%\iffalse This is file `cuisine.dtx' %% %% Recipe typesetting package `cuisine' by Ben Cohen. %% cuisine.dtx %% Copyright 2000-2002, 2014 Ben Cohen % % This program may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/12/01 or later. % % This program consists of the files cuisine.dtx and cuisine.ins % % $Id: cuisine.dtx,v 1.105 2014/06/26 20:12:05 ben Exp ben $ % ------------------------------------------------ % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[nonumber]{cuisine} \GetFileInfo{cuisine.sty} % defines \filename, \filedate, \fileversion, % \fileinfo from cuisine.sty \begin{document} \def\myemailaddress{\texttt{ben\_c@tiscali.co.uk}} \title{The \texttt{cuisine} package} \author{Ben Cohen} \date{\filedate, \fileversion} \maketitle \DocInput{cuisine.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> %\fi % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \CheckSum{739} % % \begin{abstract} % This package provides an environment for typesetting recipes in steps % in which each ingredient is on the left of the page next to the % method step where it is used. % \end{abstract} % % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % \section{Introduction} % There appear to be two styles of typesetting recipes in general use. The % more common (at least in recipe books in the U.K.) % is where the ingredients appear at the top above the method, % as in the class |macros/latex/contrib/other/recipe|. Another % way is to have each ingredient next to the method step in which it appears, % as in the package |macros/latex/contrib/supported/cooking|; % the |cuisine| package also uses this style, but closer to the format in % \textit{Practical Professional Cookery} by H.~L.\ Cracknell and R.~J.\ % Kaufmann. % % \section{Usage} % The package is loaded using the header |\usepackage{cuisine}|; the % available options are: % \begin{itemize} % \item{|number|}\ \ Recipes will be numbered sequentially to the left of the % recipe title. (This is the % default.) The recipe \emph{steps} will always be numbered. % \item{|nonumber|}\ \ Recipes will not be numbered. % \item{|index|}\ \ Recipe titles will be written to the index for the % document. % \item{|noindex|}\ \ Recipe titles will not be written to the document % index. % (This is the default.) % \item{|contents|}\ \ Recipe titles will be written to the contents for the % document. % \item{|nocontents|}\ \ Recipe titles will not be written to the document % contents. % (This is the default.) % \end{itemize} % You will need the package |nicefrac|; % it comes % with current versions of te\TeX\ and is also % available from CTAN as part of the package |units| in % |macros/latex/|\hskip0cm|contrib/supported/|\hskip0cm|units|. % % % \medskip % \DescribeEnv{recipe} % Each recipe is set out in a |recipe| environment. The three % parameters are the title, and two recipe description fields---it is assumed % that they are used for the number of servings and the preparation time, for % example: % \begin{quote} % |\begin{recipe}{|\textit{Title}|}|% % |{|\textit{Number of servings}|}|% % |{|\textit{Preparation time}|}| % \\$\vdots$\\|\end{recipe}| % \end{quote} % There is no reason why the descriptive fields cannot be used for other % things (such as the number of calories). % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\ingredient} % \DescribeMacro{\ing} % Within the environment, you type in method details directly, and you % type the ingredients using |\ingredient| or the shorter version |\ing| % \textit{before} the method step beside which you want the ingredient to % appear. A new method step is started whenever there is method text before % an |\ingredient|. Two consecutive |\ingredient| % declarations will appear next to the same method step. % % The |\ingredient| command is used as follows: % \begin{quote} % |\ingredient{|\textit{Quantity}|}|% % |{|\textit{Ingredient}|}| % \end{quote} % There is an optional first parameter which allows you to separate the % numerical quantity from the name of the unit of measurement: % \begin{quote} % |\ingredient[|\textit{Numerical quantity}|]|% % |{|\textit{Unit of measurement}|}|% % |{|\textit{Ingredient}|}| % \end{quote} % Examples include: % \begin{quote} % |\ingredient{a pinch}{salt}|\\ % |\ingredient[4]{oz}{sugar}| % \end{quote} % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\Ingredient} % \DescribeMacro{\Ing} % There is an alternative way to specify ingredients using a single % description for both the quantity and the ingredient, as follows: % \begin{quote} % |\Ingredient{|\textit{Ingredient and quantity}|}| % \end{quote} % This can be used where describing awkward descriptions of units. It would % also be preferable if you simply don't like the appearance of separating % units from ingredients as required by |\ingredient|. (My taste has % apparently changed over the last decade and a half!) For example: % \begin{quote} % |\Ingredient{zest and juice of 2 lemons}|\\ % |\Ingredient{Worcestershire sauce, to taste}|\\ % \end{quote} % % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\fr} % Within the recipe you can use |\fr| to typeset fractions using % |\fr12| to get \nicefrac12, or |\fr{11}{12}| to typeset \nicefrac{11}{12}. % If the numerator or denominator of the fraction is more than one digit long % then you will need to enclose it in braces (otherwise they are optional). % % \DescribeMacro{\degrees} % \DescribeMacro{\0} % \DescribeMacro{\X} % \DescribeMacro{\%} % A degree symbol can be obtained using |\degrees| or the shorter form |\0|; % for example |120\0| gives 120${}^\circ$. % A times symbol, ${}\times{}$, can be obtained using |\X|. % As is usual with \LaTeX, to obtain a percent sign, \%, you must use |\%| % since |%| on its own starts a comment. % % % \section{More advanced usage} % The |cuisine| package has been designed so that it is easy to vary the % widths of the columns. \LaTeX\ has very wide margins by default % so the text width is very narrow which may be unsuitable for % typesetting recipes using this package. (It might be worth looking at the % KOMA-Script classes in % |macros/latex/|\hskip0pt|contrib/supported/|\hskip0pt|koma-script/| as an % alternative to the standard \LaTeX\ classes.) % % \DescribeMacro{\RecipeWidths} % The |\RecipeWidths| command is designed to be used in conjunction with the % \LaTeX\ commands for changing the page layout. It is used as follows: % \begin{quote} % |\RecipeWidths{|\textit{Total recipe width}|}|% % |{|\textit{Number of servings width}|}|% % |{|\textit{Step number width}|}|% % |{|\textit{Ingredient width}|}|% % |{|\textit{Quantity width}|}|% % |{|\textit{Units width}|}| % \end{quote} % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\ResetRecipeCounter} % The |\ResetRecipeCounter| command will reset the recipe counter so that % subsequent recipes are numbered from 1. % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\newstep} % Within the recipe environment, to force a new step if you do not want % to declare any ingredients, use the % |\newstep| command. (A |\newstep| command with no preceding ingredient or % method text will be ignored to prevent completely empty steps from % appearing.) % % \DescribeMacro{\newpage} % |\newpage| ends the current step (as for |\newstep|) but also tells the % environment that the next step will appear on % the next page. % It is not normally necessary to use this command since page breaking after % each method step will be done automatically by \LaTeX\ as necessary. % Page breaks can only % occur between method steps; method steps will not be split across pages. % (Consequently, it may be advisable to keep method steps fairly short.) % % \medskip % \DescribeMacro{\freeform} % To typeset text across the whole width of the recipe instead of just the % width of the method, use the |\freeform| command. This is equivalent to % |\noalign| in tables. Freeform text is not given a step number. % % \medskip % The recipe environment has an optional first parameter with which you can % assign a label to a recipe. % \begin{quote} % |\begin{recipe}[|\textit{Label}|]{|\textit{Title}|}|% % |{|\textit{Servings}|}|% % |{|\textit{Preparation time}|}| % \\$\vdots$\\|\end{recipe}| % \end{quote} % |\pageref| and |\ref| then refer to the recipe page number % and recipe number respectively of the recipe with that label. For example, % the label in the recipe below will make |\ref{Zabaglione}| give recipe % number \ref{Zabaglione}. (Note that you cannot use |\label| for this % purpose within the environment because it breaks the formatting.) % % \section{Fonts} % The fonts used in the different parts of a recipe can be altered by % changing the definition of the following macros; this should be done % using, for example, \verb|\renewcommand*{\recipetitlefont}{\sffamily}|. % % \begin{tabular}{ll} % \verb|\recipefont|&The default font used for the fonts below\\ % \verb|\recipetitlefont|&The font for the recipe title\\ % \verb|\recipeservingsfont|&The font for the number of servings\\ % \verb|\recipetimefont|&The font for the preparation time\\ % \verb|\recipenumberfont|&The font for the recipe number\\ % \verb|\recipestepnumberfont|&The font for each step number\\ % \verb|\recipequantityfont|&The font for the numerical quantity\\ % \verb|\recipeunitfont|&The font for the unit of measurement\\ % & (or descriptive quantity)\\ % \verb|\recipeingredientfont|&The font for the ingredient\\ % \verb|\recipemethodfont|&The font for the method details\\ % \verb|\recipefreeformfont|&The font for freeform descriptions\\ % \end{tabular} % % \section{Examples} % \subsection{A simple example} % There is only whitespace between the first three % ingredients, so they are used for the first step with % the method text which follows. (Had % there been text before the first ingredient, that text would become the first % step and the heating instruction would be the second step.) The fourth % |\ingredient| signals the end of the method text and starts a new step. The % final |\end{recipe}| finishes that step. % \medskip % % \begin{small}\noindent % |\begin{recipe}{Yorkshire Pudding}{4 portions}{1\fr12 hours}|\\ % |\ingredient[\fr12]{pt}{milk}|\\ % |\ingredient[2]{oz}{butter}|\\ % |\ingredient[5]{oz}{self-raising flour}|\\ % |Heat the milk and butter until nearly boiling. Add flour and allow to|\\ % |seeth over.|\\ % |\ingredient[3]{}{eggs}|\\ % |\ingredient{to taste}{salt and pepper}|\\ % |Add the remaining eggs and whisk again. Cook at 220\0C for about 1 hour.|\\ % |\end{recipe}| % \end{small} % \medskip % % \begin{recipe}{Yorkshire Pudding}{4 portions}{1\fr12 hours} % \ingredient[\fr12]{pt}{milk} % \ingredient[2]{oz}{butter} % \ingredient[5]{oz}{self-raising flour} % Heat the milk and butter until nearly boiling. Add flour and % allow to seeth over. % \ingredient[3]{}{eggs} % \ingredient{to taste}{salt and pepper} % Add the remaining eggs and whisk again. Cook at 220\0C % for about 1 hour. % \end{recipe} % % \bigskip % The recipe below is the same but using the single-argument |\Ingredient| % command. As you can see, the alignment is different from that of % |\ingredient| and mixing them probably won't produce a pleasing output. % If you are using only |\Ingredient| then the ingredients column can probably % be made narrower (remember that this is still the sum of the quantity, unit % and ingredient widths). % \begin{recipe}{Yorkshire Pudding}{4 portions}{1\fr12 hours} % \Ingredient{\fr12 pt milk} % \Ingredient{2 oz butter} % \Ingredient{5 oz self-raising flour} % Heat the milk and butter until nearly boiling. Add flour and % allow to seeth over. % \Ingredient{3 eggs} % \Ingredient{salt and pepper, to taste} % Add the remaining eggs and whisk again. Cook at 220\0C % for about 1 hour. % \end{recipe} % % \bigskip % % \subsection{A more complex example} % We can change the widths of the columns using, for example, % \begin{quote} % |\RecipeWidths{.75\textwidth}{3cm}{0.5cm}{1.75cm}{.75cm}{.75cm}| % \end{quote} % \noindent and the |small| environment to produce a different layout. % We can also change the fonts, for example: % \begin{quote} % |\renewcommand*{\recipetitlefont}{\large\bfseries\sffamily}|\\ % |\renewcommand*{\recipenumberfont}{\large\bfseries\sffamily}|\\ % |\renewcommand*{\recipequantityfont}{\sffamily\bfseries}|\\ % |\renewcommand*{\recipeunitfont}{\sffamily}|\\ % |\renewcommand*{\recipeingredientfont}{\sffamily}|\\ % |\renewcommand*{\recipefreeformfont}{\itshape}| % \end{quote} % % The example below demostrates the |\newstep| and |\newpage| commands, and % also how to use |\freeform| to create freeform text. |\freeform| can also % be used to create rules in the same way as when using |\noalign| in tables. % In this case, recipe numbering has been turned on, and the |small| % environment is being used. Note the label declaration % ``Zabaglione''. % % \medskip % \begin{small}\noindent % |\begin{recipe}[Zabaglione]{Zabaglione alla Marsala}{4 Portions}{\fr12 hour}|\\ % |\freeform This is a well-known Italian recipe which is |\\ % |great for piling on the calories.|\\ % |\ingredient[6]{}{egg yolks}|\\ % |\ingredient[2]{oz}{granulated sugar}|\\ % |\ingredient[6--8]{tbsp}{Marsala (or sherry)}|\\ % |\ingredient[\fr14]{oz}{gelatine}|\\ % |\ingredient[2]{tbsp}{cold water}|\\ % |In the top of a double boiler, combine the egg yolks with sugar and|\\ % |Marsala, and whip the mixture over hot, but not boiling, water until it|\\ % |thickens. Stir in gelatine, softened in cold water and dissolved over hot|\\ % |water.|\\ % |\ingredient[3]{tbsp}{brandy}|\\ % |\ingredient[\fr38]{pt}{double cream}|\\ % |Put the pan in a bowl of ice and stir the |\\ % |zabaglione well until it is thick and free of bubbles. When it is almost |\\ % |cold, fold in brandy and whipped cream and pour into individual moulds.|\\ % |\freeform\rule{\textwidth}{0.05pt}\newpage|\\ % |\freeform\rule{\textwidth}{0.05pt}|\\ % |\ingredient[3]{}{egg yolks}|\\ % |\ingredient[1]{oz}{granulated sugar}|\\ % |\ingredient[3--4]{tbsp}{Marsala (or sherry)}|\\ % |\ingredient[1\fr12]{tbsp}{brandy}|\\ % |To make the sauce, combine egg yolks and sugar in the top of a double |\\ % |saucepan. Whisk mixture over hot, but not boiling, water until the|\\ % |sauce coats |\\ % |the back of a spoon. Stir in the Marsala and brandy.|\\ % |\newstep|\\ % |Chill the zabaglione, unmould it, and serve with the sauce immediately.|\\ % |\freeform\hrulefill|\\ % |\end{recipe}| % \medskip % \begin{center} % \renewcommand*{\recipetitlefont}{\large\bfseries\sffamily} % \renewcommand*{\recipenumberfont}{\large\bfseries\sffamily} % \renewcommand*{\recipequantityfont}{\sffamily\bfseries} % \renewcommand*{\recipeunitfont}{\sffamily} % \renewcommand*{\recipeingredientfont}{\sffamily} % \renewcommand*{\recipefreeformfont}{\itshape} % \RecipeWidths{.75\textwidth}{3cm}{0.5cm}{1.75cm}{.75cm}{.75cm} % \makeatletter\numb@ringtrue\makeatother ^^A Cheap trick % \ResetRecipeCounter % % \begin{recipe}[Zabaglione]{Zabaglione alla Marsala}{4 Portions}{\fr12 hour} % \freeform This is a well-known Italian recipe which is % great for piling on the calories. % \ingredient[6]{}{egg yolks} % \ingredient[2]{oz}{granulated sugar} % \ingredient[6--8]{tbsp}{Marsala (or sherry)} % \ingredient[\fr14]{oz}{gelatine} % \ingredient[2]{tbsp}{cold water} % In the top of a double boiler, combine the egg yolks % with sugar and Marsala, and whip the mixture over hot, but not % boiling, water until it thickens. Stir in gelatine, softened in cold water % and dissolved over hot water. % \ingredient[3]{tbsp}{brandy} % \ingredient[\fr38]{pt}{double cream} % Put the pan in a bowl of ice and stir the % zabaglione well until it is thick and free of bubbles. When it is almost % cold, fold in brandy and whipped cream and pour into individual moulds. % \freeform\rule{\textwidth}{0.05pt}\newpage % \freeform\rule{\textwidth}{0.05pt} % \ingredient[3]{}{egg yolks} % \ingredient[1]{oz}{granulated sugar} % \ingredient[3--4]{tbsp}{Marsala (or sherry)} % \ingredient[1\fr12]{tbsp}{brandy} % To make the sauce, combine egg yolks and sugar in the top of a double % saucepan. Whisk mixture over hot, but not boiling, water until the % sauce coats % the back of a spoon. Stir in the Marsala and brandy. % \newstep % Chill the zabaglione, unmould it, and serve with the sauce immediately. % \freeform\hrulefill % \end{recipe} % \end{center}\end{small} % % \section{Bugs, Issues, Features, \dots} % \begin{itemize} % \item{Method steps can't be split across pages. This means you can get % lots of empty white space at the bottom of pages, especially if you have % long methods.} % \item{There may be alignment problems if the recipe fonts differ much in % height.} % \item{Formatting doesn't work very well when the ingredient quantity is % too wide for its box.} % \item{There is no support for dual sets of quantities, for example where two % systems of measurement are used or for different numbers of servings. % You can write \verb|\ingredient{<4 oz>/<100 g>}{butter}|, or use % |\Ingredient| but I don't think implementing commands such as % \verb|\ingredient[1]{oz}[25]{g}{butter}| would be worthwhile.} % \end{itemize} % Please e-mail me at \myemailaddress\ if you can help find or solve any % problems with this package. % % \section{Change History} % \begin{small} % \begin{itemize} % \item[\sl v0.5]Written---release on CTAN. % \item[\sl v0.6]Fixed a couple of vertical alignment problems. % Labelling of recipes for |\ref|. |\X| (times) macro. % Added different index and contents options, and corrected a % bug that sometimes gave the wrong page number. % If |recipe|'s |#4| is empty, don't leave a blank line. % The step number width can be changed but the recipe number % width varies. % \item[\sl v0.7]Added the |\Ingredient| command for single-argument % ingredients. % \end{itemize} % \end{small} % % \StopEventually{} % \newpage % \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} % % \section{Identification section and initialisation} % The package declaration follows the standard form. