-TLF}%    {7}  now 2
\testallgroups{XCharter-TOsF}%   {7}  now 2
\testallgroups{erewhon-LF}%      {7}  now 2
\testallgroups{ComicNeue-TLF}%   {7}
\testallgroups{Frm-LF}%{7}  % the superiors are missing; name changed from Forum-LF
\testallgroups{Cochineal-TLF}%   {8} now 5
%    \end{macrocode}
%    There interaction with the user.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\typeout{| Enter font family to check (or <enter> for kernel defined families)}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \typeout{| Detailed output? (default no)}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale