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{cuisine}[2014/06/26 v0.7 recipe typesetting] % \end{macrocode} % % We use the |nicefrac| package for ``nice'' fractions. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{nicefrac} % \end{macrocode} % %^^A ------------------------------------------------ % \section{Counters, booleans and lengths} % % |r@cipenumber| is the recipe number counter. % This could be made dependent on, say, the section number. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{r@cipenumber} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\ResetRecipeCounter} % The |\ResetRecipeCounter| macro resets the recipe number counter to 0. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\ResetRecipeCounter}{% \setcounter{r@cipenumber}{0}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % |st@pnumber| is the step counter within recipes. % It is zeroed whenever the recipe counter is incremented. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{st@pnumber}[r@cipenumber] % \end{macrocode} % % |ingr@dnumber| is the ingredient counter within recipes and steps. % It is zeroed whenever the step counter is incremented. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{ingr@dnumber}[st@pnumber] % \end{macrocode} % %\medskip % |ifnumb@ring| determines whether or not recipe numbers are printed. % (Step numbers will always be printed.) % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifnumb@ring % \end{macrocode} % % |ifc@ntentsing| determines whether we are % writing the recipes to an contents file or not. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifc@ntentsing % \end{macrocode} % % |ifind@xing| determines whether we are % writing the recipes to an index file or not. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifind@xing % \end{macrocode} % % |iffr@eforming| determines whether or not we are in freeform mode. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\iffr@eforming % \end{macrocode} % % |ifn@wpaging| determines whether or not the next step will be on a new % page. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifn@wpaging % \end{macrocode} % % |\R@cipeWidth| is the total width of the recipe. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\R@cipeWidth} % \end{macrocode} % % The following are, respectively, the widths of the recipe number box, the % recipe title box, the recipe number-of-servings box, and the total of the % recipe title and number-of-servings boxes. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\R@cipeNumberWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeTitleWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeServingsWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeTandSWidth} % \end{macrocode} % % This is the distance ingredient (etc.) paragraphs are outdented. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\R@cipeOutdent} % \end{macrocode} % % These are the horizontal spaces between the quantity and units, and between % the unit and the ingredient. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\R@cipeIngQUSpace} \newlength{\R@cipeIngUISpace} % \end{macrocode} % % These are the vertical distances for the recipe title-to-rule adjustments % (usually negative). % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustTop} \newlength{\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustBot} % \end{macrocode} % % These are the widths of the ingredient descriptors and combinations of % them. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\R@cipeIngredientWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeQuantityWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeUnitsWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeQandUWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeIandUWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeIQUWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeSingleIngWidth} % \end{macrocode} % % |\R@cipeMethodWidth| is the width of the method text. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\R@cipeMethodWidth} % \end{macrocode} % % |\St@pNumberWidth| is the width of the step number and |\R@cipeStepWidth| is % the width of everything within a step. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\St@pNumberWidth} \newlength{\R@cipeStepWidth} % \end{macrocode} % %\medskip % The following macros are to set the lengths defined above. % % \begin{macro}{\R@cipeMethodWidths} % |\R@cipeMethodWidths| is to set the widths of the boxes/columns used in the % recipe steps. % There are four parameters: |#1| is the step number width, |#2| is the % ingredient width, |#3| the quantity width, |#4| the units width. % The other lengths below are deduced from these and |\R@cipeMethodWidth|. % The |0.5cm| values are to leave a little space between the columns. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\R@cipeMethodWidths}[4]{% \setlength{\St@pNumberWidth}{#1}% \setlength{\R@cipeIngredientWidth}{#2}% \setlength{\R@cipeQuantityWidth}{#3}% \setlength{\R@cipeUnitsWidth}{#4}% \setlength{\R@cipeQandUWidth}{\R@cipeQuantityWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeQandUWidth}{\R@cipeUnitsWidth}% \setlength{\R@cipeIQUWidth}{\R@cipeQandUWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeIQUWidth}{\R@cipeIngredientWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeIQUWidth}{0.5cm}% \setlength{\R@cipeIandUWidth}{\R@cipeIQUWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeIandUWidth}{-\R@cipeQuantityWidth}% \setlength{\R@cipeStepWidth}{\R@cipeWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeStepWidth}{-\St@pNumberWidth}% \setlength{\R@cipeMethodWidth}{\R@cipeStepWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeMethodWidth}{-\R@cipeIngredientWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeMethodWidth}{-\R@cipeQandUWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeMethodWidth}{-0.5cm}% \setlength{\R@cipeSingleIngWidth}{\R@cipeIQUWidth}% % \end{macrocode} % Allow for the ingredient paragraph outdenting. % \begin{macrocode} \addtolength{\R@cipeIngredientWidth}{-\R@cipeOutdent} \addtolength{\R@cipeUnitsWidth}{-\R@cipeOutdent} \addtolength{\R@cipeQandUWidth}{-\R@cipeOutdent} \addtolength{\R@cipeSingleIngWidth}{-\R@cipeOutdent} \addtolength{\R@cipeSingleIngWidth}{-\R@cipeIngQUSpace} \addtolength{\R@cipeSingleIngWidth}{-\R@cipeIngUISpace} }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\R@cipeTitleWidths} % |\R@cipeTitleWidths| is to set the widths of the boxes/columns used in % the recipe title. % There are two parameters: |#1| is the number of servings width. % The title width is deduced from that. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\R@cipeTitleWidths}[1]{% \setlength{\R@cipeServingsWidth}{#1}% \setlength{\R@cipeTitleWidth}{\R@cipeWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeTitleWidth}{-\R@cipeServingsWidth}% \setlength{\R@cipeTandSWidth}{\R@cipeServingsWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeTandSWidth}{\R@cipeTitleWidth}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\RecipeWidths} % |\RecipeWidths| combines the above macros in a useable form. There are six % parameters: % |#1| is the recipe width, |#2| the number of servings width, |#3| the step % number width, |#4| the ingredient width, |#5| the quantity width, |#6| the % units width. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand*{\RecipeWidths}[6]{% \setlength{\R@cipeWidth}{#1}% \R@cipeTitleWidths{#2}% \R@cipeMethodWidths{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % %\medskip % Now we set up the default values. % These appear to be reasonable for the LaTeX default page layout % (A4, portrait, one column, etc.) % I don't think the LaTeX default width is good for a recipe book though! % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\R@cipeOutdent}{0.3cm}% \setlength{\R@cipeIngQUSpace}{0.1cm}% \setlength{\R@cipeIngUISpace}{0.2cm}% \setlength{\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustTop}{-0.25cm} \setlength{\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustBot}{-0.25cm} \RecipeWidths{\textwidth}{3cm}{0.8cm}{3.5cm}{1cm}{1.7cm} % \end{macrocode} % %^^A ------------------------------------------------ % % \section{Fonts} % This is where the default fonts are set up. % \verb|\recipefont| is the default font for the other recipe fonts; thus % the other fonts inherit from this but can be altered individually. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\recipefont{\normalfont} \newcommand*\recipetitlefont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipenumberfont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipestepnumberfont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipequantityfont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipeunitfont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipeingredientfont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipemethodfont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipeservingsfont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipetimefont{\recipefont} \newcommand*\recipefreeformfont{\recipefont} % \end{macrocode} % % %^^A ------------------------------------------------ % \section{Boxes} % |\st@pingrbox| is to hold the ingredients cumulatively as each |\ingredient| % command is processed; |\st@pingrtmpbox| and |\titl@tmpbox| are used as % temporary transfer boxes. % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\st@pingrbox} \newsavebox{\st@pingrtmpbox} \newsavebox{\titl@tmpbox} % \end{macrocode} % This is used to hold a single ingredient as it is being processed: % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\st@pIQUbox} % \end{macrocode} % This is to hold the method (or freeform) text for the step: % \begin{macrocode} \newsavebox{\st@pmethodbox} % \end{macrocode} % % ^^A------------------------------------------------ % \section{Options} % % |nonumber| --- Should recipes be numbered? (The default is yes.) % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{number}{\numb@ringtrue} \DeclareOption{nonumber}{\numb@ringfalse} % \end{macrocode} % % |contents| --- Should recipes be indexed to a file? (The default is no.) % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{contents}{\c@ntentsingtrue} \DeclareOption{nocontents}{\c@ntentsingfalse} % \end{macrocode} % % |index| --- Should recipes be indexed to a file? (The default is no.) % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{index}{\ind@xingtrue} \DeclareOption{noindex}{\ind@xingfalse} % \end{macrocode} % % Process the options, using the defaults if necessary. % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteOptions{number,noindex,nocontents} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % %^^A ------------------------------------------------ % \section{The main macros} % \subsection{Macros for displaying the steps and title} % %\begin{macro}{\Displ@ySt@p} % |\Displ@ySt@p| displays the ingredients and method for the current step % and resets things ready for the next step. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\Displ@ySt@p}{% % \end{macrocode} % First, increment the step counter and put extra vertical space between steps. % (But it isn't uniform yet, unfortunately.) % \begin{macrocode} \stepcounter{st@pnumber}% % \end{macrocode} % Display this step. % \begin{macrocode} \makebox[\R@cipeWidth]{% \makebox[\St@pNumberWidth][l]{\recipestepnumberfont\arabic{st@pnumber}}% \usebox{\st@pingrbox}% \usebox{\st@pmethodbox}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Finally, clear the step storage boxes for the next step. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pingrbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth]{} }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\Fr@eFormStep} % |\Fr@eFormStep| displays a free form description; it works in the same way % as |\Displ@ySt@p|. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\Fr@eFormStep}{% \usebox{\st@pmethodbox}% \savebox{\st@pmethodbox}[\R@cipeMethodWidth]{}% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\DisplaySt@p} % This calls one of the two display routines above, % depending on whether we are freeforming % or not. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\DisplaySt@p}{% \iffr@eforming% \Fr@eFormStep% \else% \Displ@ySt@p% \fi% \ifn@wpaging% \recipen@wpage% \else% \vskip0.2cm% \fi% \n@wpagingfalse% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\r@cipetitle} % |\r@cipetitle| displays the recipe title construction, given the parameters % |#1| the title, |#2| the number of servings and |#3| the preparation time. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\r@cipetitle}[3]{% % \end{macrocode} % The |\parskip| ensures that the distance between the rule and the text above % and below does not change when the page's vertical glue ``sets''. % The following displays the text line above the rule; the recipe number width % is automatically determined here. % \begin{macrocode} \mbox{% \makebox[\R@cipeWidth][t]{% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeWidth}{% \ifnumb@ring% \savebox{\titl@tmpbox}{% {\recipenumberfont\arabic{r@cipenumber}\ \ }% }% \setlength{\R@cipeNumberWidth}{\wd\titl@tmpbox}% \addtolength{\R@cipeTitleWidth}{-\R@cipeNumberWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeTandSWidth}{-\R@cipeNumberWidth}% \lineskip0pt\mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeNumberWidth}{% \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% \strut\usebox{\titl@tmpbox}% \strut% }% \makebox[\R@cipeTandSWidth][t]{% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeTandSWidth}{% \lineskip0pt\mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeTitleWidth}{% \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% \strut{\recipetitlefont #1}\strut\hfill}% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeServingsWidth}{% \strut{\hfill\recipeservingsfont #2}\strut}% }% }% \addtolength{\R@cipeTandSWidth}{\R@cipeNumberWidth}% \addtolength{\R@cipeTitleWidth}{\R@cipeNumberWidth}% \else% \lineskip0pt\mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeTitleWidth}{% \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% \strut{\recipetitlefont #1}\strut\hfill}% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeServingsWidth}{% \strut{\hfill\recipeservingsfont #2}\strut}% \fi% }% }% }\par% % \end{macrocode} % Next we display the rule, being careful not to allow % page breaks during the title, using the adjustments as specified above. % (This is a bit vague and nasty...) % \begin{macrocode} %% \nopagebreak %% \vspace{\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustTop}% \nopagebreak \rule[-\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustTop]{\R@cipeWidth}{0.4pt}\par% \nopagebreak \vskip\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustBot% %% \vspace{\R@cipeTitleVerticalAdjustBot}% \nopagebreak % \end{macrocode} % Finally we display the text line below the rule if it isn't empty: % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\relax#3\relax% \else \makebox[\R@cipeWidth][r]{\recipetimefont #3}\par% \fi \nopagebreak }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % % \subsection{Macros for the method box} % These macros are to input the method box |\st@pmethodbox|, and are hence % called at the start and end of the method box, or equivalently the % \emph{end} and \emph{start} of the ingredient (etc.) macros. % %\begin{macro}{\r@cipesloppy} % This is a version of \sloppy which doesn't cause problems with the % definition! (The \LaTeX\ definition has a problem where the empty box % detection in |\pr@ingred| fails.) % \begin{macrocode} \def\r@cipesloppy{% \tolerance 9999% \emergencystretch 3em% \hfuzz.5pt% \vfuzz.5pt% % \end{macrocode} % This is not in |\sloppy|: avoid warning on underfull boxes, which are % more common since the columns are very narrow. % This value may need to be adjusted... % \begin{macrocode} \hbadness 1500% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\pr@ingred} % This macro is called at the start of ingredients (that is, the % end of the method box). It first ends the minipage--box which was started % in the previous |\p@stingred|. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\pr@ingred}{% \endminipage\end{lrbox}% % \end{macrocode} % Here we compare the width of the |\st@pmethodbox| with zero to determine % whether anything was entered into it. % (The idea for determining whether box is empty was from % Donald Arseneau, |comp.text.tex|.) % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\wd\st@pmethodbox=0in% % \PackageWarning{cuisine}{No text}% % use for testing \else% % \PackageWarning{cuisine}{Method text}% \DisplaySt@p% \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\p@stingred} % And this macro is called at the end of ingredients (the start of the method % box). % % This is very odd. Using |\begin{lrbox}|...|\end{lrbox}| isn't % supposed to work properly over an environment definition (and doesn't % seem to, either). So we use |\lrbox|...|\endlrbox|. But we want to nest % a |\minipage| inside this, which fails. But it does work with % |\begin{lrbox}\minipage|...|\endminipage\end{lrbox}|. % % \centerline{WHY?!} % % What happens, anyway, is that a new minipage--box is started. Provided % the user doesn't put anything other than whitespace and comments between % this and the next |\pr@ingred| then the box will be empty. This is how % |\p@stingred| knows whether to display the step or not when called by % |\ingr@dient|. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\p@stingred}{% \fr@eformingfalse% \begin{lrbox}{\st@pmethodbox}\minipage[t]{\R@cipeMethodWidth}% \recipemethodfont% \noindent% \ignorespaces% \r@cipesloppy% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\subsection{Step terminating macros} % These macros call |\pr@ingred| and |\p@stingred|, and % can (through |\pr@ingred|) cause the next step to be started. % %\begin{macro}{\m@thodend} % The |\m@thodend| command (which is |\newstep| in the environment) forces % a new step unless there is no method \textbf{and} no ingredient. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\m@thodend}{% \endminipage\end{lrbox}% \ifdim\wd\st@pmethodbox=0in% \ifnum\value{ingr@dnumber}>0% % \end{macrocode} % In this case, the method box is empty so we put something in it to avoid % problems with alignment. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pmethodbox}[\R@cipeMethodWidth]{\mbox{}}% \DisplaySt@p% \fi% \else% \DisplaySt@p% \fi% \p@stingred% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\r@cipen@wpage} % |\r@cipen@wpage| is a macro which sets |\n@wpagingtrue|---so that the next % step will appear on the next page---and then forces the next step. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand\r@cipen@wpage{\global\n@wpagingtrue\m@thodend} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\fr@eform} % |\fr@eform| is for freeform text, like |\noalign| in tables. % Again, as for |\m@thodend|, we want to force the new step unless there is % no method and no ingredient. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\fr@eform}{% \endminipage\end{lrbox}% \ifdim\wd\st@pmethodbox=0in% \ifnum\value{ingr@dnumber}>0% \savebox{\st@pmethodbox}[\R@cipeMethodWidth]{\mbox{}}% \DisplaySt@p% \fi% \else% \DisplaySt@p% \fi% % \end{macrocode} % The rest is like |\p@stingred|: % \begin{macrocode} \fr@eformingtrue% \begin{lrbox}{\st@pmethodbox}\minipage[t]{\R@cipeWidth}% \recipefreeformfont% \noindent% \ignorespaces% \r@cipesloppy% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ingr@dient} % The |\ingr@dient| command takes 3 parameters, one optional. |#3| is the % ingredient. If |#1| is non-blank then |#1| is the numerical quantity and % |#2| the unit of measure, otherwise |#2| is the quantity. Start by ending the % method box. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\ingr@dient}[3][]{% \pr@ingred% % \end{macrocode} % % The following is the main bit to typeset the ingredients list. % (Thanks to Ulrike Fischer, |comp.text.tex|, for help with aligning box % baselines.) % % This is a hack to see if |#1| is empty (Patrick Guio, |comp.text.tex|). % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\relax#1\relax% % \end{macrocode} % If it is empty we typeset |#2| in the whole QandU width. We align the top of % the ingredient box with the bottom of the quantity box but have the % baseline as the top line of the quantity box. Use ragged right because the % column is too narrow for flush right. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pIQUbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth][t]{% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeIQUWidth}{% \lineskip0pt\mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]% \rule{\R@cipeOutdent}{0cm}% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeQandUWidth}{% \raggedright\recipeunitfont% \setlength{\parindent}{-\R@cipeOutdent}% % \end{macrocode} % This sees whether the text is large enough to fit on one line, in which case % it centres it; otherwise it formats it sensibly. % % Note: the |\hfill| matches another one elsewhere to centre the line. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pingrtmpbox}{#2}% \ifdim\wd\st@pingrtmpbox>\R@cipeQandUWidth% \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% \strut #2\strut% \else% \noindent% \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% \strut #2\hfill\strut% \fi% }% \rule{\R@cipeIngUISpace}{0cm}% \rule{\R@cipeOutdent}{0cm}% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeIngredientWidth}{\raggedright% \recipeingredientfont% \setlength{\parindent}{-\R@cipeOutdent}% \strut #3\strut}% }% }% \else % \end{macrocode} % If |#1| was not empty, typeset |#1| and |#2| separately. First align the top of % the ingredient box with the bottom of the unit box but have the % baseline as the top line of the unit box; then repeat with that box below % the quantity box. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pingrtmpbox}[\R@cipeIandUWidth][t]{% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeIandUWidth}{% \lineskip0pt\mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]% \rule{\R@cipeOutdent}{0cm}% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeUnitsWidth}{% \raggedright\recipeunitfont% \setlength{\parindent}{-\R@cipeOutdent}% \rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% \strut #2\strut\hfill}% \rule{\R@cipeIngUISpace}{0cm}% \rule{\R@cipeOutdent}{0cm}% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeIngredientWidth}{% \raggedright\recipeingredientfont% \setlength{\parindent}{-\R@cipeOutdent}% \strut #3\strut}% }% }% \savebox{\st@pIQUbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth][t]{% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeIQUWidth}{% \lineskip0pt\mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]% \parbox[b]{\R@cipeQuantityWidth}{\rule{0pt}{\baselineskip}% \hfill % \raggedright\recipequantityfont% \strut #1\strut% \rule{\R@cipeIngQUSpace}{0cm}}% \usebox{\st@pingrtmpbox}% }% }% \fi% % \end{macrocode} % Use |\st@pingrtmpbox| as a temporary holding box. The |\lineskip0pt| % and the |\strut|s % ensure that the ingredients' and the method text's baselines % are aligned correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pingrtmpbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth][t]{\usebox{\st@pingrbox}}% \savebox{\st@pingrbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth][t]{% \begin{minipage}[t]{\R@cipeIQUWidth}% \lineskip0pt% \ifnum\value{ingr@dnumber}>0% \usebox{\st@pingrtmpbox}\par% \usebox{\st@pIQUbox}\strut% \else% \usebox{\st@pIQUbox}\strut% \fi% \end{minipage}% }% % \usebox{\st@pingrbox} % For testing: show cumulative boxes. \stepcounter{ingr@dnumber}% \p@stingred% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\Ingr@dient} %The |\Ingr@dient| command takes just one parameter. It fits in the same %final box as |\ingr@dient| but is much simpler. Start by ending the method %box. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\Ingr@dient}[1]{% \pr@ingred% % \end{macrocode} % %We typeset |#1| in the single ingredient width, which is the IQU width minus %the outdent. Use ragged right because the %column is too narrow for flush right. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pIQUbox}[\R@cipeSingleIngWidth][t]{% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeSingleIngWidth}{% \lineskip0pt\mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]% \rule{\R@cipeOutdent}{0cm}% \parbox[t]{\R@cipeSingleIngWidth}{\raggedright% \recipeingredientfont% \setlength{\parindent}{-\R@cipeOutdent}% \strut #1\strut}% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Use |\st@pingrtmpbox| as a temporary holding box. The |\lineskip0pt| % and the |\strut|s % ensure that the ingredients' and the method text's baselines % are aligned correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \savebox{\st@pingrtmpbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth][t]{\usebox{\st@pingrbox}}% \savebox{\st@pingrbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth][t]{% \begin{minipage}[t]{\R@cipeIQUWidth}% \lineskip0pt% \ifnum\value{ingr@dnumber}>0% \usebox{\st@pingrtmpbox}\par% \usebox{\st@pIQUbox}\strut% \else% \usebox{\st@pIQUbox}\strut% \fi% \end{minipage}% }% % \usebox{\st@pingrbox} % For testing: show cumulative boxes. \stepcounter{ingr@dnumber}% \p@stingred% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %^^A ------------------------------------------------ %\section{The recipe environment} %\begin{environment}{recipe} %This is the main environment in the package. Its 3 parameters are |#2| is %the recipe title, |#3| is the number of portions, and |#3| the preparation %time. Of course, |#3| and |#4| can be whatever you like but that is one way %of using them. |#1| is the label. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{recipe}[4][]{% % \end{macrocode} % These are the things that are put at the start of the recipe environment. % First, set things up. Increment the recipe counter (which can be used in % |\label|), make command aliases and empty the boxes. % Note that |\label| is set through |#1|, {\bf not} |\label|. % \begin{macrocode} \refstepcounter{r@cipenumber} \ifx\relax#1\relax \else \label{#1} \fi \let\label\relax \let\newstep\m@thodend \let\recipen@wpage\newpage \let\newpage\r@cipen@wpage \let\0\d@grees \let\X\tim@s \let\degrees\d@grees \let\fr\fr@ction \let\ing\ingr@dient \let\ingredient\ingr@dient \let\Ing\Ingr@dient \let\Ingredient\Ingr@dient \let\freeform\fr@eform \n@wpagingfalse% \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \savebox{\st@pingrbox}[\R@cipeIQUWidth]{} \savebox{\st@pmethodbox}[\R@cipeMethodWidth]{} % \end{macrocode} % Make sure that the recipe is spaced appropriately from the preceding text % and start a new page if necessary. This is not part of |\r@cipetitle| % because putting the break after |\addcontentsline| might yield the wrong % page number. The blank line below is intentional. % \begin{macrocode} \bigskip\medskip \pagebreak[0] \parskip0pt% % \end{macrocode} % Next deal with the contents/index entry if we need to. Again, the % |\nopagebreak| prevents the contents line occurring on the previous page. % \begin{macrocode} \ifc@ntentsing% \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#2}% \fi% \ifind@xing% \index{#2 (\arabic{r@cipenumber})}% \fi% \nopagebreak% % \end{macrocode} % Display the title and start the method box. % \begin{macrocode} \r@cipetitle{#2}{#3}{#4} \vskip0.2cm% \p@stingred% }% {% % \end{macrocode} % These are the things put at the end of recipes. % End the method box and deal with the last step. Give a warning if the % recipe is empty. % It is apparently not necessary to reset the earlier assignments and % |\parindent|. % \begin{macrocode} \pr@ingred% \ifnum\value{st@pnumber}=0% then complain! \PackageWarning{cuisine}{The recipe did not have any steps}% \fi% \pagebreak[0]% \medskip% % \end{macrocode} % This prevents indentation problems after the end of the environment. % \begin{macrocode} \@endpetrue% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{environment} % % %^^A ------------------------------------------------ %\section{Miscellaneous useful macros} % % \begin{macro}{\d@grees} %This is to typeset a degrees symbol. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\d@grees}{% ${}^\circ$% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\tim@s} % This is to typeset a times symbol (like ${}\times\!$). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\tim@s}{% \relax${}\times{}$\relax% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\fr@ction} % This is to typeset fractions, currently using package |nicefrac|. % \begin{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand{\fr@ction}[2]{% \nicefrac#1#2% }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %^^A ------------------------------------------------ %^^A That's it... % % \Finale \endinput% %^^A END OF FILE %^^A ------------------------------------------------